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Farmer vs Hunter returns in a new, remastered version - bringing many improvements in de-bugging and balance!
So most of you probably know the original Farmer vs Hunter map, as it is oftenly hosted over Garena and Battle Net. Those of you who played it more than once might have noticed, that although the original version is really fun to play, it is rather imbalanced and issues like drophack, -clear command cheat and tower-occupied spawn points make it completely unplayable once the players decide to abuse them.
Since me and a friend of mine (who is not yet registered on the Hive) loved to play the original map, we decided to fix these issues in a fast remake that would not only bring the long desired debugging and balance, but also a whole new map to explore.
Long story short, what originally started as a weekend project prolonged into a few-months-taking remake which does not only bring the fixes we originally planned, but also many new gameplay mechanics and improvements that bring the experience this map can create into a whole new level!
•No Drophack! - In the original version, Farmers could get into places where Hunters could not - which could make them completely invincible (This was achieved by building under your farmer, which would drop him into the nearest pathable location - often behind otherwise unpathable trees). •More Balance! - In the original version, it was enough for Farmers to build a half-decent wall and a Death Tower to become unconquerable. It was possible to build these in about 5 minutes of gameplay if you were lucky.
In our version, the Farmers have little to no chances of defending at first, and they need to rely on hiding, denying and escape routes. •No more issues due to Unit Limits! - In the original version, you had to build a huge army if you wanted to catch and defeat the hunter. Not only the units became almost completely unresponsive once you got too many of them, but they could also lead to unpleasant FPS Drop and even Game Crash once you pushed the limit too far. In our version, you only have to build one unit (a Golem) which you must upgrade and equip with spells in order to catch and defeat the Hunter. Normal units are still present, but they are controlled by an intuitive AI, so you don't need to worry about micro. Even if you get too many of these, your units are still as responsive as ever. Not even getting too many animals can slow down their responsivity. •No wolf-summon hack! - Hunters were able to summon Feral Spirits through trees and walls, right into Farmer's bases. This is no longer the case. •Farmers can no longer prevent their animals from wandering around with the 'Hold Postion' command! - This brings a new gameplay mechanic which we like to call 'Livestock Management'. You need to build walls for your animals and make them spawn in the right directions, so they don't get in your way or give up your position by wandering out of the base. This new mechanic is also the reason why -clear command is no longer present. •New strategies, new mechanics! - Farmers hidding their farms all around the map or turtling in one base? Hunters fighting the Farmer's lategame forces, or running around the map, hoping not to get caught? All strategies have their pros and cons and the game is adjusted accordingly!
New units and items create new possibilities! Even if the Farmers turtle too hard, Hunters can lay siege to their base with Bombard Towers or explosive potions. In order to kill the Hunters, Farmers can upgrade their Golems with projectile-based abilities or they can just rely on the mercenaries! •Much more! - You will find many things has improved since the original version!
Please, do not play with less than two Hunters and five Farmers (5v2)! The game gets less fun and less balanced if you do!
If you find any bugs or imbalances, we're absolutely completely open for critique and every feedback is very welcome! This map is no longer in beta stage, but that does not mean we're not working on it anymore!
In any case, thanks for playing and vote 5!
Ver. 2.8 (5th July 2012)
-Fixed the Anti-Drophack system. It didn't work in certain cases but it should be flawless now. (thanks to sheep for diagnosing this)
-Fixed the spawn-stuck-bug which could make farmers/mercenaries stuck after spawn. (thanks to sheep and Tanasren for pointing this out)
-Increased Peon movement speed and removed their bounty award.
-Decreased Exploding Potion range
-Changed the descriptions at Farms (Tanaseren again).
Ver. 2.9 (6th July 2012)
-Removed Magic Wall and Hunter that spawned for the red player at start. Sorry about that.
-Cliff-height damage bonus for towers increased to 30%
-Wind Walk Potion duration decreased to 20 seconds (60 when -progame mode is active)
-Price of Sappers reduced to 30 gold when -progame is active.
