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Farmer vs. Hunter R! ver. 3.7

Farmer vs Hunter
Remastered Build

Farmer vs Hunter returns in a new, remastered version - bringing many improvements in de-bugging and balance!

So most of you probably know the original Farmer vs Hunter map, as it is oftenly hosted over Garena and Battle Net. Those of you who played it more than once might have noticed, that although the original version is really fun to play, it is rather imbalanced and issues like drophack, -clear command cheat and tower-occupied spawn points make it completely unplayable once the players decide to abuse them.
Since me and a friend of mine (who is not yet registered on the Hive) loved to play the original map, we decided to fix these issues in a fast remake that would not only bring the long desired debugging and balance, but also a whole new map to explore.

Long story short, what originally started as a weekend project prolonged into a few-months-taking remake which does not only bring the fixes we originally planned, but also many new gameplay mechanics and improvements that bring the experience this map can create into a whole new level!

•No Drophack! - In the original version, Farmers could get into places where Hunters could not - which could make them completely invincible (This was achieved by building under your farmer, which would drop him into the nearest pathable location - often behind otherwise unpathable trees).
•More Balance! - In the original version, it was enough for Farmers to build a half-decent wall and a Death Tower to become unconquerable. It was possible to build these in about 5 minutes of gameplay if you were lucky.
In our version, the Farmers have little to no chances of defending at first, and they need to rely on hiding, denying and escape routes.
•No more issues due to Unit Limits! - In the original version, you had to build a huge army if you wanted to catch and defeat the hunter. Not only the units became almost completely unresponsive once you got too many of them, but they could also lead to unpleasant FPS Drop and even Game Crash once you pushed the limit too far. In our version, you only have to build one unit (a Golem) which you must upgrade and equip with spells in order to catch and defeat the Hunter. Normal units are still present, but they are controlled by an intuitive AI, so you don't need to worry about micro. Even if you get too many of these, your units are still as responsive as ever. Not even getting too many animals can slow down their responsivity.
•No wolf-summon hack! - Hunters were able to summon Feral Spirits through trees and walls, right into Farmer's bases. This is no longer the case.
•Farmers can no longer prevent their animals from wandering around with the 'Hold Postion' command! - This brings a new gameplay mechanic which we like to call 'Livestock Management'. You need to build walls for your animals and make them spawn in the right directions, so they don't get in your way or give up your position by wandering out of the base. This new mechanic is also the reason why -clear command is no longer present.
•New strategies, new mechanics! - Farmers hidding their farms all around the map or turtling in one base? Hunters fighting the Farmer's lategame forces, or running around the map, hoping not to get caught? All strategies have their pros and cons and the game is adjusted accordingly!
New units and items create new possibilities! Even if the Farmers turtle too hard, Hunters can lay siege to their base with Bombard Towers or explosive potions. In order to kill the Hunters, Farmers can upgrade their Golems with projectile-based abilities or they can just rely on the mercenaries!
•Much more! - You will find many things has improved since the original version!

Please, do not play with less than two Hunters and five Farmers (5v2)! The game gets less fun and less balanced if you do!
If you find any bugs or imbalances, we're absolutely completely open for critique and every feedback is very welcome! This map is no longer in beta stage, but that does not mean we're not working on it anymore!

In any case, thanks for playing and vote 5! :D

Ver. 2.8 (5th July 2012)
-Fixed the Anti-Drophack system. It didn't work in certain cases but it should be flawless now. (thanks to sheep for diagnosing this)
-Fixed the spawn-stuck-bug which could make farmers/mercenaries stuck after spawn. (thanks to sheep and Tanasren for pointing this out)
-Increased Peon movement speed and removed their bounty award.
-Decreased Exploding Potion range
-Changed the descriptions at Farms (Tanaseren again).

Ver. 2.9 (6th July 2012)
-Removed Magic Wall and Hunter that spawned for the red player at start. Sorry about that.
-Cliff-height damage bonus for towers increased to 30%
-Wind Walk Potion duration decreased to 20 seconds (60 when -progame mode is active)
-Price of Sappers reduced to 30 gold when -progame is active.
-Increased stock maximum for Sappers to 2 and decreased replenish time.
-Some minor terrain changes were done as well.

