Please forgive hard to read English in the beginning.
The knack should be able to be gripped if becoming accustomed to the
game even if the explanation is not so understood.
First of all, when the game starts, you choose your hero.
When the up-grade etc. are done without choosing the hero here, and Gold is lost, you cannot handle the hero while playing a game.
Choose the hero in the limitation of time because this becomes very big handicap.
There must be Footmen enough in your Base when the player finishes choosing the hero.
Let's take those Footmen, and start fighting.
The hero recovers Mana by occupying the center. Therefore, it is very important to keep occupying the center while playing a game.
Well, if Gold waits for, the up-grade does your Base.
Please do not buy the item etc. , and do not use Gold too much.
Unit is not after a while mass-produced from the game beginning with Base at a weak level.
Therefore, it is necessary to prioritize the up-grade of Base.
Please choose a favorite race from among Human/Orc/Undead/NightElf/Naga/Deamon/Creep.
When the up-grade is done once, the race of Base is not revokable any longer. Let's choose carefully.
There is a common, each race effective up-grade. For instance, ChampionRoad and Deamon are Power of Chaos in UndeadFrenzy and Orc etc. in Undead.
These are effective in all each race's Unit. In a word, if it is Base of Orc, Unit that is stronger than usually is mass-produced with Factory by choosing Factory of Orc.
That is, it is very important to choose Factory of the same race as the race of Base.
It is necessary to buy FactoryCreater to construct Factory.
It is necessary to shortly search for the place where Rune shines soon about your Base.
Wood is necessary to buy this FactoryCreater. Wood can buy Base by the thing that even maximum Lv does the up-grade.
FactoryCreater has two abilities. One is an ability to construct Factory in a specified place. Another is an ability to destroy oneself.
Mana of FactoryCreater doesn't recover however much it waits. That is, it is a thing said that only one Factory can be constructed from FactoryCreater of one person. Creater that constructs Factory shuts the short life damaging the enemy by another ability self-destruction.
Well, I will see constructed Factory.
Here, the up-grade only for mass-produced Unit can be done. (Factory without a part of up-grade either exists. )Well, even here has chiefly introduced how to fight to invest Gold to Unit, and it is important to strengthen the hero by using Item of course.
However, Base at least does the up-grade to the utmost level even as for the fight of the hero subject.
I hope u like this map.
Have fun!!
:Adjustment of game balance.
:Addition of explanation.