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- May 24, 2005
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this is a small system, that adds smoothly fading fog to your map.
There are two versions:
- function based (change_fog function: changes to a new fog data within specified duration and given smoothness)
- more flexible than 1.3
- requires Vexorian's TimerUtils (included)
- this adds an automatic day/night cycle changing fog
- very easy to use, you just have to copy one trigger to your map and change the constant values to your needs
- if this is all you need, you can go with 1.3, else you should better use 2.0
I hope, it might be useful for some people.
this is a small system, that adds smoothly fading fog to your map.
There are two versions:
- function based (change_fog function: changes to a new fog data within specified duration and given smoothness)
- more flexible than 1.3
- requires Vexorian's TimerUtils (included)
- this adds an automatic day/night cycle changing fog
- very easy to use, you just have to copy one trigger to your map and change the constant values to your needs
- if this is all you need, you can go with 1.3, else you should better use 2.0
library FFS initializer Init requires TimerUtils
// fog structure
struct fog
string name
real start
real end
real density
real red
real green
real blue
private constant integer FOG_STYLE = 0 // 0 = linear, 1 & 2 are expon. functions
// These variables store the current values of the actual active fog
private real fog_start = 0
private real fog_end = 9999
private real fog_density = 0
private real fog_red = -1
private real fog_green = -1
private real fog_blue = -1
// variables used for calculations
private integer fog_fade_ticks
private real fog_fade_amount_start
private real fog_fade_amount_end
private real fog_fade_amount_density
private real fog_fade_amount_red
private real fog_fade_amount_green
private real fog_fade_amount_blue
private function FFS_Change_Fog_Callback takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
call SetTimerData(t, GetTimerData(t) - 1 )
set fog_start = fog_start - fog_fade_amount_start
set fog_end = fog_end - fog_fade_amount_end
set fog_density = fog_density - fog_fade_amount_density
set fog_red = fog_red - fog_fade_amount_red
set fog_green = fog_green - fog_fade_amount_green
set fog_blue = fog_blue - fog_fade_amount_blue
call SetTerrainFogEx(FOG_STYLE, fog_start, fog_end, fog_density, fog_red, fog_green, fog_blue)
if GetTimerData(t) <= 0 then
call ReleaseTimer(t)
// Below is a debug display that shows raw values each update tick
// call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0, "FOG - start: "+R2S(fog_start)+", end: "+R2S(fog_end)+", dens: "+R2S(fog_density)+", R: "+R2S(fog_red)+", G: "+R2S(fog_green)+", B: "+R2S(fog_blue))
set t = null
function FFS_Change_Fog takes fog NewFog, real fading_duration, real period returns nothing
local timer t
// If no fog active, get color values
if fog_red == -1 and fog_green == -1 and fog_blue == -1 then
set fog_red = NewFog.red
set fog_green = NewFog.green
set fog_blue = NewFog.blue
// if duration 0 or less: instant change
if fading_duration <= 0 then
set fog_start = NewFog.start // Though, we need to update the variables
set fog_end = NewFog.end
set fog_density = NewFog.density
set fog_red = NewFog.red
set fog_green = NewFog.green
set fog_blue = NewFog.blue
call SetTerrainFogEx(FOG_STYLE, fog_start, fog_end, fog_density, fog_red, fog_green, fog_blue)
set fog_fade_ticks = R2I( fading_duration / period )
set t = NewTimer()
call SetTimerData(t, fog_fade_ticks)
// Calculate the color amounts to be faded every tick
set fog_fade_amount_start = ( fog_start - NewFog.start ) / fog_fade_ticks
set fog_fade_amount_end = ( fog_end - NewFog.end ) / fog_fade_ticks
set fog_fade_amount_density = ( fog_density - NewFog.density ) / fog_fade_ticks
set fog_fade_amount_red = ( fog_red - NewFog.red ) / fog_fade_ticks
set fog_fade_amount_green = ( fog_green - NewFog.green ) / fog_fade_ticks
set fog_fade_amount_blue = ( fog_blue - NewFog.blue ) / fog_fade_ticks
call TimerStart(t, period, true, function FFS_Change_Fog_Callback)
set t = null
private function Start takes nothing returns nothing
// This also might be a good place to create an initial fog
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(t, 0.01, false)
call TriggerAddAction(t, function Start)
library FFS initializer Init
// I recommend tu use 1.0 here for final maps
private constant real TIME_OF_DAY_SPEED = 10.0 // 10 makes a good timelapse for testing
private constant real SECONDS_PER_HOUR = 20.0 // Only change this, if you also change it in the game constants!
private constant real START_TIME = 6 // Time at game start
private constant integer FOG_STYLE = 0 // 0 = linear, 1 & 2 are expon. functions
// Fog #1: noon time, 12 p.m.
private constant real NOON_FOG_START = 1000 // Start distance of fog
private constant real NOON_FOG_END = 2500 // End distance of fog
private constant real NOON_DENSITY = 1.0 // Fog density
// Color values
private constant real NOON_RED = .9
private constant real NOON_GREEN = .7
private constant real NOON_BLUE = .4
// Fog #2: night time, 24 p.m.
