well a lot of terrainers abandon blizzards gaudy looking cliffs for ones they feel are more natural and much less restricting. These arent exactly cliffs, but extreme elevations of terrain with a much steeper slope.
*****I cannot seem to upload the text file, however if you email me at
[email protected] or IM me on Facelessgreed, ill be happy to send it to you (Or someone else can upload it)****
With this file you can raise the terrain to extreme heights and by using the plateau tool on the cliff. This will create the slope using only one medium gridspace. This can then be smoothed using the smooth tool to create a more well rounded cliff.
Some examples of the differences:
Shallow water:
Steep Cliffs/Regular Cliffs
Waterfall w/ Blizzard cliffs:
Waterfall w/ Steep cliffs:
I kind of went nuts on the last one. lol
When you do get the file (And im sure theres other places you can find it), open up your Warcraft 3 folder. (Should be something like C:\Program Files\Warcraft III.
After opening that folder, make a new folder titled UI. This is the folder you place the text file in.
Again i apologize for not uploading it but Hive Workshop seems to hate my computer.