Welcome to the Hive and congratulations on uploading your first map
Here's my review:
This is a very simple race modification, nothing too fancy while exploring some new ideas. The presentation of the techtree on the download page is very nicely done. Upon playing the faction, units appear to mostly have unedited stats from the Human techtree, which does lead to some interesting effects. You'll start the game with the Berserker, a Footman unit who, instead of Defend, can get a nice bonus to their attack speed, and the Hunter, a Rifleman that can summon an attack dog for you. From the Blacksmith you can also opt to pay for your Peasants to become Sappers, which seems incredibly powerful, but only because it is.
Progressing down the techtree, the Shadowfang Prison is an area I would like to draw particular attention to, as the units here sport the same statistics as the ingame Knight, with one of them being permanently invisible with Critical Strike, and the other having a custom Black Arrows ability that causes enemy units to spawn Infected for you. I definitely recommend getting the invisible one, with those stats it is amazing. The casters are fairly standard, using mostly ingame abilities but in a combination that makes sense. Priests with Heal and Roar is a nice touch, although as Wa666r has said, custom abilities would be preferable and is definitely an area worth practicing. The Blood Wizard has an upgrade that doesn't appear to be needed to unlock the ability, so something may be wrong in the techtree requirements on the ability.
Most everything else is fairly standard, the Gilnean Raven behaves exactly the same as the Dragonhawk with the Wild Gryphon behaving exactly the same as the Gryphon Rider. Perhaps the most bizarre unit is the Cannon - a siege unit that, in an interesting twist, can only attack units and can't attack structures(!). I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, the tooltips do not provide a whole lot of information (understandable given that, if I'm not mistaken, English is not your first language, so good work on it so far
The hero is an interesting one. I love him calling down a cannonade from the Gilnean Fleet, the damage is immense (was Rain of Fire always this strong?). Perhaps more interesting to note is that his aura seems to be Trueshot Aura but for melee units, yet it applies the bonus to both melee and ranged units. For the most part, these are reskinned abilities, so I think the aura must be based off of Command Aura without the parameters being set appropriately, or, considering that Command Aura isn't a hero ability, it's probably more likely this was based off of Trueshot Aura and while you set it to apply to melee units, you didn't disable it from applying to ranged units. In either case, this is an easy fix to manage, so I'm sure you'll have no trouble with it
Item shop provides mostly human artifacts, but does have the Orb of Slow instead of the Orb of Fire, indicating that some thought was applied to the item shop as well.
All in all, not a bad first attempt, even if there is a lot of work to be done with it. It's a very simple race mod in itself, and a very lovely starting point to work and improve from. The custom resources are nicely done, too, for the most part, even if some DISBTN icons appear to have the Green Icon problem (might want to check the import paths on your assets).