Frontier Hero Siege 1.05

Author's Note
Guys, I've came back after quite some years.
However, I did plan to discontinue this project years ago. So, I just came here a bit to check up my map.
I can't even imagine my map has been downloaded (and hopefully enjoyed) by thousands of players, although w3 players are
less likely foundable now, but regardless I'd like to say my thanks to all of you guys! I remembered that this project was the very first step I took into the world of computers, albeit impulsively and vaguely (I think I was in junior high that time). Making this project alone (with online resources from awesome authors) has been a meaningful experience to me. I'm sorry to all of those (if there were any) who waited for an update in vain. Know that I still strive in developing something liveful like games, novels (although as a hobby for now) and if any of you are interested in contacting me, maybe to share aspirations, asking for a joint project, or maybe interested on taking over this map? haha.. feel free to contact me on email: [email protected]

Map Info
In this map, you'll get a chance to choose your own hero, your objective is to protect the Stone of Life from enemies.. I recommended that you play this at least 2 Players.. Well, there are some heroes that can go solo, but there are some heroes that troubled to defend the city alone too.. Oh and please let me know if there is any bugs or errors! Also, the screenshots here are a bit outdated. I'll update it later, please be patient..


In a mysterious fantasy world far, far away...
There was a prosperous continent full of life and harmony, Leasaria was its name.
The plants there had been blessed with health by the ever-merciful Goddess Leasaria using the holy Stone of Life.
Its inhabitants was ready to protect Leasaria with their lives,
The loyal and brave kingdom soldiers, Sonata Knights;
The union of researchers and sorcerers, Espada Magicians;
The faithful followers of Goddes Leasaria, Holy Order;
And Grandalla Mercenaries,a guild full of proud and courageous warriors.
Leasaria was safeguarded by these 4 holding powers from the Kingdom of Grandalla, led by King Zilfallon.

Alas, the peace was not blessed by the Stone of Life, as the denizen of the neighboring continent Rynkarum has arrived in the shores of Leasaria without any peaceful intention. Apocalypse, with its notorious 4 Darkspawn and its leader Drakkar had invaded with its full army, though the leader of Darkspawn, Berial, had been missing and his whereabouts are unknown.

Apocalypse was the ruling power in the barren continent of Rynkarum, a place full of conflict once ruled by the avaricious war-loving Goddess Rynka. She is the polar opposite of her twin, Leasaria, and she envied her for it.
Drakkar's ambition is to create a peaceful place for his people to live in, which motivated him to unite the continent of Rynka. However, the strong influence Goddes Rynka had on her people started consuming Drakkar and his followers.
Drakkar, blinded by Goddess Rynka's greed, declared another war and intended to destroy his world by combining the Stone of Life and Stone of Despair, a stone made by Goddess Rynka to rend the harmony in her continent.

Berial, as the only one not under the influence of Goddess Rynka for an unknown cause, escaped to Leasaria and informed the King of Drakkar's ambition, unknowingly of Goddess Rynkas influence upon Drakkar and his followers. Emperor Zilfallon summoned the 4 factions to unite and defend the Stone of Life from the impending Apocalypse.

And so it began......

-4 Available Slot for Players
-Several Heroes with their unique skills
-AI Allies
-Enemy forces that will attack your town endlessly
-4 Bosses and Some Wanted Bosses
-Items and Recipes
-"Bounty Hunting" System
-AI Ally Heroes that can be recruited randomly after defeat them
-Instrumental BGM

Change Log
Version 1.00
-Lack of Quality in environment
-Some imbalance in the gameplay
Version 1.01
-Terrain Quality Improved
-The gameplay has been balanced
-Kills Score Leaderboard has been added
-Several camera appointment has been added
Version 1.02
-3 New Heroes
-Weapon Improvement System added
-Money and Lumber Overtime System added
-Allies Balancing
-Harder Enemies
-New Item
-Environment and Cinematic Improvement
Version 1.03
-Icons Placement Fixed
-Some Skills Explaination Fixed
Version 1.03b
-Icons Malfunctions Fixed
Version 1.04
-New Heroes
-Heroes from FF (Cloud and Squall)
-Some Custom Trigger Spell
-Difficulty depends on the number of players
-New Items and Recipes
-New AI : Wyvern
-AI's Hero changed, you will get one as an ally randomly
-New BGM
-Commands Code (Player 1 Only)
-You can buy gems to heals the Stone of Life
Version 1.05
-Difficulty Error Fixed
-Terrain and Battlefield Changed
-New AI Allies (Riflemen, Mortar)
-New Enemies (Vampire Clone, Demolisher, Bannerman)
-"Bounty Hunting" System
-New Characters and Skills
-HP and MP Regen around the Stone of Life
-Ankh of Reincarnation can be dropped now

