Doom impends this little town, take control of the Humans or the Undead whom have multiple Hero evolve options with their own unique abilities. The map is full of secrets with their parting terrors. Humans have access to pickup items that they will need to use to survive while the Undead have to rely on their buildings for income. In this unique survival map Humans will have the option to base and gather additional supplies to tech up or they may choose to go take the Undead head on.
Recommended players: 10; you cannot play this game without players in each team
By: Blackrat @USEAST (my old alas being Once_Was, I have been revising map as of late, all other verisons are old, this being the newest to the collection.)
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zombie, simulator, guns, death, dead, people, war, forest, water, monster, monsters, zombies, apocalypse, evil, legends, legend, cops, cop, cars, car, infected, biomind, gun, machine, hero, heroes
08/19/17 update: Massive updates full of new enemies, smoother gameplay, and loads of new features like basing and bosses.
Credits: Rufus for his review, Killcide for triggers help