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Level 18
Sep 2, 2005
has anyone here used glider? What are your opinions of it? What do you think about the lawsuit blizzard filed?

I'm sure you guys know what my stance is. I've never personally used glider, but I'm considering it, I don't see myself running 24/7 bots or using it to power level, but for completing tedious tasks I can see it happening, like if I need to farm some cloth or herbs. Then I can sit in front of my pc with a laptop and mod for wc3 while only having to monitor the farming of herbs instead of the task of spending all the time collecting it getting bored.

Same for kill when I have "go kill shit" quests and don't particularly feel like mindless killing.

I think the claim against mmoglider is BS, I mean, using it for WoW voids your EULA, but there is nothing illegal at all in developing the software, nor selling the software. Hell, using the software isn't illegal, though it is grounds for them to close your account.

Glider doesn't do anything a player can't do, and accesses everything through keyboard and mouse control. Glider itself doesn't run anything that accesses blizzard information or reverse engineers their shit. I personally think it's just that blizzard is annoyed at the fact that warden can't see it.
Level 3
Aug 24, 2007
I've used it (same with a friend of mine) mainly because we had better things to do with our time than mindlessly grind. Both of us quit WoW shortly after BC was released but I still have my opinion that bots shouldn't be a bannable offense.

Some people claim that bots give people an unfair advantage, but getting to level 70 requires no skill whatsoever, same with getting gold/epics. Some people just don't want to commit so much time to doing pointless tasks which are generally required to keep up with the WoW universe and so they turn to bots. If you look at it logically the only reason Blizzard is against it is because of three main things:
1) It shuts up the crybabies who are against it
2) Less time grinding = less time spent on game = less money/month
3) Banning accounts will sometimes cause the player to get a new account, this not only gives them the month's pay on the banned account but a new WoW purchase and another month's pay (this is why they don't IP ban)

In my opinion, get glider and try it yourself. If your smart about it you won't get caught (read some of the guides - create personal glide routines btw).

Edit: The lawsuit practically fell through didn't it - all thy had to do was rename it from WoWGlider to MMOglider
Level 18
Sep 2, 2005
I've used it (same with a friend of mine) mainly because we had better things to do with our time than mindlessly grind. Both of us quit WoW shortly after BC was released but I still have my opinion that bots shouldn't be a bannable offense.

Some people claim that bots give people an unfair advantage, but getting to level 70 requires no skill whatsoever, same with getting gold/epics. Some people just don't want to commit so much time to doing pointless tasks which are generally required to keep up with the WoW universe and so they turn to bots. If you look at it logically the only reason Blizzard is against it is because of three main things:
1) It shuts up the crybabies who are against it
2) Less time grinding = less time spent on game = less money/month
3) Banning accounts will sometimes cause the player to get a new account, this not only gives them the month's pay on the banned account but a new WoW purchase and another month's pay (this is why they don't IP ban)

In my opinion, get glider and try it yourself. If your smart about it you won't get caught (read some of the guides - create personal glide routines btw).

Edit: The lawsuit practically fell through didn't it - all thy had to do was rename it from WoWGlider to MMOglider

it would seem the suit fell through. lol.

less times in game grinding doesn't change cash earned, as in most places around the world wow is a flat rate/month.
Level 18
Sep 2, 2005
its not immoral, it doesn't let you cheat. just lets you put the dull parts of hte game on autopilot.

I suppose if you left it on 24 hours a day to farm gold to sell then its immoral, but for what I was talking about its just less dull.

it does void your eula though, so its like voiding a warranty. they CAN kill your account for it and its not being unreasonable.

from what I read (the article was 2 weeks old) the current warden cannot catch the current glider.

presuming they don't have someone manually controlling my pc that is.
Level 18
Sep 2, 2005
enh. i dont see anything wrong with automating the dull parts. I can't actually see how its NOT a good thing.

