From one map to another

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Level 1
May 28, 2009
Hey guys. Im working on a big RPG atm and because of the complexitivity of every hero i decided to make each hero in an additional map where only this hero is. My idea was that i wouldn mistake the spells so fast an so on and when im ready with all character classes i would just import them into the main map. the prob is now that i got 10 "class maps" in each there are characters with a 30 abilitys mostly triggered or Jass'd. and i can only Copy and Paste on ability at time. When i Import and Export the whole abilitys it always overrides the existing abilitys. so is there a Possibilty of copying the spells easier ? Someone told me before that a Custom world editor could help me but the only new world editor I ever found was on this side on the download section and the File is corrupt so i cant install it or even open the package... i would be glad if someone could help me i realy dont like the idea of sitting here a weak copieing al my characters...
Level 1
May 28, 2009
I just did multiple maps so i have a better overwiev and dont mistake the onre hreos abilitys with another ones... and the importing isnt what i need ill try to explain :D if i import hero A into the main map then we have hero A abilitys and units and our main map. But if i know import Hero B's abilitys and units it will simply delete all of Hero A's because importing in this case dont means paste but override for the WE somehow.
Level 9
May 10, 2009
First thing - in the object editor there should be something like Export Data. It'll be saved as a file. In your new map, go Import Data or something like that. A category (folder) of triggers can be copied at one time plus theres the whole export import thing.
Level 1
May 28, 2009
you still dont get it when i import something it deletes all the things that existed in the map before so: i can import one hero but when i import the next one everything i importet before is deleted.
But i just had the idea not to use the import button in the object window but the import manager :D but i have no idea how i can get the imported Hero.w3o into the hero and his abilitys back again :/... in this case im talking about the abilitys effects and objects to copie the triggers a a rather samler problem since there are not so many
Level 9
Apr 28, 2009
it's impossible to do such thing.

You cannot import X units with custom abilities from diffrent maps into one map.

Not with the Export/Import at least, because as you already know, the data will be overwritten.

And, sadly, i really think i'm right when i say "it's impossible" to do such thing.
Level 11
Feb 22, 2006
import object data doesn't override object data. Any custom data you currently have in your map is left alone except for the objects that share object ids with stuff you're importing. So if you have custom units 'h000' and 'h001' in your map and you import object data containing custom data on units 'h001' and 'h002', the data in 'h000' remains unchanged, the data in 'h001' gets overridden, and you gain the data for 'h002'.
Level 1
May 28, 2009
Well i found out that with world editor unlimited I can import and export with keekping allready existing files however there are always some little errors but i rather like to fix some errors than to copy all the things one by one :) so thanks for the help everyone :) in future i will only keep things in one map :D
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