-Increased stock maximum for Sappers to 2 and decreased replenish time.
-Some minor terrain changes were done as well.
Ver. 3.0 (11th July 2012)
-Nerfed Attribute Bonus a lot
-Sheep and Pigs should no longer glitch out of your base when they upgrade
-Magic Wall should no longer be able to change it's position when erecting it.
-Based on a popular request, hunters got nerfed a bit when "-progame" mode is not active (they get less stats per level-up).
-Fixed the bug that made Invisibility Potion disappear from the merchant after buying it.
-Animals will no longer stay in game after kicking a player - they will die after 40 seconds, along with rest of his/her units.
-Maximum-animal limit is now fixed on an unchanging number (3 players - 300, 4+ players - 200. Before it was: 3 players - 300, 4+ players - 1050/Number of Players).
-Box-Throwing towers are a bit stronger now
-Decreased mana cost of Flare Gun
-Fixed description for Goblin's tree-boom abilty.
-Goblins no longer explode upon death.
-Peons now have a very short-ranged blink
-Armor of Magic and Iron walls set to 5.
Ver. 3.1 (17th July 2012)
-Randomization elements implemented! Some parts of the world gets randomized at start, making the map a little bit different every game! (Of course, this is limited by Warcraft's engine (it's not possible to change cliffs or minimap in-game), but should add some variety nevertheless).
-Nerfed Hunters some more in non-progame mode (they get even less stats per level up).
-Golem upgrades are better in non-progame mode (hit points upgrade increased from 40% to 60%, damage upgrade increased from 5 to 10, attack speed upgrade increased from 12% to 15%).
Let me know if you think this is enough or not!
-Maximum level of Far Sight decreased to 2.
-Area around pools is unbuildable now.
-Pools can be destroyed.
-Pools can be temporarily disabled with Poison Wall ability.
-Poison Towers can one-shot Farmers again, but...
-...Shared True Sight for Farmers gives ability to see through trees and cliffs, so it's easy to avoid these poisoned towers once someone researches this.
-Added -cam command which changes the distance of camera if your computer is strong enough to handle it (for example: -cam 2000).
Ver. 3.1b (17th July 2012)
-Fixed a bug where an area in the bottom-left corner of the map was sometimes unpathable although there was no debris there.
Ver. 3.2 (31th July 2012)
-Goblin Mines now take 7 seconds to activate. During this time, they are visible and won't explode when destroyed.
-Potion of Healing now has 3 minutes cooldown.
-Potion of Wind Walk now has 20 seconds cooldown.
Ver. 3.3 (7th August 2012)
-Huge balance changes: Basic Arrow Towers are much weaker at start, costs more and take longer to build.
-Hunters have much more HP at start, but gain less HP for leveling up than before.
-Increased damage for most mercenaries.
-Changed repair time and hit points of most towers.
-Shared true sight no longer takes food
-Golems no longer have Wind Walk buff all the time.
-Added "-i" command which shows the player's total income and counts his/her animals.
-Fog is less dense now, allowing players to use greater values in the -cam command.
Ver. 3.4 (8th August 2012)
-Bombard Towers are much stronger and a bit cheaper now! But...
...Non-tower buildings and Flame-Arrow Towers now have explosion-proof design that makes them immune to Bombard Towers.
-You can only build 15 Flame-Arrow Towers.
(This should help the Hunters counter tower massing strategies).
-Horn of the Clouds is cheaper, lasts 9 seconds and has bigger range, but only two horns can be sold during one game.
-True sight is a bit cheaper.
-Box towers are cheaper.
-Fixed hotkey for peon's blink.
Ver. 3.4b (9th August 2012)
-I've realized the randomization elements never really worked. Things were the same every time. Should be fixed now tho!
-The Hunters got a great nerf - they get less stats for level-up and they level up much slower once they reach level 6. Attribute bonus is also much weaker now.
-Some terrain has been changed, mainly the bases on top-right.
Ver. 3.4c (9th August 2012)
-Some spelling mistakes fixed
-Show income command (-i) no longer shows double values when spammed.
