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First time terrain-ing!

Level 5
Aug 19, 2021
A couple of terrain pic i took while working on my map! I just love the snowy vibes the game have and couldn't help but to try and make some of myself, which i dare say turns out pretty well even after i took a break from messing around with Warcraft's map making.

The first one was the draft i used back then for the map, it would depict of towering mountains with Northrend's wasteland like valley floor under it. This one mountain in particular was the first and my favorite amongst the bunch, tho i have to sadly scrap it up, but who knows? Maybe i'll be back to this concept again if i had the chance to, with a more demonic landscape, who knows? ;)

"You do realize i'm standing because at the least you have decency to fix darkness' contact, right?"

The second one here is the recent tweak of the map that you can see right now! It's now more a frozen over isle with glacies, iceberg and floes all across it's sea's surface as you traverse through it. I quiet like this one so far, maybe it could be improved a little so any suggestions are welcome here!

"A cup of maggot juice and set of flayed skins would be nice now..."