here is good advise :
You seem to be good for your first terrain. But consider your camera angles first.... You might want a camera angle that can both have :
1- The object your displaying (Foreground)
2- The Sky (Background)
3- The Transitional area ( in between the Foreground and Background)
Usually a good camera angle is :
-- 0 AOA ( angle of attack)
-- 200 - 500 Z Offset ( Height Offset)
-- 900 -1300 Distance
-- 70 - 120 FOV (Field of View)
-- 5000 -10000 Far Clipping
The values are wide ranged, but just play with those values in between, you should experiment alot with camera angles( try looking at the legndary terrain thread ) and find out which is the best angles for your screenshots.
2nd thing, You should focus alot on having a good atmosphere. you should Always include the sky in your screenies, and to never forget about not showing the "End of the World " line, always cover that up with some type of hill of some sort.
LAstly, use the UTM ( Ultimate Terraining Map ) it is a terrainers dream come true =) you can find it in the terrain forums.
Come up with more terrain and we will tell you how to further improve on your terrain.