Forgotten Hope

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Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Ok, lately I thought about many things which you will see in the story and I ended up with this story.

It was dark. Not the lack of light, the furbolgs had torches with them. It was the darkness within. The horrors they saw when their beautiful land became the abominational Felwood. Ever since their shaman lead them to the Barrow Dens they lived in constant fear. When their shaman was poisoned by a spider they thought it was over... until the High Priestess and Archruid of the kaldorei came to save them. The shaman, cured by the waters of life, continued to lead his people somewhere... they were going through the caves for weeks now. First the tunnel were like their once beloved homeland - defiled, tainted. Soon they entered tunnels that lead deeper in the earth, to the very roots of Hyjal Mountain. They left the tainted caves and now travelled through the safe endless tunnels. It seemed that the long way through those endless tunnels,where only things to see are mushrooms and stones, has made them to slowly loose their mind... some have heard whispers, some have felt something, but they continued walking.
Suddenly shaman rose his paw. Everybody stopped and looked around cautiosuly. They noticed a bunch of rocks on the floor, shaped strangely similar to a humanoid. Confused they continued, noticing more of such figures. The floor became solid as if they were walking on a road. Suddenly they saw weak light ahead. They saw some sort of entrance with something that looked like destroyed gates made out of stone. The furbolgs cautisouly entered. They were in a hall made of stone the color of sand and glowing yellow crystals. The center of the hall was occupied by something that looked like a pool. It was quiet, but a weak echoing sound could be heard... On the floor lied similar rock "statues" and some nig metal ones, which hardly resembled a humanoid.
The furbolgs carefully proceeded into another hall. It was small and unlike the last one had the square form. In its middle stood a strange obelisk, which looked strangely like the mix of sandstone and yellow crystals. It was surrounded by three stone piles which seemed to be there just for the look. The furbolg came closer and suddenly the stones rose, becoming flying stones that looked a bit similar to some humanoid. They slowly moved towards the furbolgs. Suddenly from the other entrance strange tentacled monstrosities came and started fighting the golems. Furbolgs quickly hid observing the horryfying creatures. When they were done with the golems they surrounded the obelisk and raised their hands. The ground began to shake the obelisk glew like the sun for a second... and then became dark. Shaman noticed that it shimmered when they entered and now it was dark and lifeless.
The furbolgs quickly entered the door through which the faceless ones came. They saw a hall similar to the first one... except that it was littered even more with the statues. Runes inscribed the walls, like in the first hall. Furbolgs felt that something was terribly wrong, they almost felt something whispering... "Forget hope... your life is nothing, only death is eternal... they betrayed you!" Shaman looked at the inscribtions on the wall. They showed some sort of small kaldorei, without pointy ears and much stronger. He saw them being with some sort of metal giants. The next picture was strange. He saw some sort of shapeless thing which the giants fought. The next picture showed it being imprisoned in some sort of a sphere. He looked at other inscribtions that looked different. They showed kaldorei, tauren and... furbolgs. He saw them fighting... Shaman stopped and looked around him amazed. Demons. This was the city of the earthen who helped defeat the demons during the War of the Ancients!
He understood he found the legendary City of Living Stone. He looked amazed imagining what knowledge could be found in here... until he understood what were the "statues". Slowly he looked around looking at countless bodies of dead earthen. He remembered that the earthen sealed themselves during the war, sending only few to aid the kaldorei. They were said to have fallen asleep and the whole wolrd forgot about the city. Perhaps it wasnt true. Perhaps they died even before they've fallen asleep. Perhaps they died during the Sundering. He looked around once again looking at his tribe. What could has defeated a city full of earthen? The faceless. The answer was horryfying. He nervously looked around and told his people to go in the next chamber.
As they entered they saw a room with another obelisk, still working. Shaman thought that the city must have the shape of an octogon... but whats in its middle? The obelisk was surrounded by four silver golems, rising their hands. Furbolgs cautisouly looked, but the shaman was happy. Whatever were tehy needed for the obelisk in here was safe. Suddenly he heared strange noices behind. He heared someone hissing and saying something like "Khadhu...". He looked behind just in time. Faceless ones were charging right at him! he ran inside as well as the others and prepared for battle. He looked at the golems cautiosuly but they seemed to understand who they were and what they wanted. Suddenly a dark, twisted figure of a faceless ones enetred the chamber. Furbolgs and golems charged at the faceless ones fighting and slowly making them step back. Suddenly they heared a horrible sound behind. Shaman slowly looked back to see a robed faceless one draining the obelisk of its powers. The earth itself shaked and the faceless ones rose their hands and cried victoriously - "Sinkha!".