Next Plans
Still no ideas, maybe fix some bugs (If there is any)

Gameplay Screenshot



Terrain Screenshot




Thanks to -Grendel, paulH, Mephestrial, Ampharos_222, wugiboy, Frankster, Ramza, Kuhneghetz, Mc !, Elenai, Dan van Ohllus, Kitabatake, Tarrasque, Ket, General Frank, Arisaitou, BloodElf300, TurtleRacingCar, Mobilize, PeeKay, CRAZYRUSSIAN, kola, Palaslayer, NFWar, Hellx-Magnus, WILL THE ALMIGHTY, JetFangInferno, judash137, Pyritie, Tr!KzZ, jatter2, N00byStance, Champara Bros, Infrisios, Nasrudin, Devine, NFWar, Tranquil, Archangel_Tidusx, wojia10502, Lady Kelaodesi, Callahan, Discipline and Pyramidhe@d for their awesome Models and Icons!
SPECIAL THANKS to sonofjay and Setokaiva for their suggestions
Please Subscribe, Rate, Comment or +rep

I'll give +rep for the people who contributed

Map Editors and Contributors
*LoneBee (Me) = Gameplay, Heroes, Items, Skills, Systems, Status
*Furet de Morgenster (My friend and not a hive user, search him at Facebook if you want)= Histories, Translations
*Kandice (Loading Screen Creator)
*Andeavenor (Minimap Display Creator)
*Auhor of the BGM : Animetal Band

"It is either death at the hand of the enemy, or die in the hand of the enemy..."
-Furet de Morgenster

Hero Siege, Hero Defense, Hero, Siege, Defense, FHS, Frontier Hero Siege, Frontier, Drakkar, City, Lonebee, Zilfallon

Frontier Hero Siege 1.05 (Map)

Vengeancekael - [Contact] Date: 2012/Jun/05 15:23:41 Comment: [Approved] Updated and approved. Resource Moderation - Rules Vengeancekael - [Contact] Date: 2012/May/28 18:30:52 Reasons: The disabled versions of custom icons are not...




Vengeancekael - [Contact]
Date: 2012/Jun/05 15:23:41

Comment: [Approved]
Updated and approved.

Resource Moderation - Rules
Vengeancekael - [Contact]
Date: 2012/May/28 18:30:52

The disabled versions of custom icons are not imported.


Comment: [Rejected]
  • Fix the icon positioning: View picture
  • The tooltips are in-depth when learning, but become really short once learned
  • "Summon Mastery" has an active icon
  • "Soul Recover" says it'll heal all summoned units, but you have to select one summoned unit
  • "Ninjato" and "Muramasa Blade" have missing disabled icon versions

Resource Moderation - Rules
Level 3
Sep 15, 2011
Well I tried it out, it's neat and simple but yeah still needs work. Here's a preliminary set of suggested fixes...

- Level one Spirit Wolves far too weak and could use an HP upgrade, they useless as it is.
- Up the regeneration rate of Heroes and Minions to about 3 so they don't have to constantly find a healer but can still easily die.
- Give periodic gold over time to Heroes so they can earn a little without needing to kill anything, good for getting those last few coins to complete an armor set.
- Increase base mana regeneration of all Heroes to at least 1.5 or 2 so they can comfortably use their spells without constantly running out of mana.
- Battle Mage needs fix; if he is supposed to fight in melee he needs to not die in the first few seconds. Lower his mana, increase his health to at least 600, change his model to the Spell Breaker and give him defensive wards and runic weapons instead of straight-up magic attacks, that is more for the pure mages. If you do not do this for him or if you leave these abilities to another hero, then please change the icon setup so his W ability is not located on the far right of his card, it's more confusing the way it is now.
- Enemy Cannon spawn is too weak, need large improvement in damage and give them hardened skin to weather some weak attack; this means the city defenders will have trouble stopping them on their own needing the heroes to do it... also give them a less underwhelming projectile art, the little spiky ball is kinda weaksauce.
- The first boss, Gorth the Forth Hell General is misnamed because the event says he is the First Hell General, also he is far too weak I saw the city defenders take him down alone without me so much as lifting a finger to stop him.
- It makes absolutely NO sense to have the bosses spawn in the middle of the city right in the range of your inner towers which can pour damage on him, have them spawn in the middle lane instead.
- The Solar Knight's Crimson Heart ability gives FAR, FAR too little HP regen to be worth sinking points into, his Solar Impulse ability is using the wrong effect; doesn't make sense to have an ability that uses solar or fire power to use a pillar of rock to deal damage.
Level 3
May 11, 2012
Well I tried it out, it's neat and simple but yeah still needs work. Here's a preliminary set of suggested fixes...

