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You and your teammates crashed in a freeze planet and now must escape from it before you become an ice block, but the path to the place where the telecomunication machine crashed is full of strange beasts, and some in parts, the path is of ice, so you must slide and dodge your enemies, or the two things at the same time!!!
If you reach the finish of a level, all will be revived on the next level.
If all of you die and there're continues left, you'll revive on the last checkpoint.
If you touch the snow, you die.
If you touch an enemy or an ice block, you die.
If you're damaged by an enemy, you die.
If you're on normal ice, you slide and turn.
If you're on dark ice, you slide but you don't turn.
If you're on white ice, you slide and turn, but it's mirror!!
There are three different commands that everyone can use, and two that only red can.
-name xxxxx /// Changes your name to the one that you write instead of "xxxxx".
-wild /// Changes the color of your guy to a random one.
-ghost /// Makes you partially invisibe.
Only red:
-kill xxx /// Kills one player by writing his color instead of "xxx"
-kick xxx /// Kicks one player by writing his color instead of "xxx"
ChangeLog: 001 -to- 002:
-Complet remade of the organization of the triggers.
-Removed leaks from periodic triggers under 1 second.
-Added Activate/Desactivate triggers for each level so if a trigger leaks, it will do only for a little time. (Currently only the bombards ever 2 seconds are disturbing)
-Changed the Demon Hunter to Space Marine, them fit better the history of the map.
-Fixed the white ice with a correct mirror control trigger.
-Added more continues for testing (100)
-Removed the "-lol" command, it was really lol... xD
-Edited some levels to improve the difficulty and gameplay.
-Improved the slide trigger for a better control, now turns very well.
-Removed the floating texts.
-Added quests for information in-game.
-Minor fixes or things that I do not remmember...
22:50, 5th Aug 2009
ap0calypse: Approved
Changes made, approved
19:14, 26th Jul 2009
In general: no originality at all: illidans as skaters, normal skate-terrain (of course: the mortar teams are present), the triggering is very...
In general: no originality at all: illidans as skaters, normal skate-terrain (of course: the mortar teams are present), the triggering is very bad (1950 leaks with 3 triggers per minute), the description is lacking and the replay value is very low.
Yet I have set it to "Rejected until updated", because I expect the next version to blow my mind.
Meaning that everything I have said will be changed... this is a challenge for the creator to test his patience.
Good game i love escapes and mazzes. You could do a few things better like fix the fade out/in bug and the sldie to your death bug.
The terrain wasn't terrific but not terrible either. Don't make it so choppy, but good thinking actualy not using so much dam nooby cliffs. Add some more doodads and imports. Fix up gameplay and a custom model for escapers(Ya that models getting old) and i think you'll have a winner!
I gave it a 2.5/5 (3/5). Fix it up and i'm sure you can make it a solid 3 if not 4/5. Oh and make it a good level or two longer.
P.s i am sorry i just updated my new map review templat with neutral boxes and a terrain category. I was too lazy tp update this review so i just added 'em around in this review.
Freeze Escape [v1.0.0] is a maze map by cazador where a unit must reach a certain destination in order to accomplish the game.
To begin with, the description at hive site are well written and organize but isn't very encouraging and leave user with doubt regarding the quality with such a statement.
This map is a BETA and I need as many reviews as I can to fix it.
Such a message would not convince user of this map quality, hence rendering them from any mood to download this map and even try it at all; knowing the fact it could possibly be just another cheap brand of maze map.
Next comes the scripting/triggering of this map. The map scripting isn't well develop as it full of inefficiency such as memory leak and unnecessary trigger like Do Nothing. Due to the tremendous among of inefficiency scripting, this map certainly isn't net friendly. Such a heavy memory leak would cause this map completely lagging shall it be hosted at LAN/Internet under the full house condition.
It even possible for it to be lagging despite being hosted and play by a small margin of player considering how heavy the leak was.
