Dalvengyr requested me to make a flashbang model, so... here it is. This was much trickier than it seemed and i had to spend the whole evening tweaking the flash to turn out just right. A billboarded glow will clip through the ground in a really bad way, so i had to experiment with stacks of glow planes and pieces only billboarded to the z-axis to make it look good from all angles. The model uses only ingame textures. Please do not judge it based on the hive viewer, it looks much better in magos or ingame.
If you want a more persistent flash, i recommend you to trigger it using a white fade filter. It would propably look a lot better, and you could also make it so that you only go blind if you watched the explosion. Since neither camera coordinates nor fade filters require net traffic, you can use a local block, as long as you don't set any variables (just use, say, a pythagorean theorem checking the distance of the camera target to the explosion, or even better, check the dot product between the camera axis and the vector between the camera and the flash). I am attaching a version without the flash in a post below.
Happy teamflashing!
flashbang, counter strike, cs, grenade, blind, weapon