Getting a new video card. Tips?

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Level 10
Jan 27, 2009
Long-story short, I will be buying a new video card in September.
I currently own a NVIDIA GT 440. While it proved to be sufficient to run the majority of games, I still encounter alot of difficulties with higher settings.

I was thinking of getting a GTX560 but some persons are saying that my computer or, more specifically, my motherboard could not be compatible with the new graphic card. Can that be true? Do you suggest me another graphic card?
Thanks for any answer. :wink:
Level 2
Aug 21, 2012
I belive you have PCI, or PCIE x8, or as Dr Super Good already suggested, a small motherboard. You can try going with HD 7750 instead. Lowest power usage and highest performance. If you're not much into ATI, then well, buy a new motherboard and a GTX 560. Also, what is your CPU? Asking just 'cause, maybe it'll bottleneck with some of the newer cards.
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Level 2
Aug 21, 2012
I am guessing he has PCI-E 2.0 as that is what all mother boards are made with prety much.

Yeah, but PCI-E 1.0 can be x1, x2, x4, x8, x16. x16 is what most of us have. Lesser values decrease the bandwith. If you put a x16 GPU into a x1 socket, it's bandwith is decreased 16 times. Anyway, Leeroy, could you please post your motherboard and CPU?
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