Next comes the terrain, it isn't necessary for a maze genre map to have awesome terrain. Then again, a good terrain is certainly a bonus to enchances the visual and encourage user to play it all over again.
As for the ingame detail, it certainly was very weak. It does not have quest log to indicate the objective or neither tell us the specific command that are available inside the map such as -wild. This certainly kill the joy of the game as user have absolutely no idea what it was all about.
Next comes the gameplay, there is absolutely no ability at all. All you got to do was to use your mouse to click around until you reach your destination and good timing is all what you need.
To make matter even worst, the ice path was extremely narrow and the unit change direction speed was too slow; this render the unit impossible to dodge the cannon attack and rampaging bull as you would surely dies if you turn your back. That's mean the moment your unit was sliding at the ice, you just got to move forward and if the cannon was trigger or the rhino was walk right over you at the same time; you are as good as dead meat.
Overall, this map lack of originality, the replayability values was almost zero as there is almost nothing interesting on it and it was full of inefficiency scripting that cause plenty of bug. This map need to gone through tremendous improvement before it could even been accepted to the database.
You got to
1) Widen the ice patch tiles, it was impossible to turn back.
2) Fix the scripting, it was extremely poor.
3) Provide detail, the detail ingame was 0.
This is alpha, not beta. A beta stage map would have a minimal error, not maximum.
Honestly enough, you do not read this fine print and if you know there is a lot of thing need to be fix. You should not have upload this at map section at the beginning. This section are reserves for complete work, not a utter disaster work.
If I am the staff, I have half the mind to give you infraction for the constant ignorances of the site rules.
The maps section should not be used as a pastebin or testing area, but rather for map distribution. If you wish for an advertising, testing, and more public place for early stages of your map, please use the Map Development forum.
Please do not upload uncompleted maps here.
I can understand you want to share your recourses with the world, but... not here.
Note before reading:
I'm in the mood to write a very long review about this map... so be sure to read this when you've got nothing to do.
Where shall I start?
Well, the first thing that comes to mind:
the triggers!
This was awfully done, here are a few examples:
Time - Every 0.40 seconds of game time
Unit - Create 1 little slow! (Level 1) for Player 12 (Brown) at (Random point in Region 022 <gen>) facing 180.00 degrees
Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Move To (((Position of (Last created unit)) offset by 9999.00 towards 180.00 degrees) offset by 256.00 towards 0.00 degrees)
Let's count:
Leak 1: "(Random point in Region 022 <gen>)"
Leak 2: "(Position of (Last created unit)"
Leak 3: "offset by 9999.00 towards 180.00 degrees"
Every 0.40 seconds, thats 2.5x/second.
That's 150x/minute, or 450 leaks/minute, with this one trigger.
But do not fear: there is more! (ohh, wait... you are allowed to be frightened).
Bonus 3
Time - Every 0.30 seconds of game time
Unit - Create 1 Knight for Player 12 (Brown) at (Random point in Region 069 <gen>) facing 180.00 degrees
Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Move To (((Position of (Last created unit)) offset by 9999.00 towards 180.00 degrees) offset by 256.00 towards 0.00 degrees)
Same leaks as the first trigger, but now every 0.30 seconds, or 600 leaks/minute.
