Hey guys. Im working on a big RPG atm and because of the complexitivity of every hero i decided to make each hero in an additional map where only this hero is. My idea was that i wouldn mistake the spells so fast an so on and when im ready with all character classes i would just import them into the main map. the prob is now that i got 10 "class maps" in each there are characters with a 30 abilitys mostly triggered or Jass'd. and i can only Copy and Paste on ability at time. When i Import and Export the whole abilitys it always overrides the existing abilitys. so is there a Possibilty of copying the spells easier ? Someone told me before that a Custom world editor could help me but the only new world editor I ever found was on this side on the download section and the File is corrupt so i cant install it or even open the package... i would be glad if someone could help me i realy dont like the idea of sitting here a weak copieing al my characters...