Latest update to Footmen Vs. Grunts, with a hell of a lot of changes.
- Lumber system added
- MANY New towers and custom models
- Fig's heroes have been removed, 4 heroes added to compensate
- Footmen and Grunt spawn time has been halved (more powerful)
-Infernal has been nerfed with cost reduced
-Pulverize has been nerfed
-Footmen slightly more powerful
-Hearts now have a weak short-range attack to help fight base raping
- New golem spawn that drops an item slightly more powerful then BB
- Aura shop added
- New gold income and better compensation to teams with leavers
- Research costs reduced
Many other things added... I've tested this about 8-10 times and am confident this is balanced, losing and winning on both sides while testing all the new heroes individually.