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Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Mirthis shivered. The cold winds of the North did cut through bone and body. He looked at the other men, who didn't shiver. Obvious, they were the Norsemen. They had grown up in this accursed land. Each of them had a grim face, bittered and hardened. Skilled with the ax', they now-- ''Hey, philosoph. The Prophet speaks.'' The man that had kicked him, pointed at an old man who shined authority, and looked as he was hatred himself. He stared with his blind eyes at the crowd, and spitted in the fire. ''Today, men of the harsh North and tamers of the wild beasts..'', said his charimatistic voice, ''Today we're going to sail out and destroy the Elves once and for all! And the one who will guide us to victory, the Elven Prince himself!'' The men pushed Mirthis to the Prophet and he faced the crowd. The old man continued: ''Banished by his own father! The hatred that burns within him shall destroy all! Hail him, the new champion of CHAOS!'' Mirthis watched astonished at the old fool. Then he looked at all the Knights, marauders and inhabitants of the North, and they cheered, yelled and shouted. Mirthis said with a commanding voice: ''Let us head to the Ships, brothers!'' They all entered the ships, and soon they were on full sea. Mirthis looked and he saw the tower. He grabbed for his head, and... Flashback.

He heard the lovely voice again of the sweetest girl in the world. Yet, this time there was fear in it.
''Do you really think our parents are going to let us marry..?''
Mirthis answered with confidence: ''Of course, if not, my father the King will regret it.'' The flame burning in his eyes scared Miriel, and she gave a horrofic expression. Mirthis quickly closed his eyes and said: ''Even if they won't let us, we'll flee into the woods, my love.'' She smiled again, and softly kissed him. Alone in the flower field, he was happy. He asked: ''Do you still remember how we met?''
''Yes.. I was lucky the mighty hero saved me.'' They both laughed at the way she said it. Then she slowly putted her cloack off, but quickly did it on when she saw the King's Knights. Mirthis sighed, disappointed, because he missed his first look at her without cloack. His fantasies had to wait, and he turned to the Knights. ''What is it?'' he asked. ''Enemy troops are underway, we got the orders to evacuate you. And within few minutes they were riding in full speed to the capital. They saw Elven Farmers running to the capital and some smoke in the distance. When they arrived, they stepped off and each of them did go their own way. The prince walked to the palace of his father, expecting that his father wouldn't panick. When Mirthis arrived at the palace, he saw that everybody was too busy for him, even his own father. What enemy could devastate the Elves so much..? That's what he asked himself. Suddenly he heard a hard voice: ''You damn lazyass! Go do something outside but don't bother me now!'' Typical his father. Never had any attention for him nor love. Mirthis bowed and left the palace. He spotted some chancellors grin at him, others spitted. He knew he was hated among the Chancellors, since he was the one that could counter every decision of them. It was needed, his father was too naive. Then he walked around in the streets. Everywhere he saw, the defenses were getting ready. He chuckled because they were so scared of a simple army? Nobody would ever breach these walls, he knew. He headed to the prison, a dark place where the most villians and enemies of the Empire. Yet, when he once visited it, he saw a lone knight sitting in a corner. They spoke, and they became best friends. Now he searched him for information about the upcoming battle.. Finally he saw a knight in black armor and they greeted. ''Ah, Mirthis, good to see you again.'' said a low voice. ''Same here, Azarin.'' replied Mirthis. It was strange to see them, a black knight talking with an Elf, but they were friends. ''So.. are it the Norsemen attacking the City?'' Azarin shoke his head and said: ''No, it are the vicious and cruel Dark Elves.'' Mirthis looked with unbelief and replied: ''Them..? Are you really sure..?'' Azarin said that the Norsemen would never make such smoke signs, only Dark Elves did that. ''I don't believe that, Azarin, we banished them fivethousand years ago. Before Azarin could say something Mirthis heard footsteps behind him. He turned, and saw an Elf with a knife, ready to stab. His reflexed took over and he quickly drew his sword and impaled him. The Longear fell to the ground, dead. Mirthis looked closer and saw a familiar face. It was the brother of Miriel...