They have to know HOW to to the dull parts or they couldnt script the ai to do it, so they must've done it before, but I can wholly appreciate not wanting to go through it over and over.

if I knew they automated that part, I'd think to myself "maybe I should fork up the 25$ so that I don't have to wast my time on the boring parts!" I wouldn't feel cheated, I'd feel like there was a better ideathan what I have been doing that I should be doing (thats how I feel now, thats how I know).

There are bad things that can be done with it, yes, such as scripting ai to run around and collect gold all day. I don't see myself doing that though, cause I would want to use my pc for other things. And it's cheap. like backing someone into a corner in a fighting game and using the stuntime so they can't hit you back. It's not wrong on a moral level, but takes the fun out of the game if used improperly.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
i think bots are a good idea because people like me and my friends who have lives and jobs and girlfriends dont have alot of time for grinding and when we do it gets boring fast. we just wanna get an endgame character and raid, wowglider is the way to do it. wow is made for endgame chars, if you dont get one your playing half the game.

glider is especially good for players who have already dully leveled a main and cant be assed with the same shit twice.
Level 18
Sep 2, 2005
I'm confused as to how its illegal. you can't be sued for breaking the eula. and I suppose if everyone had to follow the "play the boring bits or don't play" mentality, wow would have about 25% less players.

realistically, there shouldn't be boring parts you have to put up with before you can have fun, it should all be fun, and that should be what blizzard should strive for.

I'm more interested in the technical aspect and whether people who have tried it say its worth the trouble then yet Another argument about things that some people consider legitimate and others not.

Morality and legality don't always match up, and not everyone knows what is illegal, I've heards dozens of arguments where someone tells me something is illegal, and upon researching it I find it to not be, and they just dislike it personally and claim laws agree with them to disagree with me, when they have no idea what they're talking about. And which specific things are illegal depends on where you live. I don't even think this falls into the grey area that models rips do in the view of legality. So let's not discuss whether its legal. From the fact that glider hasn't been shut downand is counter claiming against blizzard, (I'm really not sure what for, but slander would be my best guess) I will believe what I have read as legal/illegal until the time that a court decides otherwise and shuts them down. Even then I'll likely think the judge an idiot - but won't use glider at that point.

So lets skip the legal debate at the moment and just get back to my question.

Someone who has used it. did you get banned? is it worth the 25$? what behaviors get you banned, or is it just running the program?

I don't want to hear answers to this from people who don't know, so unless youve used the software, coded the software, watched the result of this from someone else, or you're the coder of Warden, please don't give answers that will just be a waste of your time.

if you want to talk about the original post fine. but we're not discussing opinions of the program so much as we're discussing the court case.
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Lol, I would NEVER get the satisfaction of getting my epic flyer once I hit 5000 gold if I botted it. I would feel dull.

The court case, eh? We've just deepened the subject a little bit. Blizzard sued the Glider creators mainly because they ruin the economy of the server and make the things that they wanted to be hard relatively easy. Bots just ruin the game. Get over it.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
yeh werewulf is right if you actually think that there are morals in computer games......

do you cry a little when you run people over in gta?

if i were you i would just get it but i would buy another copy of wow seperate to your main account because you can get banned, and me personally i would use it to 62 then level myself.
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Lets just say if you use glider you didnt earn your level 70.Like i did.

One doesn't "earn" shit in an MMORPG. It's not "earning" if you don't need skill to get it. You just need time and determination. It's like you won't get respect for becoming rich off selling macdonald's hamburgers because it's all in the customers and the corporate advertisers, not you, whereas you do get respect for inventing some new device that becomes popular and makes you famous.

I glided my second, third and fourth level 70s after I had gotten my first one alone because I didn't want to play through the same boring grinds AGAIN.


Tool Moderator
Level 20
Aug 3, 2004
I've used Glider plenty, even for nefarious things, like farming. I don't see the problem really, people say it's obstructive to other players, but there's no difference between me spending 6 hours grinding in one spot, or the bot spending 6 hours grinding in one spot. The thing is, i can have the thing grinding in the background, while i do more constructive things. And yes, i've even considered gold farming and account selling, since it's a great way to make some extra money, and the price for an account easily covers the expenses of Glider. If you get glider elite, you can even have it glide multiple accounts iirc.
Level 18
Sep 2, 2005
that's how Warden usually picks things up. Glider supposedly doesn't work like other bots.

