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FPS drop on the editor when using custom units palette

Level 5
Sep 10, 2023
Hello. Im having a problem with fps drop when using the unit palette with custom units in the editor in classic settings. I have a decent pc and I dont think its the problem because I dont have the same problem with normal and campaign units. I have quite alot of custom units if thats a problem. Its with all units.

Its not like super annoying but I have to put alot of units and if it can be solved it would be nice.

Level 22
Dec 4, 2007
Wild guesses:
  • CPU throttling, energy settings might be telling it to slow down (AMD chips sometimes have problems communicating with windows. Fix: updates and custom settings)
  • you are having 2 drives (perhaps ssd + hdd), or/and faulty sectors - i.e. the mpq with all the base files is on a healthy sector and your map is saved somewhere else. Fix: check with a driver scanner like samsung magician/crystal disk info, change location of your map.
I get the same choppiness only, when moving 10+ units the same time, custom or not.
Level 5
Sep 10, 2023
Wild guesses:
  • CPU throttling, energy settings might be telling it to slow down (AMD chips sometimes have problems communicating with windows. Fix: updates and custom settings)
  • you are having 2 drives (perhaps ssd + hdd), or/and faulty sectors - i.e. the mpq with all the base files is on a healthy sector and your map is saved somewhere else. Fix: check with a driver scanner like samsung magician/crystal disk info, change location of your map.
I get the same choppiness only, when moving 10+ units the same time, custom or not.
Tried with this putting the models and the map in the same drives, and it didnt worked.

Here is the map


  • Mapa 27-5-24.w3x
    30.9 MB · Views: 3
Same problem in my own map. After a lot of trial and error (making a back-up, deleting all the imports, units, doodads etc.), I think it just has to do with the total number of doodads (or maybe objects in general) in your map. Basically when you have the selection brush enabled and you are on the custom unit panel, the performance degrades pretty heavily the more objects you have on your map (on my machine, I start to notice some lag with around 6k doodads and then it gets very noticeable around 10k). From my testing, it doesn't seem to be related to the particular race selected or having too many custom units. The type of object doesn't seem to really matter either--I replaced all my doodads with "wheat" and still had the same issue. I was able to reproduce it on a blank map with one custom footman--and by placing 10,000 wheat doodads in one corner of the map.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find a fix (apart from deleting all the doodads, which isn't really practical lol). Even if you move your camera away from all the doodads or even disable the rendering of doodads (View > Doodads), it still has the same amount of lag. Seems like a weird editor bug.

So instead, I just got in the habit of toggling the selection brush on/off (you can press spacebar to quickly turn it on/off). When I'm trying to place a unit, I'll turn selection mode on. At all other times, I'll just turn selection mode off and then performance is fine. :thumbs_up:
Level 5
Sep 10, 2023
I get the same problem, the obvious solution is to move some of the custom Human units to a different category.

When I switched to the custom Orc category, which was rather barebones compared to Human, most of the lag went away.
I dont think that helps in my case, because I have races with custom units of 1 unit and it still lags (maybe its my computer)

Same problem in my own map. After a lot of trial and error (making a back-up, deleting all the imports, units, doodads etc.), I think it just has to do with the total number of doodads (or maybe objects in general) in your map. Basically when you have the selection brush enabled and you are on the custom unit panel, the performance degrades pretty heavily the more objects you have on your map (on my machine, I start to notice some lag with around 6k doodads and then it gets very noticeable around 10k). From my testing, it doesn't seem to be related to the particular race selected or having too many custom units. The type of object doesn't seem to really matter either--I replaced all my doodads with "wheat" and still had the same issue. I was able to reproduce it on a blank map with one custom footman--and by placing 10,000 wheat doodads in one corner of the map.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find a fix (apart from deleting all the doodads, which isn't really practical lol). Even if you move your camera away from all the doodads or even disable the rendering of doodads (View > Doodads), it still has the same amount of lag. Seems like a weird editor bug.

So instead, I just got in the habit of toggling the selection brush on/off (you can press spacebar to quickly turn it on/off). When I'm trying to place a unit, I'll turn selection mode on. At all other times, I'll just turn selection mode off and then performance is fine. :thumbs_up:
I will try that!!

Its weird because i dont have the same problem with putting melee or campaign units.

Thanks to all for your help!.
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