Farming simulator

Last Updated 29.12/15 - Check the 'EDIT' Section below for details.


Players: 1-2
All Animals Tamable
Breed and Sell Animals
Grow Crops
Build up Defenses for Nights
Choose a Mastery


-To buy 'The Deed to the Land', you need 7500 Gold.
-You can only gain gold from selling animals and lumber at the shop, and by defeating the mob camps with a pack of dogs.


1: To get started, you must attack some Shrub bushes and pick up the shrub afterwards (Your farmer beats down any plant in 1 hit)
2: Build a Windmill and place your shrub in it's inventory, this will produce 2 Shrub Seeds.
3: The first animal you can get is a chicken, and they eat Shrub Seeds, so this is the fodder type you use both to tame them, and also to breed them

This is illustrated in the 2 first screenshots.

4: Food for Pigs, Sheep and Deer, will be available after a certain amount of time has passed, the game will tell you when they are ready for purchase.

Goal/Win Condition:
Buy 'The Deed to the Land' item at the Farmer's Market.

-During gameplay tips will tell you mostly everything you need, but if you want to read up on it now:

-To tame an animal you need to have the appropriate food type on you and use your 'Tame' ability on the animal, this will consume the food.

-To make two animals mate, they both need to have 1 of the appropriate food in their inventory, then target one of the animals and use the 'Mate' Ability on the other animal.

-To get a 'Hunk of Meat' you need to kill a Pig or a Sheep, 'Bones' drop from Skeletons.

-To tame a dog you need 1 'Bone' and 1 'Hunk of Meat' - To make them breed they each need 1 'Hunk of Meat'.

-You can use the Wind Mill for various things, for example grind shrubs and fodder into seeds and planting them with your 'Sow" ability, this way you can multiply the food you bought and get even more profit.

-From 18:00-06:00 the undead roams the forest, they are however killed by the sunlight. in game messages will tell you when the forest is safe and when it's not. But keep an eye on the time.

-You can sell your animals by walking them into the fenced area next to the shop in the circle of power.

-You can sell 500 Lumber for 250 Gold at the Farmer's Market.

-You will get your Mastery point automatically.

ILH - Creating the Fence models per request.
Tardin - Alpha testing.
Ardenian & WhiteFang - Reviews/Constructive feedback.



Bag_1 - !!GORO!!
Branch - RightField
Carrot0 - communist_orc
Carrot1 - communist_orc
CheeseItem - D.O.G.
Fallinlove - Kuhneghetz
Bucket - Sunchips
SkeletonPirate - WhiteDeath
Wolf's Tooth - Bisnar13
Meat5 - InfernalTater
Fences - ILH

BTNBlueBerries - NFWar
BTNBucketOfApples - NFWar
BTNCarrots - NFWar
BTNCampfire - FhelZone
BTNINVMisc_Food_Wheat - Blizzard Entertainment
BTNLantern - Warhog
BTNWheat - maxor_gan
BTNWoodStick - Darky29
BTNheart - LiOneSS
BTNhoe - Pyramidhe@d


All hotfixes suggested by WhiteFang, except for Doodad replacement, was applied 05.12/15
All hotfixes suggested by Ardenian was applied 09.11/15

16.10/15 - 'Mate' ability tooltip fixed.
16.10/15 - [Ability] Magic Sentry REMOVED
16.10/15 - Author name corrected.
09.11/15 - player 2 is now automatically removed if the player slot is empty.
09.11/15 - The Windmill has a more accurate tooltip.
09.11/15 - Ability Tooltips like, 'Leave Emergency Hub', 'Milk meh' and taming, have had their tooltips updated.
09.11/15 - The timed tips/help messages have been spread out so they are not that easy to miss, also they have all been elaborated.
09.11/15 - The Terrain of the map has been redesigned, and should provide a more adventurous feeling.
09.11/15 - 'Sow Crops' now places Saplings that over 60 seconds grows into the particular plant. Cooldown was lowered by 50%
09.11/15 - NEW BUILDING!: The Feeding Though! Feed your animals from the other side of your fence by putting it into this bad boy!
09.11/15 - Pig, Sheep and Deer Fodder seeds are now actual plants and vegetables' seeds.
09.11/15 - Building have been given a more helpful tooltip, that explains the building better.
09.11/15 - Your dog has an inventory now and can thus use healing items like cheese and cooked meat.
09.11/15 - During the game there's periodic hints and tips for gameplay. These have been elaborated and in a slower interval.
09.11/15 - [Bonus] 3 secrets have been added to the map, can you uncover them?
05.12/15 - Tooltip for the 'Scout Tower' is corrected.
05.12/15 - Extra 'periodic tips' have been added, and again clarified.
05.12/15 - Quest messages have been added through out the game to clarify the Basics of the map.
05.12/15 - 9 Models has been selected for the map. (Credits added)
05.12/15 - 10 Icons has been selected for the map. (Credits added)
05.12/15 - Height variation have been added to the entire map.
05.12/15 - 3 Mastery Talents are now available, you can choose one after 800 seconds of game time.
05.12/15 - Some doodads have been removed.
05.12/15 - Special mob camps improved a bit so you need a bigger herd of dogs.
05.12/15 - You can now sell Lumber and get Gold at the Farmer's Market.
08.12/15 - [CRUCIAL] Dogs now have the 'Mate' ability.
09.12/15 - Screenshots are now visible
10.12/15 - 4 new screenshots added, should illustrate some fundamentals.
10.12/15 - DISBTN added for Fodder types in shop
11.12/15 - Horizontal and vertical fence added, with death animation for when you scrap the building (Thank you ILH for making the model)
12.12/15 - Mastery point is now also given to player 2.
12.12/15 - DISBTN added to seeds.
12.12/15 - Sheep Milk's tooltip has been fixed.
12.12/15 - Skeletal Captain and The Summoner have been buffed.
22-12/15 - All DISBTN's have been added.

