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Fist Fight

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Level 16
May 25, 2004
a few times, Most are from back in the day when i would have to go get my drunk friends out of the bar before they did something stupid and that they would always regret in the morning.

I had a friend learn his GF was cheating on him with the bartender at the club they would go to on friday nights. His GF called me because she didn't want to see either guy get hurt. By the tiem i got there they were already outside getting ready to fight, so... I called him out, he didn't listen and the barkeeper started pummeling him. I went in to break up the fight, my friend hit me instead for trying to stop him from getting a beat-down claiming he was winning.

The next day, after the hospital visit (for him) he apologized, which I blew off since as a friend, its what I would want him to do for me.

Another time I had a guy come up to me swing at me, miss, I decked him, only to realize he was mistaken, thinking I was someone else who cheated on his GF. The funny thing about that, is we became pretty good friends after that. He did eventually find the other guy, but that's not my story to tell :p
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
Back in the day I use to beat up people who bullies good kids or gang-wannabes who taunts people to fight them in my school, I end up hitting them so bad teachers think I'm the one responsible for the mess (sounds like some corny flick eh?).

Never had problems during college and outer areas, to realize punching people who dares fight you on the face won't do anything, much less talk them out or just completely ignore them.
Level 10
Sep 1, 2013
Back in the day I use to beat up people who bullies good kids or gang-wannabes who taunts people to fight them in my school, I end up hitting them so bad teachers think I'm the one responsible for the mess (sounds like some corny flick eh?).

Never had problems during college and outer areas, to realize punching people who dares fight you on the face won't do anything, much less talk them out or just completely ignore them.

This will happen soon enough to people near me
Level 4
May 15, 2014
Back in the day I use to beat up people who bullies good kids or gang-wannabes who taunts people to fight them in my school, I end up hitting them so bad teachers think I'm the one responsible for the mess (sounds like some corny flick eh?).

Can't decide if that's good or bad haha
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