Ver. 3.0 (11th July 2012)
-Nerfed Attribute Bonus a lot
-Sheep and Pigs should no longer glitch out of your base when they upgrade
-Magic Wall should no longer be able to change it's position when erecting it.
-Based on a popular request, hunters got nerfed a bit when "-progame" mode is not active (they get less stats per level-up).
-Fixed the bug that made Invisibility Potion disappear from the merchant after buying it.
-Animals will no longer stay in game after kicking a player - they will die after 40 seconds, along with rest of his/her units.
-Maximum-animal limit is now fixed on an unchanging number (3 players - 300, 4+ players - 200. Before it was: 3 players - 300, 4+ players - 1050/Number of Players).
-Box-Throwing towers are a bit stronger now
-Decreased mana cost of Flare Gun
-Fixed description for Goblin's tree-boom abilty.
-Goblins no longer explode upon death.
-Peons now have a very short-ranged blink
-Armor of Magic and Iron walls set to 5.

Ver. 3.1 (17th July 2012)
-Randomization elements implemented! Some parts of the world gets randomized at start, making the map a little bit different every game! (Of course, this is limited by Warcraft's engine (it's not possible to change cliffs or minimap in-game), but should add some variety nevertheless).
-Nerfed Hunters some more in non-progame mode (they get even less stats per level up).
-Golem upgrades are better in non-progame mode (hit points upgrade increased from 40% to 60%, damage upgrade increased from 5 to 10, attack speed upgrade increased from 12% to 15%).
Let me know if you think this is enough or not!
-Maximum level of Far Sight decreased to 2.
-Area around pools is unbuildable now.
-Pools can be destroyed.
-Pools can be temporarily disabled with Poison Wall ability.
-Poison Towers can one-shot Farmers again, but...
-...Shared True Sight for Farmers gives ability to see through trees and cliffs, so it's easy to avoid these poisoned towers once someone researches this.
-Added -cam command which changes the distance of camera if your computer is strong enough to handle it (for example: -cam 2000).

Ver. 3.1b (17th July 2012)
-Fixed a bug where an area in the bottom-left corner of the map was sometimes unpathable although there was no debris there.

Ver. 3.2 (31th July 2012)
-Goblin Mines now take 7 seconds to activate. During this time, they are visible and won't explode when destroyed.
-Potion of Healing now has 3 minutes cooldown.
-Potion of Wind Walk now has 20 seconds cooldown.

Ver. 3.3 (7th August 2012)
-Huge balance changes: Basic Arrow Towers are much weaker at start, costs more and take longer to build.
-Hunters have much more HP at start, but gain less HP for leveling up than before.
-Increased damage for most mercenaries.
-Changed repair time and hit points of most towers.
-Shared true sight no longer takes food
-Golems no longer have Wind Walk buff all the time.
-Added "-i" command which shows the player's total income and counts his/her animals.
-Fog is less dense now, allowing players to use greater values in the -cam command.

Ver. 3.4 (8th August 2012)
-Bombard Towers are much stronger and a bit cheaper now! But...
...Non-tower buildings and Flame-Arrow Towers now have explosion-proof design that makes them immune to Bombard Towers.
-You can only build 15 Flame-Arrow Towers.
(This should help the Hunters counter tower massing strategies).
-Horn of the Clouds is cheaper, lasts 9 seconds and has bigger range, but only two horns can be sold during one game.
-True sight is a bit cheaper.
-Box towers are cheaper.
-Fixed hotkey for peon's blink.

Ver. 3.4b (9th August 2012)
-I've realized the randomization elements never really worked. Things were the same every time. Should be fixed now tho!
-The Hunters got a great nerf - they get less stats for level-up and they level up much slower once they reach level 6. Attribute bonus is also much weaker now.
-Some terrain has been changed, mainly the bases on top-right.

Ver. 3.4c (9th August 2012)
-Some spelling mistakes fixed
-Show income command (-i) no longer shows double values when spammed.

Ver. 3.5 (12th August 2012)
-Previous Anti-Drophack System allowed players to drophack in a different way. This should no longer be possible and the map should be 100% drophack free now!
-Farmers now have it harder to deny themselves. It's still possible, just not as easy.

Ver. 3.6 (25th October 2012)
-Hostfix command has been removed as it could cause the game to crash.
-Maximum level for Hunters has been set to 8 - This should give the Farmers some chances if the Hunters farm too much.
-The bounty for Farmers gets decreased with deaths. So if there are noobs who feed too much, they'll eventually feed less and less and less...

Ver. 3.7 (3th January 2013)
-Hunters can now have only one wolf summoned at a time. Wolfs are much stronger tho and additional levels toughen them up exponentially.
-Small cooldown (3.5 seconds) has been added to the Exploding Potion.

