The Red Sun Rises...

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Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
Something my mind had conjured up over a period of a few weeks. I finally take time now to immortalize it in virtual text.

------------------------The Red Sun Rises-----------------------------------
The man woke with a start. He was shivering, and sweat was rolling down his forehead. 'It's just stress,' he said to himself. 'Guarding a city is stressful, after all.' He was in his room in one of the Barracks of the city of Amnares, of which he was very thankful. The guards of the city were never deployed into war, so he was usually in no great danger. But today was different... and he felt it. He looked out his window, down below at the people who were going about their daily businesses, merchants walking around, pulling their wagons behind them. There was a slight glare on the horizon that made the guard blink. He looked and saw something that made him grow strong with fear. It was a red sun, rising in the morning light. This was a sign that was said to show that death is approaching. He got a better look at the people, and he saw the truth. They were not walking or strolling peacefully. They were RUNNING. FLEEING. The guard put his hand to his chest, for his heart was getting heavy. He sprung out of bed and opened his footlocker, which contained a suit of steel plate-mail which was decorated with a fine blue coat -of-arms. He quickly put it on and ran down the staircase to the army. There, he picked up a longsword and a large kite-shield, and made for the door. When he got outside, the red sun blinded him again. It seemed to have LOOKED at him. It's piercing gaze struck him, and he fell to his knees. When the sun turned away, he ran towards the main gates, to the East.

Miles later, he had come to a gruesome sight. It was a battle, between his people and a large horde of greenskin Orcs. He turned back, only to face an Orc up close. The greenskin grinned with his sharp teeth. Drool dripped down from his lips, and his axe, stained with blood, was raised into the air. Out of desperation, the guard struck, and his blade had sang. He had defeated the Orc, and entered the fray with a zealous rage.

In the end, there were only two survivors. Him, and one more Orc. This Orc was larger than his bretheren, with broader shoulders and an angrier, bloodied face.
'This is where we face off, Human!' he cried. 'You and I will fight eachother, and the winner will be the one who survives!'
The guard was evenly matched with the Orcish leader. For every blow dealt to him, another was dealt to his opponent. But they were both resilient fighters, and neither could best the other. At last, the two cast down their arms, and fell in exhaustion. But not for long. The two looked up, and from above, they saw something hurling itself towards them. It burned with a green fire, and soon, many more like it began to appear. One by one they struck the ground. The Human and the Orc stood up warily, sensing danger approaching. The two stood back-to-back, as the dust from the impact rose. From the craters the falling stones left behind, rose giant behemoths. Out of desperation, the two agreed to an alliance, and they ran off into the forests Southwest of Amnares. The red sun did not warn the man of the Orcs, but of the monsters that the sun itself sent forth to destroy him...

As with all stories, read it and give me a FULL review. Please include what I should improve and what you thought was good. I'd love to know. But REMEMBER, CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM ONLY. Thank you. Enjoy.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
It's funny, because I thought no one would even comment. I'll probably revise it when I have time, but right now I'm beating my brain up trying to get a trigger to work.
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