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Frozen Streams

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Frozen Streams


Ice trolls have conjured a powerfull spell wich has frozen all the streams of this island. Only some ponds with a heat source remain. Those trolls should be defeated so this island can go back to its natural form.

Neutral Buildings

-7 taverns
-3 merc. camps
-3 gob. markets
-6 gob. labs
-6 expanding mines
-2 marketplaces


-26 greens
-20 orange
-6 red


-1.01, removed enviroment effects.

Frozen Streams (Map)

Nice work! You created another addition to your great melee maps @WolfFarkas. You really did a great job here. With this well-balanced map, players will be defeated if they do not know how to control the map and use the resources wisely Terrain is...
So, another map of yours which I like a lot. I got a few complaints about some details though: -The map looks pretty great, but the ice in the middle of all paths looks kinda too artificial to me. I see you have put in a lot of effort in many other...
Nice work!
You created another addition to your great melee maps @WolfFarkas. You really did a great job here.
With this well-balanced map, players will be defeated if they do not know how to control the map and use the resources wisely
Terrain is great and nicely designed. There maybe some very minor flaws but overall, its great.
It is good that you have immediately updated the bug, thanks for thar.
I will have to vote fir APPROVAL.
Thanks fo sharing this nice and neat map @WolfFarkas
Level 29
May 21, 2013
the bug is fixed now thank you man

thanks to you for the help.

Nice work!
You created another addition to your great melee maps @WolfFarkas. You really did a great job here.
With this well-balanced map, players will be defeated if they do not know how to control the map and use the resources wisely
Terrain is great and nicely designed. There maybe some very minor flaws but overall, its great.
It is good that you have immediately updated the bug, thanks for thar.
I will have to vote fir APPROVAL.
Thanks fo sharing this nice and neat map @WolfFarkas

thanks for the fast feedback and overall support !! (in the others maps as well), also I think I feel very honored (or red like a tomato XD) with the double tag.

I still have pending the map layout with icons of some maps including this one + improve descriptions.
But also I have still 5-6 more ideas in my pending folder to be executed and I am aiming for a melee pack.

I hope it may be good omen to say : to me the mapping has only begun.
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Map Reviewer
Level 24
Nov 2, 2013
So, another map of yours which I like a lot. I got a few complaints about some details though:
-The map looks pretty great, but the ice in the middle of all paths looks kinda too artificial to me. I see you have put in a lot of effort in many other terrain to great result.
-There are some single patches of green grass which look kinda lost on its own.
-The 4/4 wildkins are dropping a lvl 2 permanent, while the 4/4 polar bears only drop a lvl 1. I can see an argument why both items are just acceptable for a lvl 8 camp; however it still seems kinda strange to me. However, as the wildkins have more hp, I dont think it needs to be changed.
-I'm not sure I agree with the idea of putting all green camps on the edges of the maps and only mostly strong camps in the center. Could make for rather passiv earlygames.
-I'm not a fan of strong global weather effects tbh. Maybe use them in some places only (Use the "area" layer, hotkey R to do this. Maybe you already knew, but it took me about 5 years to bother to figure this out).
-At the spots with the blue dragonspawn and the golem, did you test if the lvl 4 dragonspawn can use rejuvination on the golem despite it being immune to magic. I'd guess yes. but I'm not 100% convinced,
-There are Creespots with two lvl 6 troll warlords. As these have both the same aura, it will not stack. So effectively, the second warlord does not contribute as much as the first and therefore the creepspot it slighlty weaker than it once might expect.
-I don't think it is necessary to have taverns both at the sides and in the center. It's not bad, just kinda strange, but on the upside, therefore it is also unique.
-My opinion is that the underground merc camp is balanced (or more likely, the mercs are rather too weak than too strong). So if you re making an underground map, you could consider using it instead of Lordaeron Summer.

As none of this is really gamebreaking, but more a question of personal preferences and what one could consider "balanced" gameplay, I see no reason not to approved the map.
Level 29
May 21, 2013
So, another map of yours which I like a lot. I got a few complaints about some details though:
1-The map looks pretty great, but the ice in the middle of all paths looks kinda too artificial to me. I see you have put in a lot of effort in many other terrain to great result.
2-There are some single patches of green grass which look kinda lost on its own.
3-The 4/4 wildkins are dropping a lvl 2 permanent, while the 4/4 polar bears only drop a lvl 1. I can see an argument why both items are just acceptable for a lvl 8 camp; however it still seems kinda strange to me. However, as the wildkins have more hp, I dont think it needs to be changed.
4-I'm not sure I agree with the idea of putting all green camps on the edges of the maps and only mostly strong camps in the center. Could make for rather passiv earlygames.
5-I'm not a fan of strong global weather effects tbh. Maybe use them in some places only (Use the "area" layer, hotkey R to do this. Maybe you already knew, but it took me about 5 years to bother to figure this out).
6-At the spots with the blue dragonspawn and the golem, did you test if the lvl 4 dragonspawn can use rejuvination on the golem despite it being immune to magic. I'd guess yes. but I'm not 100% convinced,
7-There are Creespots with two lvl 6 troll warlords. As these have both the same aura, it will not stack. So effectively, the second warlord does not contribute as much as the first and therefore the creepspot it slighlty weaker than it once might expect.
8-I don't think it is necessary to have taverns both at the sides and in the center. It's not bad, just kinda strange, but on the upside, therefore it is also unique.
9-My opinion is that the underground merc camp is balanced (or more likely, the mercs are rather too weak than too strong). So if you re making an underground map, you could consider using it instead of Lordaeron Summer.

As none of this is really gamebreaking, but more a question of personal preferences and what one could consider "balanced" gameplay, I see no reason not to approved the map.

1- underground presets tile-sets are crap, so to see decent paths in the minimap, contrast is needed, the underground default terrain is to much dark, so the ice is perfect to make contrast, it ends similar to ICC black and white, but I like this one more than ICC, thats why I didnt do an ICC so far. I dont think there are much more decent formulas for underground maps.

2- agree, in defense I would like to say that in a 190x216 the terrain is normal to be less quality than a 96x96, because the terrain effort, you get lost in it, and cant keep track of the terrain in all spots. I saw that many big maps doesnt bother in mix the tiles as I did.

3- I took the hp diference for that criteria even if they are the same level.

4- I was thinking in FFA, FFA tends to be conservative because you have to scout 2-3 players before make the decision to strike someone.
I did put 2 green camps in the center if someone goes for a tavern hero.

Also, I did lack of space to do this map. I hardly managed to put the red creeps.

5- I have to study that matter, for the moment I think I will remove it.

6- gonna test that, I think no, but needs to be tested.

7- I know they dont stack, thats the idea, but for a troll creep spot, two 6-6 warlords is better than 4-6, thats the idea more attack and hp. I wanted a weak red creep, with hi-jack option that loots level 4 item (marketplaces, no items level 5-6).

8- I think is necesary. in the edges you are very far away from the center, and in the center you are very far away from the edges, and with no tavern in the center, the center loss strategic importance, the idea is to be able to resurrect the hero fast. I know 7 taverns for a 6 player map looks like a joke, but I made the decision when I designed the edge paths. Those edge paths have strategic importance.

9- yeah but it only has 3 units, and I prefer LS because the healer troll.

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