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Farmer vs. Hunter R! ver. 3.7 (Map)

Vengeancekael - [Contact] Date: 2012/Jun/30 11:45:16 Comment: [Approved] Resource Moderation - Rules
Level 1
Nov 20, 2012
Thanks for letting me know about this! I had a good laugh :D

I don't mind it tho, it's kind of a free ad... In a way... People might look for the real version over time.
I would actually give them the unprotected version had they asked.

edit: What does it say in the Loading Screen tho? I see they left out names there, so that's cool rite?
Wonderful Map!!! as for a Chinese player,I Really want to share it with my friends.So,may I translate it into Chinese?
Level 2
Aug 23, 2010
Thx for the updates:grin:

Wonderful Map!!! as for a Chinese player,I Really want to share it with my friends.So,may I translate it into Chinese?

Hope you can start your work soon. I was once a war 3 map translator, maybe I can help :D
Level 2
Dec 30, 2012
Hello there, I'm just wondering about the summonable wolfes. The thing is when you reach lvl3, or 4, I find it very difficult for the farmers to have any hiding spots at all, since you can have around 7 wolfes summoned at the same time, and a decent rts player can handle that. You make shift-a click scout paths for each of them.

I camp at wells and summon wolfs constantly which I put on patrol around the forests, and I find it to effective since you have reach over the whole map and can scout atleast two or more forests with one wolf.

Now, if I never get fed that wouldn't be a problem, but you don't need many kills to get to lvl 3 or 4, given that they build around 4-7 farms before getting denial towers.

With the money you get from the little feed there is you buy 1-3 grunts and hotkey those and make scout patterns too. Now you have huge map control in addition to the wolfes.

But yeah, haven't played in garena yet, will do so. Still feel very uncertain of how optimal farmer play is like.
Level 11
Dec 8, 2006
Hmmm, I never really seen this in action, but you might have a point there - it does sound like a matter of great imbalance :S
Thanks for letting me know about this, I'll look into it and see what I can do!

edit: And while we're at that: any suggestions about whas should I do about it? :D
Increase wolf cooldown?
Stop Hunters from gaining experience from wolf kills?
Level 2
Dec 30, 2012
Well, what purpose does the wolfes play mainly? They are quite handy for killing of escaping farmers, or a small damage boost, but I can't find a reason for the long duration they last, unless for the matter that they can run around the whole map. To balance a decrease in their duration a reduced manacost would fit I think, since you can keep them around for much shorter time.

But in order to prevent global scouting the wolfs would have to die within 30-40 secs, since it takes about 40 seconds for a wolf to run to any point of the map.

Now a wolf lasts for 60 seconds, which enables atleast 20-30 sec scouting from any point of the map, plus the patroling 30 sec when it's moving to it's destined forest location, so I guess a duration of 30 secs seems okay. Then you would be able to have 3 wolfes at one time, and a hindrance to well camping map control.

Anyways, there may be other ways to balance. like the cooldown you mentioned, it would probably work quite nice too. The point is that wellcamping shouldnt be favored, yeah. About no exp from wolfes, maybe that could have a max limit range? Since you still want to kill escaping peasants.
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Level 11
Dec 8, 2006
Originally, the main purpose of wolves was to help you catch escaping farmers. Unfortunately, people didn't know how to use them well. Even the few that realized didn't think that leveling them is a good investment (compared to Wards or Attribute Bonus).
That's where I decided to increase their damage and duration, so that they could be used as both: a siege boosts and a free scouts. I didn't realize they could be abused like this tho.
About no exp from wolfes, maybe that could have a max limit range?
Yeah, Hunters could still get experience if they're around.

Anyway, the possible solutions I'm considering now are:
•No exp from wolves (I worry that even if I did this, well camping would still be too powerful (since there is an auto level-up implemented, it wouldn't hurt the Hunters too much to do this)).
•Make only one/two/three wolves available at a time (But hunters could still double their numbers like this, basically for free)
•Decreasing their duration/increasing their cooldown (I fear that other, innocent usages of the wolf ability would suffer from this as well. They wouldn't be of much use as a damage boost since they die so easily and if you use them to outrun a farmer from a different way, they could expire before getting there.)
•Combining some of these.

I would like to hear your opinions (or ideas, if you have some that have not been mentioned) before processing any further tho (mainly your opinion Comp_Lunatic, and an opinion from Sheep as well, please :D ).
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Level 4
May 7, 2011
I think making only one or two available sounds like a good idea.

Not so sure about that no exp thing from wolves, because sometimes you have to leave the wolf far away while you go in someone's base.
Level 11
Dec 8, 2006
Allright, I've implemented it. At first I made it so there can be max two wolves summoned at a time, but it didn't differ that much from how it worked before (three wolves could be summoned before, but the third one lasted only for a while).

You still get experience from wolf kills.

