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First Icon: I'm on my way...

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Hello everyone!
I am currently experimenting with creating icons, learning-by-doing.
Pretty interesting to create your own stuff.
I have to get used to colours getting blended when resizing to 64x64.

First attempt was an orb, lacks realism and colour choice is a bit off, but as I said, these are just experiments, wide open for improvement. I felt like there was something missing "inside", had no real idea what it should be. Turned out to be a... wave? :eek:


EDIT: 2nd one. I'm much more satisfied with this one.

EDIT 2: 2nd one without glow.
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You didn't need to update it, he was saying that the Second icon was very good. But he specified that the best of the 2 version of the second icon was the one with no Glow.

Yeah, but I wanted to make sure that this is what he meant. I could have also deleted the background (the purple fog) and I wasn't too sure which one looks best to me, as that changed from day to day.
This was not meant to acutally end as a serious project, but it did so anyway... xP
Just doodled around and experimented with colours, the result was some sort of special orb for Nightelfs, holding a Moonstone (you can see some gemstones on it in the original image, unfortunately they can't be seen in the icon).



Feedback is very much appreciated.

Sorry for double-post, but actually this is an update.
Level 11
Jul 9, 2009
its good, the background gives some kind of feeling and the shadings on the moon is good but I feel like it is lacking something, anyway it is a unique orb and I have not seen any of those yet :)

Edit : I see that you uploaded this to the icon section already, good job!
A flower or a newborn baby both symbolize life, so I guess one of those could work.
Yes, a flower would be nice.

Allright then, it will be a rose, a symbol for both life and love. I originally wanted it to be a leaf where the touched part dies, but this one is much better (and more colourful!). Thanks! :D


Any ideas on how to imrove this one are, as always, very welcome!
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I found it quite hard to make the petals actually stand out (this is the first time I draw a rose, I didn't bother before because of its difficulty).
I pay too much attention to details in the original (rather big) image, which are not visible at all once resized.

Also, I now made that "ghost" bigger (it's some sort of death energy, comparable to a Lich's death animation) and change its colour along with some more contrast.
I originally just wanted it to be smoke (thus gray), now it's some sort of frosty blue (death's cold, right? xP ).

better. now you only should make the middle of the rose begin to freeze :p

Uh, DAMNIT! That's so true and I didn't get it while I was working on it! >_<
Woah, let's see if I can actually manage to make it look like it's freezing tomorrow, that's also a good theme for a background (looks kinda naked without one).

looks good. But you should really also upload the other version, because the non frozen version is nice aswell :)

Hm, don't you think that there should be more differences between them? Though I don't know what I should add/change about the non-frozen one.

EDIT: Maybe this will work. Simply recoloured death's energy to a brownish colour, representing decay rather than freezing cold.
Level 23
Dec 20, 2009
The hand looks very artificial. Seeing that you already used a bit of brown in the icon, I guess, some brown touches to the hand would really polish this up and get rid of the aritificial feel that it currently has. Also make sure that the different parts are clearly visible on the 64x64 version, that has to be a very fine but visible work. The middle connection is not all that clear in the scaled down version.
Hope that helped.
First of all, I really like that icon. However, I think it is now too brown. You might want to make it a littler lighter and yellower. The bone color of this skin by 67chrome is a perfect example of how it should look.

Well, that's actually creme/beige. Since bone colour got an extra layer, it can be changed in no time.
Also, its colour isn't that visible on the icon anyway, so too much tweaking here won't show up propperly. I'll see what I can do though.

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