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Get Some Stuff Approved

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That is very very very vague, what do you mean? By the way I hope you are happy, I lost 5 rep for tryin to give you advice on trying to get you request done. Lol, its kinda funny, I can build up a bunch of rep by goin around helping people, and yet I can lose it all by helping people too. Kind of an ironic loophole.

You wanted to help ? haha, good joke.
Are you sure ? You just spammed and pissed of the whole thread about that.
CombatTheWombat, talking to new members how they have 0 rep and that they request the impossible, while the resource already exists is not very helpful I think.

Anyway the model section seem to have "verstopfen" (it's a cool word :D), very few approvations in a long time, except for some high ranged members.

Well, donut and I are having to much work. I'll test and approve/ignore as much models as I can.
But there is no "Verstopfung" (cool word too). When there were 15 pages of unapproved models, there were a "Verstopfung" (constipation).
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
moderaters and others plz approve some models/icons/skins ive tested a few and they are good perform well etc..... we need stuff approved GO!

You are not a resource moderator and saying for them to approve them based on your opinions is rather pushy and annoying, its not just a matter of them being "good perform" but they must all abide by the rules, having working cameras etc, of good quality and must not be stolen or such. It's not that easy as you think as much judgment is put into it and some are awaiting update, it can be time consuming and we do have lives.

And when resources are approved, they go on the first page, not on the pending models/resource page. If rejected, they will obviously "disappear" practically (but really, just been moved to a inaccessible area for those that don't have staff privileges for a specific resource section).

EDIT: I havnt been around much lately so I didn't mod obviously, but I do mass tests around every 2-4 days if I'm up for it that is and that there are no other priorities left.
Traxx, look at yourself.

You have 2 rep, from some random person saying that there really is no reason to give you rep, so he gave you rep. 13 posts. No lialablitiy. I don't really think you have a good idea on what quality resources are. Sure, they might all work, but they suck. Get some rep and do something, then say our mods aren't doing enough.

Think of this: this is sorta like a six year-old running into Congress and telling them to approve sucky bills. Congress does not listen, because what does a six year old know? Let the six year old proves to Congress that he does knows what is quality and what is crap, then maybe Congress will let him give suggestions. Only GOOD models, icons, etc. get approved. If they are not approved, there is a good reason why.

And I hate this noob-friendly attitude that a lot of people here have (not like Combat, who is a bitch with it by lighting threads with flames) because there is a difference between just starting, and sucks. Just starting should be good and should have quality. Anyone can make a crappy skin and called it their first, or, "I am a noob, so pretty plz be nice."

If there is something good out there, it will be approved.

(Oh, and you can read the comments on why mods didn't approve it to let you know)
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