To make things lees bitter for Hunters, I made wolves a lot stronger now. And they can get super tough if you level them up (additional levels decrease their mana cost, remove cooldown completely and increase their movement speed, hit-points, hit-point regeneration and damage. They also do double damage to buildings since level 2).
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Level 4
Apr 7, 2009
i hate the fact that you get less exp the more you kill a farmer and that theres a maxlevel for hunters, why get punished if the farmers suck? you shouldnt make the game easier for the average public player, if they cant live up to it them fuck them.
when someone of my mates is underfarmed or died alot we usually have 1base sticking around were he can camp in and simply help defending while others can use more gold to build a golem etc.
remove the levelcap and exp minus on promode atleast
Level 11
Dec 8, 2006
Look at it from the other perspective: Imagine you're a in a fairly good team, but there's this one feeder that ruins everyone's game. Getting to a base with someone else is what an intelligent player should do in such case, but you just can't explain this to some people. Hunters get less gold for him, but they still get some so it doesn't change mechanics that much - they still try to kill him when they see him.
Why the level cap? Well, every time that I played and Hunters got over level 8, the game was basically over. With that much feed, there's not much Farmers could do.

But, I will do as you wish on at least one thing: I will remove these mechanics from the progame mode.
Thanks for the feedback! :)
Level 2
May 4, 2009
I played with full player slot, 3 hunters vs 7 farmers u know, everyone just play as normal game, without -progame mod. Then Farmer have win in very easily way, that not mean hunter can't find the farmer bases at all during whole game. In my opinion, hunter should make more and more stronger, gameplay mechanics now isn't balanced :(
- Tower damage so high when mass building... hunter can be died suddenly. When game remains only 2 hunters or less, they give up !!
- (Hunter team), Mercenaries price need cheaper, there are having difficulty in buying units in early game to control map.
Some time golem in early game can kill hunter if hunter got stuck @_@
- Game usually ending soon because hunter team go to give up, maybe all hunter are noob, (hunter need more chances to fight back farmer) in short i think you should make they stronger by some ways :D

Sorry for my eng.
Level 3
Mar 17, 2012
The invisible pot can't go through golem.
This problem happen when I hide in a 1 entrance place, when i click the pot, It can't pass the golem( golem blocking the way ). But this problem is good to prevent hunter keep running...

Can't stand the hunter, keep running, I think this can't help, am I right?

Also, this game balance enough, can't bug/glitch. By the way, the hunter maximum level too low - level 8 maximum.
This version very nice for me 5/5.

Dungchung2,not the hunter too easy to kill but the hunter that join your game noobs. If pro hunter, farmer get none chance to survive.

Maybe this map can do more bigger ... Base limited when all found ( hunter build tower at old base ).
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Level 11
Dec 8, 2006
Thanks for the feedback guys!
dungchung2, it's possible that Hunters were just simply unlucky in the game you've played (Indeed, the core mechanics of the game are based on simple hide-and-seek and therefore rely greatly on luck), or that they were noobish and didn't choose wise searching patterns.
You're right, towers are strong if you spam them! But you don't always have place for that in base (or if you do, but then you don't have place for anything else). The hunters do have more chances to fight against this tho. If they can't break into someone's base, they can still try to find a backdoor with sappers or harras with exploding potions/bombard towers. And if nothing works, they can just try to find someone weaker and return once they're more fed.
You're right in one more thing tho, the game is too imbalanced for Hunters if you play without the -progame mode. But this is only true if the Farmers are really good (or all Hunters really bad). In most games I've played, it was too easy for Hunters to win, not vice versa. I think it's just a coincidence that it ended up like that in the game you have played C: But, you can try the -progame mode next time you play, it only makes the0 Hunters stronger, so you may enjoy it!

NeedNotoknow: I'm glad you liked the map dude, you're awesome! ;) You are correct, wind-walk potion doesn't allow you to run through Golems. While this was unintentional at first, we've decided to keep it in there to prevent Hunters from hiding in every hole :D
Level 11
Dec 8, 2006
When I hosted the game and 9 people joined, a teleport came out! Nice create.
Thanks! The map gets randomized a bit each game. Way Gates sometime appear, but they have nothing to do with how many players are in game :D
Also, when my base full of animals ,it stop produce.
Yup, there's a maximum limit of animals which you can have. This is why pigs can be more economical than chickens for example. They took longer do produce, but can bring greater income in the end. But it's a long term investition and sometimes it's not worth it.
Once you reach the limit, animals start upgrading instead tho, so it's cool if they don't spawn.
Or, it's also possible that your base was just too small and they had nowhere to spawn.
Level 3
Mar 17, 2012
Found bug!

If you buy all the golem arc inc. skills together, it will come out on golem, maximum 7 skills .