To be continue'd.
Yeh, I finally decided to write a real long story, o_O. Constructive critism is here allowed, shit isn't. :wink:
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Level 11
Mar 25, 2006
There isn't much constructive to be said, you have a few errors in the words, but that isn't important anyways. Your story is very, very good, I really liked it, even more than the History of the dwarves. You are getting better and better by each thing you write, I must add, so you definitely should not stop and should continue onwards the same way. Especially with this story, I would very much like to see how it continues. Also I have to add that I very much like Mirthis and Miriel and the love bond. But it gets complicated with the brother now, so the story will probably get more interesting. Continue it, definitely ^_^
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
The Crash. The damn crash! Why he ever listened to that cursed old fool of a prophet! His cursed prophecies caused the crash on the beach, and now the Elves might have noticed anything. Elf.. he shivered at that name. He wanted to forget that he'll be always bounded to his race. Miriel.. she probably married with a fat Noble. Miriel.. that name hurted him, but the fact that his father became a puppet in the hands of the chancellors made him angered.
While Mirthis thought this he stared across the beach, watching the Norseman set up their camps, repairing the boats and set up the pallisades.
He mumbles something to himself: ''Who is the Prophet..? And why the Norsemen accept that fool? Don't they know he's just a cheater? Grah, I can't eliminate him because the army will rebel then, but once--'' Then he saw the Prophet nearing and he stood up. When the old man stood before him, he said with his lisping voice: ''Mirrthiiss.. I feel you're angered. Do not think too much about this accident, it will blind your mind.''
What? Did he think that I would forgive him? Forget this!? thought Mirthis.
With an icy voice he said: ''It already did. Old fool, because of you we were in trouble.''
''As I said, don't think too much about it.. you have other concerns. The Elven Compagnies are forming together into an army, marching this way.''
''Damn you.. damn you!'' yelled Mirthis. That cursed Prophet smiled and turned to the camp, walking away with his stick in the hand. Mirthis sat down and sighed, trying to remember his past.

''Accused of murder, betraying your nation, threatening the chancellors and much more.'' That's what they said.. when he stood in the courtroom. He was surrounded by his enemies, the chancellors. But if you looked good you could recognise the faces of his Black Friend, along with Miriel, staring at him with a sorrowful and distressedm face. That did hurt him the most, to see that your love hates you, and you're abandoned by everyone who ever loved you. ''Well, Prince Mirthis, what is your reply on this?" spoke an Elf with a ghoulish grin. ''My reply.. My reply it was an accident, and I would never betray my country nor my father the king.''
''Ahah, but do you got proove?'' Mirthis slowly shoke his head, knowing his fate was to be an exile, doomed to wander the world. Or worse.
''You are to be executed.''

To be continued.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
What was the meaning of life? And death?
Those questions he asked himself when he saw the crowd of people who came to see his execution.. bloody people. They all laughed at him, the forsaken Prince. The executioner kicked Mirthis to the ground, forcing him to kneel down. The last sight what he saw of the crowd was an Elf Noble whispering some words in the ear of a crying Miriel. When he saw that, he felt like stand up and kill everyone here, but how could he..? He was alone against hundreds of people. ''Silence, everyone! The execution is going to begin!'' The people shouted, yelled and cheered. Slowly the tears streamed over his cheecks, and he innerly cursed the world. Why he needed to be killed, why!? The executioner laughed and slashed with fury and hatred. Miss! Only a small scratch in his neck. The people yelled: ''Boooh! Booooh!'' The man mumbled something and slashed again, missing his past fury and it was miss! The people began to yell harder. ''Alright, alright!'' the man said angered. He swinged again, and.. before he could cut the head off, a flaming arrow was sticking in his chest. People were astonished, and Mirthis stood up and ran to the gate. ''HOLD HIM!'' shouted the Chancellors. The guards already blocked the door, but he grabbed a sword and slashed the head of one off. He jumped through the hole ran through the door. The Chancellors immediatly reacted and said: ''Get the cavalry and track him down!''

Few hours later, he fell down on the ground in the forest, exhausted. He looked at the mist surrounding him and he closed his eyes. Then he saw a cloacked figure coming closer. He was too exhausted to react, and the figure stood before him. Then the figure layed on him, and slowly started to kiss him. Mirthis recognized Miriel ''You.. killed that Executioner..?'' Miriel nodded and replied: ''Without you.. it's hell.'' He looked at her with a loving face and tried to kiss back. She chuckled and slowly putted her cloack off. ''This is going to be my last night with you.. so enjoy it..'' Miriel said.
He smiled and enjoyed.

I haven't written details because I don't want to be seen as pervert by the people. Ok, constructive criticism is allowed.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Ah.. the moment he woke up he asked himself wether he was in Heaven or not. After that moment he realised he was in a ship. ''Arr, you're finally up!'' said a low voice. Mirthis nodded, not knowing to who. ''We found ye in the forest, who are ya?'' Mirthis slowly replied: ''Mirthis, an Elf.''
''Ay, I see. Now..'' The Elf didn't listen anymore, but examined the man who spoke to him. He had a long red beard, a pale skin but he was a bit fatty. He was tall, very tall. He also had ruddy hair. In one sentence, it was a Norseman, a Human. ''Hey! Have ye been listening?''
''Ehm.. yes..'' said Mirthis, stuttering. ''Good! Then start scrubbing the deck, now!'' The Prince followed the order and started to scrub.

After weeks of hard working, he started to get the feeling something was wrong, even tough the crew accepted him, he always thought the Norseman were barbarians.. enemies of the Civilization, but that they accepted him, an Elf, touched him. The captain said they were going to the North, and the closer he came, the more he felt sick. The winds became more and more icy, and they saw mist coming. The captain walked on the deck, comtemplating about what was going to happen.

The storm was going to come.
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