Filled - Terrainer (Single/Full time) ~ Belgarath and deathcom3s

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Need a terrainer to help speed things up.

I'll be giving you the terrain layout and then it'd be your job to make it.

You'll be using a mixture of imports, including Born2Modificate's High Res Trees, as well as a bunch of other stuff. You can import more things but be sure to give me a link to every import so I can add them to the main campaign file.

The terrain should be completely playable.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I wish I could! :(
I have too many terrains to work on right now. I'm a terrain whore.
Level 6
Jan 5, 2008
Well, i'd really like to help you... But i don't think you'll find me experienced enough as I only made one terrain yet^^
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I doubt deathcom3s could do a better job than Pyritie, no offense death. Pyritie is a pretty good playable terrainer.

Although if you just want someone to do it for you so you can do other things, deathmoc3s would be fine. He can easily do what you have thus far.
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
Thanks Gilles. Like I said, I've only done around 10 terrains but I'm constantly practicing and trying to improve. I haven't been able to do many terrains because my computers a piece of crap, I'm getting a new one in about a week.

If you don't accept me I'll understand why. Thanks for your time to look this over.

~ Deathcom3s
I guess I could jump in for a map or two, how big are they and what type of tileset is it?

Between Medium and Large. It's supposed to be in spring so you can change the tileset to whatever (maybe a bit of snow around still, some grass coming up, etc)

It's probably have some hills in the top-left, some forest in the bottom-left and top-right, and a river going down through the middle from the top-left to the bottom-right. On the bottom-right could be some "lowlands" i.e. sandy/swampy area.

There will be like 6 or so villages throughout the map. One in the forest in the bottom-left, one near the center next to the river, one in the hills, one in the top-right, one in the bottom-right, and another somewhere else. (Your choice).

The map starts with you in the bottom-left in a small clearing. It should be a short path to the first village.

I can post a MS Paint doodle if you want.
Okay, would you both like to work on this together, perhaps?

Here's the doodle; I'll post the map in a few secs.

Also add yourselves to the Pyritie's Adventure User group so you can see the private forum and get the Tester's edition of the campaign (which has all of the imports).

You will need to use WEU to open the campaign.

EDIT: Here's the map. I added 16 tiles for you to use. Feel free to arrange them as you wish.


  • map.jpg
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  • Democracy.w3x
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Level 6
Jan 5, 2008
I'll try something with it:), if you like it i'll try to make the rest too otherwise I tried, and I still have a much to learn
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