Also, the game minute only have 40 minute.
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Level 11
Dec 8, 2006
Found bug!If you buy all the golem arc inc. skills together, it will come out on golem, maximum 7 skills .
Huh, what? Could you explain this further? I didn't get what is the problem, sorry o_O
Also, the game minute only have 40 minute.
Yeeeaaaaah, it takes a lot of boring work to cahnge the Loading Screen and I've always been a lazy person, sorry about that :D
Level 3
Mar 17, 2012
Huh, what? Could you explain this further? I didn't get what is the problem, sorry o_O

In the middle category contain 4 skills so you must choose 1 from 4 of them.
So i choose 1 from the 4 skills in the middle category and quickly click again the other 3 skills in the middle category. Therefore,i get 4 skills in the golem that i built. You can click another skills in the very short time when you click to buy a skills in the golem inc.

The golem can load up to 7 skills total, so i still left 3 skills slot to include inside the golem.

can we have anti-maphack integrated or coded inside the map?

I do agree anythingwatever.
I'm curious about this thing, does this map has replay?Because when i'm going to save the replay, i found none!
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Level 4
May 7, 2011
In the middle category contain 4 skills so you must choose 1 from 4 of them.
So i choose 1 from the 4 skills in the middle category and quickly click again the other 3 skills in the middle category. Therefore,i get 4 skills in the golem that i built. You can click another skills in the very short time when you click to buy a skills in the golem inc.

The golem can load up to 7 skills total, so i still left 3 skills slot to include inside the golem.[/COLOR]

How are you able to get 7 skills? I can only get 4 skills.

I do agree anythingwatever.
I'm curious about this thing, does this map has replay?Because when i'm going to save the replay, i found none!

I am able to save replays just fine. It must be something wrong with your Warcraft III.
Level 3
Mar 17, 2012
How are you able to get 7 skills? I can only get 4 skills.

My last post have explain, but i don't know you can understand, so i just tell you again. Just click the skills quickly in the same category ( mid/bottom/top ) then you will get it up to 7 skills ( plus the 3 category together ).

rednek, i just read the 1 to 4 page post, they say hunter over power. I don''t agree with them, we can win this game by skills.

So for me, quite balance for hunters because every game i'm pawning hunters ( newbie hunters ) except maphack/pro hunters who search line base like me. But if -progame, farmer really hard to win even with newbie hunter because the hunter become more tank and more damage, so farmer are quite hard to survive in starting of the game and hard to kill hunters in the ending of the game due to lacking money.

Also, if farmer find a base only can be enter with land, so hunters can't use techies to boom the tree. Farmer actually can survive quite long if they play defense so in the time they survive, they had enough gold to build golem together or all farmer build golem to surround the running hunter or to kill the -progame tank hunter.
Level 2
Dec 28, 2012
Either way, after seeing all comments from 1 to last, i was so furious.
Hunters are OP? Farmers cant win?
Just sayin, 99% of my games were a solid and fast win for farmers.

I played vs PROS hunters, and i was still able to win, so some of the comments were completely invalid.

Also, i played like 10 @ Gameranger, and i was able to compete with guys playing for years, learning some spots is enough, also, a nice tactic is building farms ALL around the map, not by stucking yourself at a single point, and then seeing your farms getting demolished by the hunters, and just waiting for your own demise, Instead, you can search for key - spots, build there WITHOUT cutting wrong trees, or else hunters will notice the WRONG tree stump, and then you're f*cked up, if you care throughout the time your cutting trees to achieve a spot, hunters will notice absolutely NOTHING, so it'll be fking hard for them to find a farm being well hid. At least for me, i can achieve getting 5 - 6k gold, by putting farms on key locations throughout the map, after 6k gold, i have found already many amazing base "sites", the natural landscape, will forward your defences, at it makes it completely impossible to break in, after boosting up your tower dmg, i killed 12391 hunters with this way, now, after building 5++ sword agencies, combined with your comrades bases on their respects, you should quickly OUTNUMBER any possible defending, or a meaningless struggle to train army, with grunts? Jesus, so weak grunts are, and slow attacking, the only thing grunts excell at is PATROLLING key points, which is the only butthurt thing i ever confronted.
So BEFORE trying to spill shit about this PURE AMAZING map, try understand the concept of this very map. I can consider myself, one of the BIGGEST fans ever, i literally host it the whole day. 10000000000000000/5 :ogre_haosis: +rep
Level 11
Dec 8, 2006
So i choose 1 from the 4 skills in the middle category and quickly click again the other 3 skills in the middle category. Therefore,i get 4 skills in the golem that i built. You can click another skills in the very short time when you click to buy a skills in the golem inc.
Ah so this is what you mean! Yeah, Sheep has informed me about this bug some time ago. Sadly, it's buried somewhere deep within the code and I just can't find it with as little time as I have on my hands these days. ONE DAY I will, but it may not be soon :D Anyway, thanks for noticing me!