- Level one Spirit Wolves far too weak and could use an HP upgrade, they useless as it is.
- Up the regeneration rate of Heroes and Minions to about 3 so they don't have to constantly find a healer but can still easily die.
- Give periodic gold over time to Heroes so they can earn a little without needing to kill anything, good for getting those last few coins to complete an armor set.
- Increase base mana regeneration of all Heroes to at least 1.5 or 2 so they can comfortably use their spells without constantly running out of mana.
- Battle Mage needs fix; if he is supposed to fight in melee he needs to not die in the first few seconds. Lower his mana, increase his health to at least 600, change his model to the Spell Breaker and give him defensive wards and runic weapons instead of straight-up magic attacks, that is more for the pure mages. If you do not do this for him or if you leave these abilities to another hero, then please change the icon setup so his W ability is not located on the far right of his card, it's more confusing the way it is now.
- Enemy Cannon spawn is too weak, need large improvement in damage and give them hardened skin to weather some weak attack; this means the city defenders will have trouble stopping them on their own needing the heroes to do it... also give them a less underwhelming projectile art, the little spiky ball is kinda weaksauce.
- The first boss, Gorth the Forth Hell General is misnamed because the event says he is the First Hell General, also he is far too weak I saw the city defenders take him down alone without me so much as lifting a finger to stop him.
- It makes absolutely NO sense to have the bosses spawn in the middle of the city right in the range of your inner towers which can pour damage on him, have them spawn in the middle lane instead.
- The Solar Knight's Crimson Heart ability gives FAR, FAR too little HP regen to be worth sinking points into, his Solar Impulse ability is using the wrong effect; doesn't make sense to have an ability that uses solar or fire power to use a pillar of rock to deal damage.

Thanks for review, well:
-First, i think you're right, I will fixed them as you suggested
-Lv 1 wolf is weak, but its damage isn't too bad, so i think i'll just increases its HP
-Solar impulse, i think the only think that wrong is the skill name, i'll change it
-battle mage, uh.. I think i won't change the model, but about armor spell, or runic weapon, and about the HP and MP, that's a good idea, i'll change the starter stats, maybe greater STR and less INT

Well.. maybe it'll take some time. Also, i'll add more heroes too, please give me your review after I updated to next version :goblin_good_job:

EDIT: I've updated :goblin_good_job:
Last edited:
Level 5
Oct 5, 2010
"Version 1.03
-Icons Placement Fixed
-Some Skills Explaination Fixed
Version 1.03b
-Icons Malfunctions Fixed"

The only thing that you has make a version 1.03b is for update some icons ? :p

i can see the 1.03c :
Version 1.03c
- Add 1 doodad for a better gameplay :p
im joking, i will try your map
Level 3
Jun 24, 2011
You should add a description of how wood is earned in the quests section (F9). I figured you get it over time or maybe every 10, 15 or so kills, clarification would be good. I played 2 heroes, and for the Dwarven Desperado i noticed that the ultimate is rather week, it does the same dmg as the first skill (150dmg) but i think in a lower radius and at a lower rate and with higher mana costs, maybe u want to increase the damage of the ultimate (you might increase the cooldown, mana cost etc.).

All in all its still a rather simple (i.e. not as elaborate as others) Hero def (not ment to sound negative) but its entertaining. Good job.
Level 3
May 11, 2012
You should add a description of how wood is earned in the quests section (F9).

Good Idea :thumbs_up:

and for the Dwarven Desperado i noticed that the ultimate is rather week, it does the same dmg as the first skill (150dmg) but i think in a lower radius and at a lower rate and with higher mana costs, maybe u want to increase the damage of the ultimate (you might increase the cooldown, mana cost etc.).

