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Gladiator's Arena Bloodbath
Draconico(Nocturnx) and Pardalmadgod
Map Info:
Two Gladiator factions face off in this bloody arena where the ultimate goal is to defeat the arena director itself, dont be fooled tho his gladiators and champions are stronger than u can imagine you will need the help of your team to get to the last rounds and to kill the director.
- Many custom items ( more to come in new versions )
- Custom heros with abilities
- Rank up system, get to lvl 10 to achieve next rank and gain more power
- Arena system FFA and TvT(TvT disabled untill next version)
- Evolving director gladiator and monsters will allways keep the game challenging and harder the longer the game goes on.
- Hardcore boss battles
Usefull info:
- Each team has 150 lifes but with -no lifes mode you can set the goal to be kill the director
- Able to play the director and battle versus the gladiators(not recomended)
- The arena levels when the players are able to clear it completely, so if the director unit count on the arena reaches 0 you enter the next level(max level is 30) the director comes after the last level up.
Image Description:
This is an editor screenshot at the arena, prison area, duel arena and the director's area.
Image Description:
The prison area
Image Description:
"Fighting" in the arena
Special Thanks:
- Pardalmadgod for the ideas and support he gave me during the creation of this map
- Hiveworkshop comunity for helping out with triggers and having such cool models and people
- Tarrasque(deadeye, Myrmidon models)
- Frankster(lich king, fel orc warlord, chaos knight models)
- dickxunder(tidebaron model)
- levigeorge1617(Skeleton lord model)
- wingednosering(undead berzerker model)
Author's notes:
This Arena is made to have fun, bring your friends play vs or with them and try to kill the director.
-Arena terrain updated
-Added some traps around the arena
-Item types added, you can only carry 1 weapon 1 gloves 1 boots etc.
-Added a stash for all players
-Balanced warrior, berzerker and rogue because they were destroying people with no chance for counterplay
-Nerfd undead death coil (1 shotting)