private constant real NIGHT_FOG_START = 800 // Start distance of fog
private constant real NIGHT_FOG_END = 2000 // End distance of fog
private constant real NIGHT_DENSITY = 1.0 // Fog density
// Color values
private constant real NIGHT_RED = .6
private constant real NIGHT_GREEN = .3
private constant real NIGHT_BLUE = 1.0
// ============================================================
// Don't touch the code below unless you know what you're doing
// ============================================================
// variables used by the system
private real fog_density
private real fog_start
private real fog_end
private real fog_red
private real fog_green
private real fog_blue
private real fog_fade_ticks
private real fog_fade_amount_start
private real fog_fade_amount_end
private real fog_fade_amount_density
private real fog_fade_amount_red
private real fog_fade_amount_green
private real fog_fade_amount_blue
private real time_dif
private function Start takes nothing returns nothing
// Time of day speed
call SetTimeOfDayScale(TIME_OF_DAY_SPEED)
// Set Starting Time
// Fading is processed every second
// and we got 12 hours to fade between 2 fog colors
set fog_fade_ticks = ( 12 * SECONDS_PER_HOUR ) / TIME_OF_DAY_SPEED
// Density amounts to be faded every second
set fog_fade_amount_start = ( NIGHT_FOG_START - NOON_FOG_START ) / fog_fade_ticks
set fog_fade_amount_end = ( NIGHT_FOG_END - NOON_FOG_END ) / fog_fade_ticks
set fog_fade_amount_density = ( NIGHT_DENSITY - NOON_DENSITY ) / fog_fade_ticks
// Color amounts to be faded every second
set fog_fade_amount_red = ( NIGHT_RED - NOON_RED ) / fog_fade_ticks
set fog_fade_amount_green = ( NIGHT_GREEN - NOON_GREEN ) / fog_fade_ticks
set fog_fade_amount_blue = ( NIGHT_BLUE - NOON_BLUE ) / fog_fade_ticks
// Calculate Fog Color for starting time
// between noon and midnight
if START_TIME > 12 and START_TIME <= 24 then
set time_dif = ( ( START_TIME - 12 ) * SECONDS_PER_HOUR ) / TIME_OF_DAY_SPEED
set fog_start = NOON_FOG_START + fog_fade_amount_start * time_dif
set fog_end = NOON_FOG_END + fog_fade_amount_end * time_dif
set fog_density = NOON_DENSITY + fog_fade_amount_density * time_dif
set fog_red = NOON_RED + fog_fade_amount_red * time_dif
set fog_green = NOON_GREEN + fog_fade_amount_green * time_dif
set fog_blue = NOON_BLUE + fog_fade_amount_blue * time_dif
// after midnight, before noon
set fog_start = NIGHT_FOG_START - fog_fade_amount_start * time_dif
set fog_end = NIGHT_FOG_END - fog_fade_amount_end * time_dif
set fog_density = NIGHT_DENSITY - fog_fade_amount_density * time_dif
set fog_red = NIGHT_RED - fog_fade_amount_red * time_dif
set fog_green = NIGHT_GREEN - fog_fade_amount_green * time_dif
set fog_blue = NIGHT_BLUE - fog_fade_amount_blue * time_dif
call SetTerrainFogEx(FOG_STYLE, fog_start, fog_red, fog_density, fog_red, fog_green, fog_blue)
private function Timer takes nothing returns nothing
local real time = GetFloatGameState(GAME_STATE_TIME_OF_DAY)
// between noon and midnight
if time > 12 and time <= 24 then
set fog_start = fog_start + fog_fade_amount_start
set fog_end = fog_end + fog_fade_amount_end
set fog_density = fog_density + fog_fade_amount_density
set fog_red = fog_red + fog_fade_amount_red
set fog_green = fog_green + fog_fade_amount_green
set fog_blue = fog_blue + fog_fade_amount_blue
// after midnight, before noon
set fog_start = fog_start - fog_fade_amount_start
set fog_end = fog_end - fog_fade_amount_end
set fog_density = fog_density - fog_fade_amount_density
set fog_red = fog_red - fog_fade_amount_red
set fog_green = fog_green - fog_fade_amount_green
set fog_blue = fog_blue - fog_fade_amount_blue
// Apply fog values
call SetTerrainFogEx(FOG_STYLE, fog_start, fog_end, fog_density, fog_red, fog_green, fog_blue)
// Below is a debug display that shows raw values each update tick
// call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0, "FOG - start: "+R2S(fog_start)+", end: "+R2S(fog_end)+", dens: "+R2S(fog_density)+", R: "+R2S(fog_red)+", G: "+R2S(fog_green)+", B: "+R2S(fog_blue))
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
local trigger t2 = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(t, 0.01, false)
call TriggerAddAction(t, function Start)
call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(t2, 1, true)
call TriggerAddAction(t2, function Timer)
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