I think i will increased the damages and radius a bit

The only thing that you has make a version 1.03b is for update some icons ? :p

lol, well, about that, This map was once rejected because that icons problem :xxd:
Level 3
Oct 15, 2010
Some suggestions for next version:
1- Make the bosses more dificult for each player that enter in game current dificulty perfect for solo, After each boss is defeated increase armor and dmg of mobs
2- Maybe some recipes that gives you stats
3- I would like to have some kind of eventto earn some extra money
4- And after the final wave destroy the portals no more creeps easy to max out with money
Level 3
May 11, 2012
Some suggestions for next version:
1- Make the bosses more dificult for each player that enter in game current dificulty perfect for solo, After each boss is defeated increase armor and dmg of mobs
2- Maybe some recipes that gives you stats
t with money

Two of them will be added at next update :goblin_good_job:

3- I would like to have some kind of eventto earn some extra money
Hmm.. It will take some times to make it, but i'll try :thumbs_up:
4- And after the final wave destroy the portals no more creeps easy to max out with money
About this, maybe it'll make the Stone of Life left unharmed, but i'll think about that :thumbs_up:

Nice to see this map get approved. Good job mate, +rep
Thanks :xxd:
Level 3
Jun 24, 2011
tested the latest version in singleplayer, couldnt find any bugs, but you could consider to make it possible to drop the "Ankh of ressurection", i didnt need the ankh and in mid game i really needed the inventory slot, so i had to run into masses of creeps and stop attacking them to get killed just to get rid of the 2 ankhs, while they are really helpful for the beginning, at some point in time you just dont need them anymore.
Level 3
May 11, 2012
good map but the heroes were not lively

Really? Then give me your suggestions, and I would think and improve it into more better :thumbs_up:

tested the latest version in singleplayer, couldnt find any bugs, but you could consider to make it possible to drop the "Ankh of ressurection", i didnt need the ankh and in mid game i really needed the inventory slot, so i had to run into masses of creeps and stop attacking them to get killed just to get rid of the 2 ankhs, while they are really helpful for the beginning, at some point in time you just dont need them anymore.

Hmm... Well, thanks for that useful info, i'll definitely change it in the next update :wink:
Level 2
Jul 12, 2012
Played it on solo multi, and have a few comments:

1. I liked the idea of fighting the final boss in a separate area. Basically it gives the players the choice of either leaving the base unguarded and chasing after the boss or staying in the base to protect it from the constantly spawning creeps even after the boss runs away. The creeps can constantly put pressure on the base, and the players will be forced to either split up or abandon the base entirely in order to go full force against the boss. However, the creeps are easy enough to dispatch once your hero attains a certain level, and the cpu hero who'll eventually aid you makes it far too easy to defend and farm gold and lumber to buy better items and upgrades, and to eventually outfit your cpu ally with items.

2. Speaking of the cpu hero, he really makes the game easier once you get him to aid you in the defense. However, I noticed some strange things that he does in the game:
- when he's too far away from the base, like very near the sides of the map, he just stands where he killed the last creep and rarely comes back to the base unless he either dies or completely makes it to one of the three portals. Funny thing is, once he gets to the level where it's most unlikely that he'll die from the creeps, he sometimes he gets stuck at one side of the map, camping and slaughtering the creeps that pass by him, then going back to the edge.
- and when he does make it to one of the portals and decides to come back to the base, he always ends up selling the first item he has in his inventory. Kinda made me both sad and mad to see him first sell the +150 damage orb, followed by the serathil and vamp medal i made especially for him lol.

And a few suggestions:

1. You could make the creeps stats scale up after each wave, especially after the boss runs away, like for example, giving them a minor damage/armor/life increase after every wave to make things harder for players who do choose to "fatten up" before going for the boss.

2. Make the cpu hero return to his post infront of the stone when he's too far away from it. Or remove him entirely and plunge all of us players in a really challenging game (frankly, having him defend the base after he's been outfitted with damage + lifedrain + atkspd items makes the game wayyy too easy lol).

3. Perhaps you could make the units generated by the town's portal move a bit forward infront of the stone instead of crowding behind it. They usually end up blocking the most direct path from the recipe guy to the shops, and together with the towers, they end up forcing players to circle around them. Not good when being pressured by attacking vampires supported by bannermen while trying to make an item that requires running back and forth from the blacksmith/artifact shop to the recipe guy. Or, you could move the shops to the extreme left/right of the base so anyone who wishes to spend some time away from combat in order to do some item combining may be able to do so with minimal disturbance and collision with other units.

4. So far I have only tried one hero (the Arcane Maiden) but I find it weird that her ultimate, Waking the Fallen, somehow changes its name to "Air Strike" once you've learned it. Maybe you can fix this bug in the next update?