a nice tactic is building farms ALL around the map, not by stucking yourself at a single point
build there WITHOUT cutting wrong trees
the only thing grunts excell at is PATROLLING key points
You nailed it!
So BEFORE trying to spill shit about this PURE AMAZING map, try understand the concept of this very map. I can consider myself, one of the BIGGEST fans ever, i literally host it the whole day. 10000000000000000/5 :ogre_haosis: +rep

Thanks dude! You're the most sexy man on the planet!


I'm so glad there's another dude who understands how to play this map! Indeed, the Hunters have it very hard to win if the Farmers play well, but new players just can't believe that sometimes :S That's why I had to implement the -progame mode, which is at least a bit balanced for the underpowered Hunters (and maybe still not as much as it should be, but I was calculating with the fact that there's always at least one feeder among the farmers) :p
idk but in that version hunter op, just spread grunt all over the map and win.
That doesn't seem much fixed :D
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Level 4
May 7, 2011
You should probably limited the amount of Grunts/Trolls the hunters can make.

I can have tons of them all over the map just instantly killing the poor farmers D:
Level 1
Jun 27, 2013
I made an account to vote your map and give you my opionion about it :)
That map is perfect! I use my BN account only to play this map. I host it almost every day for about month. Almost always i get full house in few mins and its also awesome (to play other map on BN i can wait about 30min...). I really enjoy FvH, it gives me a great fun! I really thank you for remake of this map!
I want also thank you for ver. 3.7b! That hunter nerf helped farmers a lot, and now its almost fully ballanced with full house (in 3.6 i played only 7v2, because hunters were too strong). Limiting hunters level up to 8 was a nice idea. Now hunters use wolf to help break farmers wall, not only to patrol map. Still almost nobody uses explo. potions, maybe it should be more effective against all towers :). There is also few bugs in 3.7b:
- Skull mask doesn't work, even if hunter wearing that item kill farmer with his blade.
- Hunter can use poisoned spear and other weapon at same time. If hunter buy spear, then buy mace effect will stack. He will use mace with its bonuses and with poisoned effect.
- Chickens glitch out from base when they upgrade. Chickens can glitch in each spots between trees or glitch out on open space. They can be easly spotted by hunters.
- I'm not sure if it is a bug, or it's correct, but items for hunter does stack. Items like gloves of haste, sobi mask or ring of regeneration.
- Golem's spell that turn trees into ents (i dont remember how it's called) have great bug. When trees turn into ents it works properly, but after that ents should turn back into trees. Yeah, they turn, but those tress are invisible! Farmers or golems can't cut it, and hunters can't use goblin sapper ability to destroy it. Players see only tree logs, nothing more, but can't walk throught it. Because golem is bigger than hunter, that bug can block golem in your base.
- In my opionion it's too easy for pro hunters. If all 3 hunters are pro it may be inpossible to win as farmer. Hunters need only feed and spread grunts/headhunters across the map (grunts attack range is ridiculous!). But other players told u about this in other posts.

I hope you take care about all your maps, also this one. I hope u want upgrade and fix it, to make it more ballanced and fun :). You should keep up good work with this map, because it's brilliant remake of classic Farmer vs Hunter. GL:HF! :)
And i'm sorry about my poor english :(
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Level 1
Jun 3, 2013
Unlike the posts of those that come before me, I will begin by saying that this map's balance is excellent. But the game is extremely skill-based. It's true, if all of the players are of equal "proness", it is easier for a hunter to win; but then again, can't a "pro" farmer escape easily?
This map's innovations are excellent. I like the flawlessly executed gameplay, albeit I tend to play hunters more. The thrill of the kill is amazing, items variety isn't that great, though, but pro farmers tend to make you buy your items more carefully, as you will never get a full inventory.
I especially like the max level being set to 8, (and the skills with 4-5 ranks), as that allows you to max at most 2 skills and plan your spells wisely.
The weapons are my only real -complaint-, because, in the late game, the club is not used anymore. Maybe add a 10% chance to bash to it? It's boring seeing everybody wearing a club the first 25 minutes, then switching to a katana for the rest of the game.
The game rewards you for playing it a lot, but at the same time, also allows a newbie to play it decently and I like that.
All in all, a satisfying map that delivers an awesome execution of an over-done genre.
Level 11
Dec 8, 2006
Dudes thanks for the amazing posts, it warms my heart :D I wasn't really planning on making new versions since I'm busy working on other projects, but after reading your comments, I've changed my mind and will do it sometime in the future (once I find the time).
About some of the bugs:
•Animals spawning out of your base - this is intentional. If you have poor space management and your chickens wont fit into your base, they might give up your position like this. If they wouldn't glitch out, you could stack them all in one pathing square.
•Items for Hunters do stack. This was also intentional, but I'm not sure about how balanced it is. Do you think I should change it?
•Bash with club is a good idea, I'll implement it for sure!