Ground Attacker
Time - Every 2.00 seconds of game time
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0014 <gen> to Attack Ground (Random point in Region 005 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0015 <gen> to Attack Ground (Random point in Region 006 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0018 <gen> to Attack Ground (Random point in Region 009 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0019 <gen> to Attack Ground (Random point in Region 007 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0020 <gen> to Attack Ground (Random point in Region 008 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0027 <gen> to Attack Ground (Random point in Region 026 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0029 <gen> to Attack Ground (Random point in Region 026 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0031 <gen> to Attack Ground (Random point in Region 026 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0032 <gen> to Attack Ground (Random point in Region 026 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0034 <gen> to Attack Ground (Random point in Region 026 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0036 <gen> to Attack Ground (Random point in Region 026 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0039 <gen> to Attack Ground (Random point in Region 026 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0040 <gen> to Attack Ground (Random point in Region 026 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0042 <gen> to Attack Ground (Random point in Region 026 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0044 <gen> to Attack Ground (Random point in Region 026 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0046 <gen> to Attack Ground (Random point in Region 026 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0048 <gen> to Attack Ground (Random point in Region 026 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0050 <gen> to Attack Ground (Random point in Region 026 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0056 <gen> to Attack Ground (Center of Region 043 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0059 <gen> to Attack Ground (Center of Region 050 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0058 <gen> to Attack Ground (Center of Region 049 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0057 <gen> to Attack Ground (Center of Region 048 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0061 <gen> to Attack Ground (Center of Region 047 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0060 <gen> to Attack Ground (Center of Region 046 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0069 <gen> to Attack Ground (Random point in Region 060 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0066 <gen> to Attack Ground (Random point in Region 059 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0065 <gen> to Attack Ground (Random point in Region 058 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0067 <gen> to Attack Ground (Random point in Region 057 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0068 <gen> to Attack Ground (Random point in Region 056 <gen>)
Unit - Order Mortar Team 0070 <gen> to Attack Ground (Center of Region 063 <gen>)
Whew, after counting this I've noticed there were 30 leaks every 2 seconds (or 15 leaks every second, or 900 leaks/minute).
Now let's say I want to play this game for 20 minutes, with these 3 triggers alone I've got 39k leaks.
Hold on... 39.000? In an escape-map? With only 3 triggers? That's bad...
These aren't the only triggers that create leaks... I would advise reading a tutorial for that, since lag in an escape is deadly.
text 1
Map initialization
Floating Text - Create floating text that reads Level 1 at (Center of Region 010 <gen>) with Z offset 0.00, using font size 10.00, color (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%), and 0.00% transparency
text 2
Map initialization
Floating Text - Create floating text that reads Level 2 at (Center of Region 003 <gen>) with Z offset 0.00, using font size 10.00, color (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%), and 0.00% transparency
text 3
Map initialization
Floating Text - Create floating text that reads Level 3 at (Center of Region 024 <gen>) with Z offset 0.00, using font size 10.00, color (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%), and 0.00% transparency
text 4
Map initialization
Floating Text - Create floating text that reads Level 4 at (Center of Region 053 <gen>) with Z offset 0.00, using font size 10.00, color (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%), and 0.00% transparency
text 5
Map initialization
Floating Text - Create floating text that reads The last level!! No... at (Center of Region 067 <gen>) with Z offset 0.00, using font size 10.00, color (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%), and 0.00% transparency
Do I still need to say what you've done wrong here? NO: it's not about the leaks (yes, there are leaks, no that isn't my point).
Dude... you only need 1 and only 1 trigger with the event "Map Initialization".
If you think "it doesn't look nice", add some comments or something, but this is lame -.-
Whohoow, we've got some half-assed triggers that are supposed to be for an escape-map, now we need objects and a terrain.
My first reaction: ohh fuck, those damn illidans again... is everybody really that lame to copy even the frigging unit-models of polar escape?
Seriously... use whatever the hell you want, but don't use illidans.
Use some damn treants, or something... what's wrong with them? If you want, you can even use flying units that fly in force-fields instead of skating illidans! That would be completely different and... ey... I like that idea.
No, really... I just came up with it to say something and I like it, it's completely the same... but different.
Anyhow, remove the illidan model.
When I saw the creeps had locust, I was really happy (can you imagine the bliss that I must've felt after all those fails?).
But oww, then another fail... the turn rate was too slow, why on earth did you choose to set the turn rate this slow?
