(2 ratings)
sure..want me to make it spin?
could you find a prettier texture to wrap the handle to..?
does this look better?
honestly, due to the handle being made out of only one plane-per-side, it creates an insane stretch of the texture and nothing can really fix it well enough. i would suggest that you make your handles out of small repeatable parts, if you choose a small texture like a dragon's horn, which was impossible to wrap well on just one extra long segment.. so i went with the dragon's tail scales
EDIT: and i'm not liking those balls orbiting the spear, they are kinda much better if they're done via billboarded planes, which makes them very circular. and all you need to do there would be to create 4 bones that follow the rotation, move them to the center of the 'ball planes' and rig 'em to the bones, which are set to billboarded.. i can do that too if you want, but.. '~'
That's way much better.. i've got an idea for that.. what about removing the sphere from the missile (i can do that).. but for the attachment, the sphere still remains and rotating the holder.. thanks Misha.. u're so kind