I'll try to fix the others bugs. Keep hosting the map, perhaps we'll play together one day :D
Level 1
Jun 27, 2013
Awesome, keep up work at this map! :)
Not all animals spawns out. Only chickens do that, but pigs or sheeps when get upged does not glitch out. That was also intetional? If not and you will fix it, game may be hard for farmers. Game map is a little small. And there is only few big and safe spots (on highground with 1 entrance). Hunters can easly block it with one headhunter or grunt. Hidding in forest is really risky, because of goblin sappers. In my opionion stacking items are nice. It does not disballance the game. I played only one game with hunter, who bought few gloves of haste. Yeah he was unstappable, but in about ~150 games i played one that game :)
Aw i found one more bug. Hunter can build with peon tower that kill farmer with one hit (i don't remember its name:/) - that tower should one-shot farmer on -progame mode, but without that mode it kill farmers with one shot. And also I think bombard tower should be a little buffed :)
Level 2
Jan 3, 2013
This map is AWESOME.
Anyone of you knows if there is an online server fully dedicated to the lovers of this map? I actually use GameRanger to play online but there aren't too much players of FvH, I really LOVE to play it online!
Level 1
Aug 8, 2012
do you remember me? a people who English is pool =____=
i really like this map.
However, the bug before last year is still here...

Moreover! the players who using the bug said this is the game setting.
so that, bug is allow in the game.

(the bug are jump over a tree and one player have more than one Golem )


  • LastReplay.rar
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Level 4
Apr 7, 2009
i hope you are still improving this map, it is awesome and being played alot lately))

i suggest adding more maps, playing on the same map all the time can get boring after a while even with rocks blocking bases. i suggest adding more of those and a few more maps (import them from older versions and then let the host choose from a map layout.)
Level 1
Jun 27, 2013
It may be strange, but basic arrow towers seems to be op. You probably ask why - because they are cheap, they got very fast attack speed but deal very small amount od damange. But if farmers keep upgrading marksmanship to very high level, they can upgrade its attack damange up to ~40 per arrow. I played few games (i didn't saved replay:( ) where farmers just massed that towers on main roads preventing hunter from running arround. They simply had no chance, because hunter can lost >50% hp in few secconds with 3 volleys from towers.
Explo. potion doesn't work on towers that are under construction, and it can't be used against finished towers because of short range of explo potion. Maybe you should fix potion, that it could deal dmg. to towers that are under construction, or limit their damange, range or attack speed.
It would be awesome if you add more maps, but even with that one that game is awesome. I and few more people didn't get borred, even if we play almost everyday sine few months:)
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Level 4
Apr 7, 2009
I also suggest changing the teamlayout.
there should only be 2 hunters and 1more farmer to compensate.
with 3hunters the game is a total stomp since you can scout the map way too fast, whenever i play with 2hunters it is a win which doesn't even break a sweat.
I also win with 2hunters if i play with a friend, easily. in addition to that we play like real men and don't use any towers/patrolling minions to camp respawning farmers (once a few towers are placed and a few units you cannot establish new bases once you die later on, its overpowered and unfair since farmers cannot deal with it)
in a game like this it is stupid anyway to have towers killing farmers, it is for the real noobs. today we have met a hunter who says he cannot play without using towers, so we forced him not to use em ( any headhunters etc if he buys them), the game was still easy as pi$$ because hunters are overpowered to the limit.
the ONLY way to counter proper sieging is the overmassing of towers which is already stated, towers need a nerf (unupgraded ones), around 75%dmg reduction, not the cost. the upgraded ones stay the same.
Skullmask seems to be bugged btw, never getting wards if i kill someone.