29.12/15 - Skeletons have a bigger collision size.
29.12/15 - Using 'Hold Position' makes the unit walk to a random position on the map. (to avoid exploits)
29.12/15 - Each kobold camp now awards 250 gold, instead of the drop chance.
29.12/15 - Skeleton Captain now awards twice as much gold.


Error Fixed, Screenshots are now visible.









Defense, Builder, Peasent, Peon, Farming, Breeding, Building, Tower Defense, Chill, Warcraft, Plunders, Farming Simulator, Survival, Scourge,

Farming simulator (Map)

15:42, 22nd Dec 2015 StoPCampinGn00b: Map fixed - map approved. 20:54, 4th Nov 2015 StoPCampinGn00b: Set to needs fix under Ardenian's vote. Once you update it, it'll be pending again.
Level 8
Aug 17, 2013
Some screenshots are ready, but..
To be honest this is my first upload, and i'm a bit shaky on how to paste screenshots and what format they should be.

Could you perhaps link me some sort of guide or any link telling me how this is done properly?
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
Feel free to call me WhiteFang.I'm only 14 after all :D

Take your time,no rush
Meanwhile,Ill start testing it myself

Edit:You should change the author name to yours
You should remove the magic sentry ability as well since I haven't seen a way to obtain it or a use for it so far
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Level 1
Oct 16, 2015
Very fun little game. Works very well and provides a good amount of entertainment.
Kind of like breeding animals in minecraft.




The player is thrown into the game, without really knowing what to do.
It is easy to figure out what to do, but you could offer some basic instructions and a mini-tutorial to choose.

The terrain is okay, not very exciting, uniform and hardly offering unique areas.

The gameplay is interesting, Plunders, I like the idea. However, its realization is lacking. You use a lot of default tooltips instead of writing your own ones. Examples are the taming buff tooltip and the leave emergency hub ability.

I also miss a tooltip information that the windmill can convert shrubs into seeds.
Basically, I would recommend you to add passive tooltips to all buildings informing the player about its function, not only the building tooltip as source for information.

Speaking about seeds, I think there is a big issue. Sow Crops states you plant all your seeds whereas you actually only plant the one in item slot 1. Planted seeds grow immediately. You should fix that.

You could also remove Player 2 if the player slot is not used, since he attracts skeletons and is destroyed anyways.

Overall, I vote for Needs Fix and Awaiting Update




Ps. I could use a tip on how to remove player 2 if he's not there, thanks!
WhiteFang added you can ask him if you have problems :)

You basically check if the slots are used by a human player and if not, remove all pre-placed units controlled by the player.
Level 8
Aug 17, 2013
An updated version of Farming Simulator will be available monday evening, there might be missing a single hotfix, however don't dispair if something is missing i'm aware of it and it will be updated again shortly

-player 2 is now automatically removed if the player slot is empty.

-The Windmill has a more accurate tooltip.

-Ability Tooltips like, 'Leave Emergency Hub', 'Milk meh' and taming, have had their tooltips updated.

-The timed tips/help messages have been spread out so they are not that easy to miss, also they have all been elaborated.

Updates to come:

-Terrain will be improved: Plains and mountain areas are my immediate thoughts, you can suggest a biome you'd like added if you have anything specific in mind.

-Growing crops will be fixed: I will definately be able to give them a grow time.
(The Ability is taking 1 seed of each type and planting, so it has nothing to do with slot 1 of your inventory.)

Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
The map offers some unique features but aside from that it's repetitive and can get boring.There are some tooltips that are incorrect,such as the towers and the player has no real info on how the map works or what to do

I didn't see any usage of new skins in my playthrough,nor icons.There are a small amount of custom models tho. The terrain functions properly and while there is decent tile variety the terrain is quite flat for the most part.It requires some height variation.As for doodads,some places there are enough,others too much and others almost none.You should improve the balance.

Overall and verdict
The map is quite simple but it's not really fully enjoyable due to me not really having information on what I must accomplish to achieve victory.The terrain is good enough,but can use some improvements.Aside from that,fix your tooltips so they match what the object actually does or gives.My verdict on this is
3/5 and awaiting update!
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Level 8
Aug 17, 2013
Thank you Whitefang, for the feedback.