Glider uses keystrokes and such and the way its designed Warden is not supposed to be able to pick it up, I just want to hear it from someone who used it. I know that a few months ago, the Warden couldn't pick up Glider, and thats coming from Blizzard. but I don't know if they have since tweaked the warden to catch glider.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
glider is hard to catch because as darkholme says it basically mimics the act of the user pressing a key. its the same as when you die and you watch how it resses you. you know when you reach your corpse and it says "would you like to ressurect" and a button, basically the mouse physically scrolls down the screen until it finds the button, instead of sending an automatic command to do it. its all very clever, if you have used glider you will know what i mean.
Level 18
Sep 2, 2005
@Andreja: Yes, yes. We know your opinion, and you don't have any factual information with which to answer my last question, so could you kindly leave it for someone who has at least some experiential evidence that applies to my question to answer it? We all know they added 'things' with the newest patch. The question is in regard to if this is one of them. If its worth me spending 25$. kthxbaibai

@Nemesis: Precisely. So this is why I want to know if the newest patch makes the purchase of Glider to be worthless.
Level 18
Sep 2, 2005
WoW isn't worth 20$ a month, so Glider shouldn't either.

gliders not 20$ a month. its 25, once. and as pointed out above, you can actually MAKE money with glider if youre into selling gold. Which would make the 15/month you pay for WoW be either reduced, free, or less than the profit you make. And if youre into using glider to MAKE money, then you can fork up the extra 5$ a month for the extra features of glider. if youre profiting from playing WoW then the 5$ a month could be worth the features. I'm not saying I would be selling gold, I don't intend to do so now. but if I'm ever strapped for cash and its either sell gold or cancel wow I might sell gold to pay for it.

so now that that is resolved, Please try to get back on topic.

To Someone who has recently used glider: does the new patch recognize whether glider is running? or is it just DMs who recognize botlike behavior?

Seriously. I've asked this like 5 times and everyone is giving 'answers' that don't answer a damned thing.


Tool Moderator
Level 20
Aug 3, 2004
It's gm's that recognize botlike behavior or players reporting botlike behavior. Glider has alot of options to alarm when a player follows you around, and also an alarm that will go off if a GM messages you. It is around 5 months since i used it tho, so can't say if the new patch recognize, but ask on the glider forums, and you'll figure it out. :)
Level 8
May 7, 2007
It's pretty funny. I ran around doing quests with my Rogue in Nagrand, followed a bot around and he'd wave at me every once in a while.

That actually made it obvious it was a bot, doing the same command and running the same path.

It's not just the Warden that detects it, but a lot of players will recongnize bot behavior and report too. Unless you find a way to stay invisible while fighting, (or very very very good bot commands to make it look like you're not going the same way everytime) you can still get reported.
Level 18
Sep 2, 2005
True. Ill just have to write a good script and work in low populated areas. I looked it up on the main site, and I decided I will be getting it.

And if you add a random function then it wont act as obviously bot like.

We'll see hat I can come up with.

This is good enough info for me. if other people still want to talk about glider here thats fine but I'm good with this info now. Thanks MindWorx, Nemesis, Void and Joosh.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
one thing i have noticed with people i know is that everyone who has used glider will reccomend it for people who have already leveled one or two characters and just want a quick 70.

about bot like behaviour well it is easy to detect but i suggest you be near to your computer when running it. never leave it running and be out of range of your pc. the reason for this is because GMs will wisper you before banning you or whatever, and glider has a function to make a loud noise when you are wispered. so all you have to do is turn your speakers really loud and run to your pc when you hear "WISPER ALERT!!!"


Tool Moderator
Level 20
Aug 3, 2004
Bot like behavior is easy to avoid really, you can, and i'm not kidding, set a path so it runs around a full continent. It takes some time, but really, no one can detect it then, since it just looks like you're running from one place to another, killing on the way.
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