10:58, 2nd Jan 2010
67chrome: Looks good
67chrome: Looks good
(1 ratings)
BTW guys this is proof that the dodge and burn tool is so damn useful. and it can be very effective if you know how to use it. this whole skin. dodge amd burn.
BTW guys this is proof that the dodge and burn tool is so damn useful. and it can be very effective if you know how to use it. this whole skin. dodge amd burn.
, I exactly though the same, the unwrap looks really good, but how the model wraps it at the shoulders etc. But Dentothor can't do anything about that of course, so +rep for good skin.maybe someone should do a higher polished Model of the Ghoul, because i have seen so many awesome Skins for him, but when they are on the mesh, they look much more worth than on the blp file :/
all my skins are 100% burn & dodge
I got a problem with this in game, it looks like this, even though path was right.
Dude, the texture is truly great, but the wrap just rapes it violently.
i think imma start the Boomer next. using the ogre model.
I think imma start the Boomer next, using the ogre model.
This is me on saturday nights waking up on the stove after that big party
looks like only the teamcolor came up