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GetTriggerPlayer() not working in Filter functions ???

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Level 12
Jan 30, 2020
Hello guys.

Working on my map again, I was trying to test some host and player controls that are typed in game chat.

I can only test my map on single player at the moment, so I only started checking these recently.

There is a typed command that I made that allows a player to remove units (towers) built by another player on his main building area (a simple rect).

I use an enum to pick all units in the rect of the player typing the command "+clean".
I added the actions in the filter function (returning false) to avoid ForGroup calls (I know performance is irrelevant for such a situation, but I just wanted to see if it would work).

Here is the code :

function CleanIntrudingTower takes nothing returns boolean
    local unit theUnit=GetEnumUnit()
    local player intruded=GetTriggerPlayer()
    local player owner=GetOwningPlayer(theUnit)
    local integer theUnitID
    local integer ownerNb
    local integer oldGold
    local integer oldBonus

   //the debug message that displays the player number of the owner of the unit and the trigger player
    call BJDebugMsg("ownerNb="+I2S(GetPlayerId(owner)+1)+" - intrudedNb="+I2S(GetPlayerId(intruded)+1))
    if (owner!=intruded) then
        if IsUnitType(theUnit, UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) then
            set theUnitID=GetUnitTypeId(theUnit)
            set ownerNb=(GetPlayerId(owner)+1)
            set oldGold=GetPlayerState(owner, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD)
            set oldBonus=GetPlayerState(owner, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER)
            if ((theUnitID==BouncingID) or (theUnitID==FrostmourneID)) then
                 call SetPlayerState(owner, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER, oldBonus+1)
            if (theUnitID==DivinityID) then
                 call SetPlayerState(owner, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER, oldBonus+2)
            call SetPlayerState(owner, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD, oldGold+GetUnitPointValue(theUnit))
            call RemoveUnit(theUnit)
    set theUnit=null
    set intruded=null
    set owner=null
    return false

function PlayerControls_Actions takes nothing returns boolean
    local string typedOrder=GetEventPlayerChatString()
    local player thePlayer=GetTriggerPlayer()
    local integer playerNb=(GetPlayerId(thePlayer)+1)

// some other locals removed for readability

    local group intruders

// some other controls removed for readability

    if (SubString(typedOrder, 0, 6)=="+clean") then
        set intruders=CreateGroup()
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(intruders, PlayerArea[playerNb], Filter(function CleanIntrudingTower))
    call DestroyGroup(intruders)

    set intruders=null
    set thePlayer=null
    set typedOrder=null
    return false

(Note that the Player Control action function is itself added to the final trigger conditions rather than actions)

So the issue is here : I placed several towers owned by another player in the player 1 main Rect.

Once the game is started, I type the command "+clean". Then the debug message shows that GetTriggerPlayer() is the owner of all enum units instead of the player typing the command.

Is this normal ?

Do I need to save the player number in my Hashtable and load it in the enum function ?

Or if there is anything else, what did I do that is wrong ?

Thank you guys, your help is always precious,
Take care.

EDIT : don't worry about the actions in the enum, it basically just refunds the total cost of the towers to the "intruding" player.
Last edited:
Level 12
Jan 30, 2020
Not editing because 30 edits end up looking really unpleasant.

Well I should have guessed I have done something stupid again. Yes it is now obvious that once again I have searched in the wrong direction.

GetTriggerUnit() works perfectly, as does the rest of the filter function except..... you don't use GetEnumUnit() in a Filter function but GetFilterUnit().

Seems so obvious that I am surprised it didn't hit me before.

Anyways sorry for polluting the World Editor Help Zone with useless questions guys, if a moderator wants to remove this thread, please do so, I don't think it would help anyone

EDIT : As for saving the player number, there was no way to save it anyways as you can't access the Filter Unit before starting the enumeration.
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