Requesting Lance Knight model

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Level 2
Feb 23, 2008
Can somebody create a knight model that actually uses a lance for me? All the custom knights model I've seen so far use sword. Even though the default blizzard model has a lance, he does not use it at all. It'd be much appreciated and most simple if someone can just edit the default knight model like this: remove the sword, replace it with a footman's shield or something and edit the ,animations so that he attacks with his lance instead.

P.S. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has uses for such model. It'll be a great addition to the wonderful models I've found here. Credit and respect will be given where they're due :)
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
- Well you can alpha out the sword.
- Then you have to simply enlarge the lance via Magos'.
- Transfer (attack-)animations from another model or make your own.
- After those steps just attach a shield attachmentmodel on his hand.

Level 2
Feb 23, 2008
I used the default Knight as a base model and removed his lance and sword, and then I attached a spear to where his sword originally was. The problem is that when he attacks he uses the spear as though it's a sword. Can someone who's good at creating animations help me out here? I need it for my project map, and credits will be given. If someone can and is willing to help, let me know so that I can send you the weaponless knight model.
Level 2
Jan 23, 2009
I'm also looking for this model type. Useing it in a army map with custom attacks, and i need a horse unit that has a spear attack and looks like it uses a lance or spear.
The rules say not to ask for something if someone else is asking for, also not to hijack other peoples posts. so i'm just going to hope that this isn't hijacking. -bump too i guess-
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