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Frustration! on passive onAttack Bloodlust

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Level 4
Jun 30, 2014
I have the basic idea of an ability based on Orb of Lightning (new) that gives the hero who has it a chance to get a bloodlust-based buff when attacking (which isn't working). However, I've tried fixing it myself and I'm getting nowhere.
Ideas, anyone?
Level 9
May 21, 2014
I think you that ability should work when the Targets Allowed field is attacked. Since the attacking unit SHOULD get the buff, and that the attacking unit cannot attack himself, it won't work. This is just an opinion since I also failed so hard on this kind of ability.

And yes; it can be triggered easily as Rheiko said.

You need Damage Detection System to trigger it.
Once a unit is damaged;
  • Set randomInteger = (Random Integer between 1 to 100)
  • If randomInteger less than or equal to 20
    • Then Let DummyBloodlust Cast Bloodlust on ATtacker
    • Else
The sample trigger has a 20% chance of letting the attacker get Bloodlust each attack that has landed.
Level 4
Jun 30, 2014

I was hoping it can be done without triggers, dummy units etc...:vw_sad:
Now that I think about it, the Target Allowed thing makes sense. If I set the Targets allowed to include self, could I make it (just) work? Hmm...

EDIT: Derp. Remembered that I already tried that at first, no success. I guess it just isn't in the spell mechanics. I guess I'll trigger it.
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