If those Illidans have to skate through a suspiciously geometrical terrain where snow instantly kills you, filled with mammoths which are stampeding across the path for no reason, Mortar teams who like to bomb paths in icy areas and zerglings that... zerglings? Pretty cool to see that zerglings (a futuristic race) are living happily together with mammoths (an ancient, extinct race) and sharing the same habbits (in this case: stampeding across paths).
Erm, where was I?
Ohh, right: you would expect that those Illidans have at least some experience at skating - which also includes turning.
About the terrain: did you ever hear of a tool called "Apply height: smooth"?
I bet you didn't, this is what it does: it makes the terrain more smooth, instead of those "bumpy hills", like in whats-the-name escape.
And erm... it doesn't look original to me... the same, old-fashioned skate-terrain.
Though this isn't necessary, a terrain is often very useful to make players go "yay".
The Description/Misc:
Right... so you have managed to find the color-/font- and B-I-U-tags.
Congratulations, but why didn't you find the list-tag then, for the "rules"?
And where is the command-list?
How do I know what "-lol" does? Even when I use it, I wasn't sure, because it isn't really funny.
Yeah... "wild", another original command... a few years ago, when some map (Polar Escape? Are there any earlier maps with that command?) released it.
This may sound... weird, but some players actually like to know what to do without reading it on the maps-section of the hive.
That means: add quests! (no, don't make other loltriggers with 1 quest/trigger, add it in the existing Map Init-trigger -.-).
Ap0, thank you for your criticism (seriously), I'm reallly fixing a lot of things and a new version will be update in some days (2-3).
All the lol problems are fixed, and there's a complet remade of the trigger organization, the leaks from the periodic triggers are removed, a minimap preview image is added, some changes on the levels and on the enemies, (no demon hunters..., I was seriously not going to keep them in the final.)
And a lot of new changes, I'll make a changelog when updating the map.
PD: The frst ever Escape/Maze map using the demon hunters as escapers were the series of "Maze of Skill" (15 maps), by Tylerbelan.
That is... freaky indeed
I've got "a lot of" escapes and know a few things about it, but I don't know where the original illidan came from
In any case: that means it's been used countless times before, that gets boring - just like the stupid AoS-terrain gets boring after seeing millions of DotA-rip-offs.
I'll be waiting for that version... 1 more piece of advice: don't hurry, patience is a virtue.
(Remember my challenge? If not, read the moderator-message).
EDIT: And seriously, I've re-read the rules of map submision, and:
All maps must be close enough to completion to allow for a good experience by the player. This does not limit beta maps that are near completion, but does limit alpha and other under construction maps that are not significantly playable.
There are still a lot of leaks, try to fix them all (there's still a trigger with 540 leaks/minute), though it's really... organized and it's a lot better since the last time I've checked it.
That's good, I actually know what I'm looking at ^^
The first thing I noticed was obviously the model of the skater, it's a marine :O
Yay at no freaking illidans.
You were actually able to create something more annoying than guys wearing pink T-shirts (no offense if you're wearing a pink T-shirt right now...): the mirror ice.
If highly trained marines are skating on ice and want to turn, no matter what the color is, they turn in the right direction.
I love it.
The turn rate has been changed, making it possible to turn (obviously).
Now the first level is pretty simple (as it should be!), it becomes hard from the moment you introduce the white ice.
I wanted to have a little 'tutorial' with it first (well, just a level that is really easy once you understand the white ice, but is hard for beginners, just to get used to the mirror clicks...).
The description has been improved, with 2 remarks: in-game: "Objectives", on the hive you forgot to end the quotes for the lol-command
Yay, I'll try to fix all the leaks as fast as possible, but the ones that make the bombers shoot every 2 secs will need A LOT of freaking work...
I know that is hard to get used to slide on mirror ice, first time I played in a map with it I simply die in the first turn xDDD, but when you take it, it becomes more easy, just tricky.
Sorry about the grammar errors, I'm spanish,
I supose that rating should wait until the map is officially finished.
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