Freezing Swamp

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Freezing Swamp

"Winter breaking in on this usually warm marsh"

= Description =

This is a 1v1 or 2v2 melee map (not really usable for FFA due to close spawns) inspired by the Avatar of Ice Campaign and the Arathi campaign with some custom creeps. It also has a custom merc camp with a custom merc.
The terrain is completely open so you can walk around freely, base building is restricted to dry areas though. Also small creeps drop various scout items and trapper nets that can be used by normal units too.

Map Overview:


= Update Log =

Murloc Harbor now sells Murloc Nightcrawler instead of Huntsman

Unbroken Raider Model: Radagast
Raptor Model: Cavman
Guardian of the Well Model: Sellenisko
Walrus Model: DonDustin
Murloc Harbor Model: MasterHaosis
Guardian of the Well Idea: IcyMapMaker
Trapper Nets Idea: IcyMapMaker
Axegrinder Giant Idea: Fokyip

Custom Creeps
Avatar of Ice
The Arathi

Freezing Swamp (Map)

07:35, 5th Jul 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Rejected