I will do the following fixes in the weekend to come.

Height variation in the terrain.
Tooltips for building like towers will be checked and fixed.
Simple quests will be added to guide the player a bit more.
Doodads will be better spread out through the forest.
Regarding the Models and Icons for this game, i will look around in the hive workshop database and see what i can find. (and update Credits list)

However i don't see what i should fix about the game to make it less repetetive. I am willing to, so please leave me some suggestions on this.

If anyone else have suggestions please post them, don't be modest :)

Once the hotfixes are done, you will see a red note about it, on the Edit section in the map description.
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Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
Very well.About the repetitive thing,try adding specializations of farming such as crops,animals etc.That way players will be able to replay in order to try new things and the map will be more enjoyable

Also,the carrot model is made by communist_orc,and can be found Here
Level 8
Aug 17, 2013
Dearest Farmers

The updated version of Farming Simulator is available, see the 'EDIT' section for imformation on what has changed.

Edit: The game is now in a state where all the big changes have been made, and as such it would warm my "plundarian" heart if you would rate this map :)
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Level 8
Aug 17, 2013
Thank you Legal_Ease.

09.12/15 - I fixed the error where you could not see the screen shots.

Screenshots have been updated

A bug was found where tamed dogs didn't have the 'Mate' ability... They do now! +rep for that.

EDIT: Thank you for the feedback regarding basic information, i have added 'BASIC INFO' and 'STARTER TIPS' to the top of my map description, this should support the more elaborate 'Hints' and 'Goal/Win Condition' sections with some basic information that should clarify things.

Also don't forget that i put periodic hints in the game, so while you play, the game will teach you more and more functions. (Trying to remember everything beforehand can be a little much for me atleast)

As always i remind you all that any form of feedback is much appreciated and will not go unoticed
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Level 8
Aug 17, 2013
So i have some exciting news, i made a request for some better fences for the map, and it was heard.

11.12/15 - ILH made us a Vertical and a Horizontal small fence with a death animation, so it doesn' look awkward when you scrap a fence and we got rid of the Angled fence model - Thank you ILH.

The first screenshot now showcases the fence, go and have a look.

If you're interrested in using this model here's the link:
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
The map is quite interesting until it turns into a grind mid and late game. Having more focus on the actual farming might actually make the map more interesting.

Anyway, the only thing keeping this map from being approved is that you have broken (green) DISBTNs.

Please fix it. Once fixed I'll approve the map :)
Level 8
Aug 17, 2013
Thank you SToPCampinGn00b, i have fixed up the DISBTN's.

About the mid game, i am currently considering a max stock and some longer re-stock times for the fodder, so you'd have to Grow more crops yourself. If you think this could solve it then let me know, it wouldn't take me long to do that.
Level 3
Apr 2, 2015
Fun little map, but it becomes rather monotonous once you've figured out a way to win. For me personally, I just holed up behind a bunch of barricades and towers after cutting out a small area in the forest above the Farmer's Market. From there, I kept growing fodder and breeding stags until I made enough to win. My defenses were easy to build and hard to breach.

A few features I thought I'd comment on:
- The skeletons are for some reason physically smaller than dogs, even though visually they look as big as the farmer; they can squeeze through tiny gaps that my dogs can't walk through.
- The kobold camps seem pointless. I killed the kobolds but found no rewards apart from the 4-5 gold each kill gave. There was nothing inside the crates.

Some bugs:
- The tamed sellable animals will obey the "Hold Position" command and stay completely still. I assume this is a bug because it removes the need for building fences and feeders, and I've played other maps with animals that will ignore the "Hold Position" and continue moving around.
- Cheese sells for 70 gold but the value on the description as well as the floating number after you sell it displays it as 100 gold.
Level 8
Aug 17, 2013
Thank you for your feedback Vindeus, it is as alway much appreciated. Like anyone else that can give constructive feedback you shall be +rep'ed.

I will work on the skeletons size, cheese sell price and try and see how others fixed the "hold position" button, again thank you for bringing this to my attention :)

The Kobolds currently have a 20% chance to drop gold coins. I guess we'll need some static reward, I'll fix it up aswell.

Edit: I once had a description that clarified better what the purpose of this map is, it was initially removed to make it lighter. But I feel that this is again needed.

I will update the map after the cristmas madness, when i have the time.
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Level 8
Aug 17, 2013
Farming simulator has been updated.

All hotfixes suggested by Vindeus has been fixed - you can see the change log under 29.12/15 to see what was changed.

In regards to the Cheese you sold, you were on high upkeep, this degrades the lumber you collect and the money you get from selling items - in shorts this was not a bug and is working as i intended (trying to get you guys to ease up in the towers)
Level 1
Apr 4, 2016
20 minutes of gameplay
0 action
?????????????????????????????????????????????? (at night 0 enemys, my friend died from cancer and left the game)