Suddenly a wall started to open next to them. Faceless ones quickly left the room. The furbolgs slowly entered the dark path, away from the faceless ones. As they were going closer and closer the whispers and horrifying thoughts were becoming stronger and stronger. They entered a hall, shape of a dome. In its middle was some sort of pool covered with light-yellow crystals. Suddenly they heared a horrible sound and saw the crystals crack like ice. Something shapeless began to come out. A tentacle made of that strange fluid came closer to the shaman. He fell down on the floor. He couldnt handle the mental pressure he was under. He saw chaotic wastelands, storming eternally. He saw primordial chaos which became Azeroth. He saw the Old Gods' citadels being shattered by the titans and the dark ones being imprisonned deep in the depths. He opened his eyes horryfied. The whole city wasnt only a home for earthen - it was a prsion of an Old God! He almost felt his own lips saying the dreaded name - Rashk-Ha, the weakest and strongest of the Old Gods. His weakness was his form, but his power was eternal. Corruption...
He understood the taintation of Barrow Dens. He stood on his knees before the dark one. Again he saw the past. He was the Old God. Imprisoned, powerless, angered. Suddenly a terrifying power was unleashed by the destruction of the Well of Eternity. He felt Azeroth sunder. Only one moment. The wave of pure power hit the city. Like the shining of sun when you awaken, he felt, he saw his freedom. He was still imprsioned, he was still almost powerless... but even with the shadow of his real powers the fate of the city was already done. One of the four obelisks shattered... Weeks, months, years will pass and he will show his true powers and unleash his true power on the city... and then the entire world. Now he only needed someone pure of heart to visit the city, to seal the fate of this world...
Shaman awakened. He didnt hear, he didnt feel he only saw and thought. Clearly, absolutley clearly, first time in his life. He saw his friends cry and slowly die of horrible pain. He looked at the slwoly escaping Old God. He was amuzed. By him. The shaman saw the great ancient one gaze upom him. He belived that the whispers he heard would lead him to safety. He only doomed his people.
The shaman turned back and slowly went to the obelisk. He felt the Old God laughing, crying, whispering and slowly getting free. He didnt feel his power, he idnt feel his darkness, he didnt feel pain, he was pure wiseness and will. He came to the obelisk and put his paws on it. He suddenly felt the gaze of amuzed Rashk-Ha at him, looking how he was trying to do something. He slowly poured his pure soul into the obelisk.
Suddenly he understood that the sound didnt disappear until now. He stood and felt the obelisk getting powerful, the stone golems rising from the stone piles and coming next to him to power the obelisk. He felt the Old God panic, sending his minions to stop him. He saw shapeless black blobs rising from pools, faceless ones coming from the doors, but as they came forth anceint defenders of the city came forth to protect the shaman who silently went to the next room. Shaman entered the next room. Four faceless ones were channeling dark powers to save their master. He rose his staff and golems rose from the stone piles. He came to the obelisk and poured his wise soul into it. He felt the Old God yell and cry of horror and pain. The faceless ones have fallen because of the mnetal wave the obelisk eminated. The shaman continued his journey. He saw spirits of dead and horrbile ethereal creatures around him, but the spirits of earthen ancestors around him protected him from those vile spawns of Old God's lucid dreams.
He entered the next room engulfed with shadow by the Old God. Furbolg rose his eyes and the darkness faded. He came closer to the obelisk and felt the power that was in it since Sundering. Gently he awakaned it and felt the Old God lose power, cry, curse him. He continued his terribly walk. The hall was empty and suddenly he saw his fellow furbolgs, darkened, controlled. "Do you dear to destroy your own friends? You have betrayed them!" He felt the Old God using all his power and whispers trying to lie to him, to make him turn back. Shaman slowly went towards his tribesman and walked through their mob to the entrance.
He was in the last chamber. He saw the pieces of the ruined obelisk on the ground. "Wait! I was imrpisoned, I was fooled, I was crazened by the isolation. Join me and I shall give you the world!" The shaman no longer felt darkness or evil in the voice. Only sadness and terror. He stopped. "I sought to make this world beautiful in its own way, order in chaos, ideality in disorder." Furbolg waited for a second, and then came next to the ruined obelisk and began pouring the power of his pure heart in the obelisk. He saw the shards rise and slowly form the obelisk. A flash of light and the obelisk was pure again. He felt the Old God screaming, becoming weaker and weaker until finally he was sealed once and forever. The shaman rose his face up, where the sky should be and smiled. He slowly lied down.
Something entered the roon. A faceless one looked at the dead furbolg for a few minutes. He remembered. He remembered the fall of his home. He remembered how he used to be an earthen and what the ancient evil did with them. He looked at other faceless ones rising. He knew that soon they would become earthen... or something else. Maybe something less. Maybe something more. But his yellow eyes looked at the dead shaman and he knew that there was still hope and future.

Thanks for interest!
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Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Nah, first I made this city and the furbolgs in the deeps part of a storyline for campaign which I made up just of boredom. However it was very different from what you see here(I mean what furbolgs were doing)plus I left only this, last part as good.
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