to sum it up:
-3hunters is super broken, even more op if they play womanmode and build towers/use units(its not forbidden but true men play without it and find farmers to provide a fairer game later on)
-arrow towers are too strong, way too strong.
-hunter towers can kill farmers, that is stupid since it makes it too easy to have the control over the entire map
-hunters need food, 1unit costs 1 food and have 3 food max, this will limit the amount of noobiness they can do
-skullmask is bugged
-summon wolf is useless, either take 2levels reveal or wards then mass stats(no stats=gg for you), buff it somehow for example make it able to spawn him in bases, will be another noobtrap to abuse

suggestion to limit hunter opness even more:
each hunter starts with 40lumber, and each tower costs 10. you cannot gain any more lumber. there is no point in a taggame where the enemy team cannot even recover at some point and you maintain strong. if i use towers or units my games do not even enter the stage where i "siege" or "kill" bases because farmers barely even get a stonewall, and if they do i am lvl8 with+19 all stats and a mace+a horn and its torn down very fast.
Invisibility potion should NOT make you ignore collision, it is getting a joke when you reach the point of the game where one hunter is left and he skips all the units using that pot, and he is faster. there is no way ot catch it and it is becoming very retarded. imo remove the potion or change it, so you are SLOWER then before but ignore collision, or no speed change but collision still works. as long as this wont change, motivation and poison wall is a must have for any golem, no exception.
BTW poisonwall and motivation should recieve a nerf anyway, nerf motivation to 250%dmgaura and 10mercs smmoned and poisonwall's cd.

suggestion for the current map in terms of terrain:
most bases have 2 entries, making it useless. if you base you will usually build mercs or a golem inside and chances are, hunters are brained and use goblins to enter from behind. you either micro towers 24/7 for 30mmins and defend the entry or wall there too. i think that the bases with 2 entrances are blocked in both or blocked in none all the time. a few bases are quite strong (bottom right) compoared to others (top middle, at the edge of the screen where the hundershop is), perhaps some rebalance.
In addition, i suggest an increased CD on the goblin sapper in shop, like 1 sapper per 3minutes. killing trees is a huge deal and this would make the bases i stated above easier to maintain, if not make bases in trees viable.
Level 1
Jun 27, 2013
I'm can't agree with you! Full house with 3 hunters are prietty ballanced, if farmers know basics of that game. Of courde, it's hard to play vs. 3 hunters, but it is possible, and it's possible to play an ballanced game with them (i played a lot of that games, some of them was crazy!). Hunters can't scout all map fast enogh to kill all farmers, there is a lot of spots (farmers can take founded spots, because hunters in 90% cases didn't chceck it again).
Patroling units are very, very annoying and often they win game for hunters in 15min. Maybe there should be food limit for grunts/headhunter, or they should be limited (like cloud horn).
You can deal with siege with golem. His oil boulder spell can deal with siege very easly. It's hard to deal with siege without golem (because u need 4k for him), but if you break the siege, farmers will be very ahead, because towers costs so much. But i think hunters can build their tower too fast. Peon can build tower in few secconds (~5sec? serpent or psn. tower), and sometimes farmers can't destroy psn tower fast enough, and it may oneshot him when he repair his wall.
And wolf... It's one of best hunter spell, at lvl 3 wolf can really help to deal with wall, can tank mercs for long time. Wolf can block seccond exit from farmers spot, when hunter is breaking through. When i play hunter, often i play without bonus stats. And with it i can win a hard game:). Bonus stats are very nice, helps a lot, but they aren't neccesary.

I think, there is one nice bug. Check replay at ~18:20 when Lenura sieged my wall with mines. He put mines through wall and destroyed a lot of towers (later with that srategy he killed blue with ulti wall without breaking through it). As I said in game - i think it's a bug. Can u prove it rednek? Also i think mines deal too much damange... One mine can destroy half of farmers base. I thought mines were made for killing farmers and mercs that are running around the map.


  • Mines FvH.w3g
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Level 4
Apr 7, 2009
you cant completly understand english lol.
perhaps i should mention it again. whenever i play hunter, i win (lost once vs towerbase never faced it before).
solo, or with a friend. 3hunters is overpowered if they are as good as i am.
btw it was me with the mines, you can lay them behind a wall rangewise and if a mine gets killed after 7seconds(activation time) they deal their damage. nothing bugged with that get truesight and micro towers proberly i have never died against mines, not even once. they barely deal any damage either, like 100.

you also dont know what siege means, i said my games never get to the state where i have to siege a base (CAMP AN ENEMY AND KILL HIS BASE) i never EVER had the chance to mass towers myself because i never let any farmer get that farmed. the game is easy as piss as hunter and they need some serious nerfing.
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Level 4
Apr 7, 2009
any news about a new version?
increase range of explo. potion and increase cost of poison tower, also it should be the only tower to kill farmers if that still exists, its op lol.
Level 4
May 7, 2011
Mines should probably have a cooldown on them, they do way too much damage if you spam them outside someone's base and use horn to stop towers from destroying them.
Level 4
Apr 7, 2009
they should have a small increase in terms of cds, place 1mine per second max.
horn doesnt have as much range as towers got to snipe the mines off.