Goblin's Playground
- Story Line : We meet 3 factions of Goblins In some Forbidden land... We chose one tipe of Goblin and surive while harsh the lives of our enemies.We can do alot of things like going into brewing potions , building machines,forgeing weapons , gathering resources , farming plants , mining , cuttin trees for wood etc. All of the jobs provide wide range of providing resources .
- Gameplay : We chose one tipe of goblin we make a good team we survive we combine lots of items to get powerfull items to get powerfull abilities and powerfull potions or just powerfull state and capital ... Every Goblin has different sides pro-s and con-s . There are 6 different Goblin tipes !
- Items : There are over
200 items and plenty of
- Credits :
This map is allike "Island Troll Tribes"
Have Fun!!
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Goblin's Playground , fun , playground , goblins , goblin , troll tribes , goblin tribes , tribes