Goblin Assault Tank 'Gazlowe'

The tank's manual:
"The heavy, medium-sized battle tank of the Goblins can easily take out weak units in one blow. Also, a heavy plating of a custom made alloy has been assigned to the tank design to insure the best protection against melee, ranged and magic. Two tanks with a multi-purpose fuel has been fitted to the end each thread. Additionally, the tank's turret can be upgraded with two rocket pods afterwards to make it also deadly against air units."

- Animated tracks and fitted foot print tracks
- Fitted effects and smoke
- Simple but effective design

The mesh of the tank has been made in Mildshape3D and has been assigned to the steamengine's bone structure, so it uses nearly the same animations as the steamengine (You'll be rather base the unit off the steamengine in Object editor.)

Null made a wonderful screenshot icon for it.

Don't distribute to other sites. Give credits if you use it in your map or campaign. Thanks.
Special thanks to frostwhisper for extensive testing and for making a propaganda picture for it.

tank, goblin, communist, turret, rocket pod, threads, tracks, metal

Goblin Assault Tank 'Gazlowe' (Model)

11:22, 15th Jun 2008 Pyritie: The mesh and everything looks great. The unwrap on the sides looks a little stretched, and you have TONS of bones, making +200KB for a model with no custom textures quite gigantic. Plus, do you really need all of those...
Hey Your Model is Cool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You can create a new model goblin please please

dude this is the 6th time i saw you post the same question .. really the Request forum is there for you .. and if you REALLY need that model.. P.m the member.. and ask him gently.. and even make a trade with him like give him rep or what ever.. cause you wont be answered back like that..:slp:
Level 7
Dec 17, 2008
a bit of a late post but just to say it looks totally awesome, wiked model and hope to see more of your cool work in the future