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Fear Aura

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Scares nearby enemies with the laughing skulls of their ancestors. With Sweet trailing effects.

Give Credit if use ;D

Fear, Aura, Doom, Pit, Evil, Splashy5, Hiveworkshop

Fear Aura (Model)

Fear Aura (Model)

10:42, 23rd Feb 2009 shamanyouranus: This model is very messy and looks weird. I'm temporarliy rejecting until you can improve it.




10:42, 23rd Feb 2009
shamanyouranus: This model is very messy and looks weird. I'm temporarliy rejecting until you can improve it.
Level 4
Feb 9, 2006
It still looks like happy rainbow aura. Change teal ones to black and darken the purple one a bit, and make the bubbles floating to purple or black, and tadaa, we got fear aura.
Level 35
Jul 22, 2004
It looks better but you're using colors that are too harsh. It looks too red and/or purple now. Maybe you could soften them up through the color segments by making it go from light colored, to medium colored, to darker colored. That way, it will have a nice way and won't just be one shade.
Level 16
Jan 17, 2006
Let's all repeat eachother. =P

Anyways, auras are generally flat and at the source's origin, so I would say this is more of a spell buff, but I guess it's up to whoever is using it to decide what it represents.

Like he says...
It more reminds me in a mix of "death and decay" and "Locustswarm"
I think its in a real game a great eyecatcher for some players if
something pink, shiny with skulls would appear...
The idea to create more skulls around him isnt bad.
I would reduce the Area, to an minimum, so
they would only appear around the using unit
and not such a huge area.

some final words:
"What the hell?!"
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