Overall a good game, one that I definitely enjoyed, even on solo.
Level 3
May 11, 2012
1.Generally, the big problems are about the allies movement, am I right? Well, I realized some of AI Allies movement that kinda stuck in one place, but i still try about how to fix it.. So, for the time being, please make use of the command system that i already made there, you can see F9 and then check the command system info section there for further information..
2.About the difficulty, i've made it easier when you play solo, but the more players join, the more difficult the game will be.. I've once tried to make the game a bit hard, but it become too hard and the game become imbalance (you'll be surrounded by enemies and too easy to die).. But i'll try to make the game more balanced so it'll not be too easy nor hard..

you could move the shops to the extreme left/right of the base so anyone who wishes to spend some time away from combat in order to do some item combining may be able to do so with minimal disturbance and collision with other units.
Nice idea, I'll try it

but I find it weird that her ultimate, Waking the Fallen, somehow changes its name to "Air Strike" once you've learned it. Maybe you can fix this bug in the next update?
My apologies, i'll definitely fix it in the next update..

I appreciate your comments and suggestions, Sir. Thank you very much. :infl_thumbs_up:
Level 3
Sep 30, 2010
I'd said its a lot of fun.However i'd like to said.
1.As many have commented the enemy creeps should grow stronger.I'd suggest they'd grow stronger when the final boss rans away , so that attemping to get fed a lot before the boss be harder, however this should also came with an slowly increasing bounty for kill
2.They are still some icons screwed up , the lunar knight passive is iconless (green) when learned but has icon before learning.Arcane Maiden ultimate is named Air strike upon learn
3.The AI hero needs some changes , he sells the items you give him/her and if (s)he cans he'll block the midde portal.It would be smart to make him/her stay at the base and going up to the middle of the map
4.Some heroes description is a bit long and people dont bother to read , finishing with and unplesant hero , and some descriptions fail to accuratly said if the hero is support , tank ,mage , killer...
5.While i dont find any hero extremely poweful i do found some too weak , as both summoners.I suggest to lower cooldowns
6.Sightly increase the hp regeneracion early game , having to return to the stone constanly can be distruptive.The same for mana in agility and strength heroes
7.I would be nice to be able to buy towers back(But they should be expensive) I could also be viable to improve the max hitpoints of the towers and their attack.
8.They bosses hit too hard and have weak and few spells.I suggest to weaken their attack and improve their spells , for example , the final boss barely summons weak infernals , but beats the crap out of you with attacks.This is true for all bosses but the second one , who transforms into bats that are annoying and damagefull
9.The final boss and the lunar knight are hard to select
Level 2
Feb 24, 2012
I'd said its a lot of fun.However i'd like to said.
1.As many have commented the enemy creeps should grow stronger.I'd suggest they'd grow stronger when the final boss rans away , so that attemping to get fed a lot before the boss be harder, however this should also came with an slowly increasing bounty for kill
2.They are still some icons screwed up , the lunar knight passive is iconless (green) when learned but has icon before learning.Arcane Maiden ultimate is named Air strike upon learn
3.The AI hero needs some changes , he sells the items you give him/her and if (s)he cans he'll block the midde portal.It would be smart to make him/her stay at the base and going up to the middle of the map
4.Some heroes description is a bit long and people dont bother to read , finishing with and unplesant hero , and some descriptions fail to accuratly said if the hero is support , tank ,mage , killer...
5.While i dont find any hero extremely poweful i do found some too weak , as both summoners.I suggest to lower cooldowns
6.Sightly increase the hp regeneracion early game , having to return to the stone constanly can be distruptive.The same for mana in agility and strength heroes
7.I would be nice to be able to buy towers back(But they should be expensive) I could also be viable to improve the max hitpoints of the towers and their attack.
8.They bosses hit too hard and have weak and few spells.I suggest to weaken their attack and improve their spells , for example , the final boss barely summons weak infernals , but beats the crap out of you with attacks.This is true for all bosses but the second one , who transforms into bats that are annoying and damagefull
9.The final boss and the lunar knight are hard to select
I have to agree,This is VERY annoying and buggy,atleast its still approved,I picked up another problem once as well.The A.I hero didnt spawn,is there an explanation for this?(im not telling andre5913 to reply,im asking LoneBee to.)
Level 3
May 11, 2012
Guys, I've came back after quite some years.
However, I did plan to discontinue this project years ago. So, I just came here a bit to check up my map.
I can't even imagine my map has been downloaded (and hopefully enjoyed) by thousands of players, although w3 players are
less likely foundable now, but regardless I'd like to say my thanks to all of you guys! I remembered that this project was the very first step I took into the world of computers, albeit impulsively and vaguely (I think I was in junior high that time). Making this project alone (with online resources from awesome authors) has been a meaningful experience to me. I'm sorry to all of those (if there were any) who waited for an update in vain. Know that I still strive in developing something liveful like games, novels (although as a hobby for now) and if any of you are interested in contacting me, maybe to share aspirations, asking for a joint project, or maybe interested on taking over this map? haha.. feel free to contact me on email: [email protected]