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Forged Warfare X - Terrain

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Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Looks pretty awesome if you ask me. The only thing is, though, the texture on those brown rocks looks bad with the WC3 models. It has no contrast. Maybe try editing the models so they use ingame textures like the Barrens Rock Spires texture, and then tint the rocks darker because that texture is rather light.
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
Looks pretty awesome if you ask me. The only thing is, though, the texture on those brown rocks looks bad with the WC3 models. It has no contrast. Maybe try editing the models so they use ingame textures like the Barrens Rock Spires texture, and then tint the rocks darker because that texture is rather light.
Not a bad idea, but it might be a bit too hard and i almost just use the cave models from the utm pack with exceptions of sewer vents, torches, small dirt, shrub and a few other things.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2008
Hmm, I think this terrain is, eck, really bad, sorry. You are using really small amount of doodads and spamming those tubes so it looks quite monotonic and empty. Terrain textures are used quite correct, but are creating gloomy and dark atmosphere which I don't like.

In the first picture I see that terrain is totally based on squares which look almost the same. All other pictures look much better but still they are not much.

Rating: 3/10

@All other guys who commented this: Why do you like this so much? I don't see anything more than average terraining in here...

P.S. Sorry, but this is my opinion, don't get angry because of it.
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
Hmm, I think this terrain is, eck, really bad, sorry. You are using really small amount of doodads
I would disagree, using more would make it look chaotic, keeping it clean and simple looks beautyfull. I know this because i've looked trough many terrains and using too many doodads make it look bad.

and spamming those tubes so it looks quite monotonic and empty.
You might be right here, but they dont fill out much space of the terrain.
One of the problems with the sewer pipes is that theres only 1 straight model forcing me to repeat with the same model over and over again.
What i've done here is atleast variating the angles making it look slightly more natural.

Terrain textures are used quite correct, but are creating gloomy and dark atmosphere which I don't like.
The dark and gloomy atmosphere is only positive, because it makes the eyes slide over to the organic units.

In the first picture I see that terrain is totally based on squares which look almost the same.
It makes it look a bit artificial yes, but solves some of my gameplay problems thats why i keep it this way. For me map layout is always prioritated way higher then terrain. A good terrain without a proper map layout can ruin a map horribly.

@All other guys who commented this: Why do you like this so much? I don't see anything more than average terraining in here...
They all got own and different tasts.

P.S. Sorry, but this is my opinion, don't get angry because of it.
Nono i appreciate different views, thx for the critique.
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