Ver. 3.5 (12th August 2012)
-Previous Anti-Drophack System allowed players to drophack in a different way. This should no longer be possible and the map should be 100% drophack free now!
-Farmers now have it harder to deny themselves. It's still possible, just not as easy.
Ver. 3.6 (25th October 2012)
-Hostfix command has been removed as it could cause the game to crash.
-Maximum level for Hunters has been set to 8 - This should give the Farmers some chances if the Hunters farm too much.
-The bounty for Farmers gets decreased with deaths. So if there are noobs who feed too much, they'll eventually feed less and less and less...
Ver. 3.7 (3th January 2013)
-Hunters can now have only one wolf summoned at a time. Wolfs are much stronger tho and additional levels toughen them up exponentially.
-Small cooldown (3.5 seconds) has been added to the Exploding Potion.
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Ok, that's it - that post was an official border of enough people complaining about Hunters being OP. I will NERF them in the next build, damnit!
Even tho I still disagree with these claims - if Farmers play good and don't feed, they should be fine.
But as you wish. After all, if you want a balanced game, there still is the "-progame" mode...
45 should be more than enough.
It might have been the fault of your teammates who fed them too much at early stages of the game. These are very important - you need to deny your buildings and chickens if they are found and it's also vital you don't die pointlessly.
What I see quite often is, when Hunters find out location of a Farmer, the Farmer doesn't abandon his base (denying all in his wake) but rather goes down with the ship. Even though his defenses can't possibly hold the Wolves at bay.
Basically, you're supposed to get impenetrable defenses at about 20-15 minutes. Then you focus on your Golem/Mercenaries.
I wish we could play together some time - then I would show you waht I mean :S
But, your complains still mean a lot and they will not go unheard I will make the Farmers a bit stronger in the next version.
i think we won't play together couse i play lithuanian private server.
But we could stay in contact , i really like playing and testing your map , only what is wrong : Hunter a little bit hard to kill , farmers just have no armies ... Golems are too weak, you can make golems stronger than a hunter , couse hunter can buy a lot of armies and build defensicve towers. multi towerts are overpowered ... 3 towrs , and we cant get to him ;/
And will you remake map make bigger please and make some diferent places to buldi base and farms becuase hunters know what are we doing when are we doing
And will you remake map make bigger please and make some diferent places to buldi base and farms becuase hunters know what are we doing when are we doing
Yeah i totally agree with that guy Hunters arleady know the all Classical Places so if you could make new palces that would be harder for them to find us i know this will take you some more time but i would be of greather help!
Yeah i totally agree with that guy Hunters arleady know the all Classical Places so if you could make new palces that would be harder for them to find us i know this will take you some more time but i would be of greather help!
But we could stay in contact , i really like playing and testing your map , only what is wrong : Hunter a little bit hard to kill , farmers just have no armies ... Golems are too weak, you can make golems stronger than a hunter , couse hunter can buy a lot of armies and build defensicve towers. multi towerts are overpowered ... 3 towrs , and we cant get to him ;/
And will you remake map make bigger please and make some diferent places to buldi base and farms becuase hunters know what are we doing when are we doing
I think Sheep is right on this one, it would just happen again after some time.
BUT I'm currently working on randomization elements and it looks pretty good! Basically, some parts of the map are different each time you play - entrances to different bases are at different locations and some trees are missing, making some new hiding spots as well.
Of course, this randomization is limited since you can't affect cliffs or minimap in-game, but should add some variety into each play nevertheless.
if you think landmines are balanced i can give you a replay, they are overpowered as fuck. i rape bases with them (towers die with 3-4 mines with 10armortechs, tested with a friend) it is absolutely impossible for a hunter to lose this game. remove attribute bonus for something else, remove mines and give healingpotions a 3-4min cooldown, seriously. everytime i play hunter i win this game alone no problem because of good ward usage, overpowered mines (killing golems, bases, everything in a few seconds) and masshealpots =)
I've never realized this.
I might remove it or nerf it hardly - we've never meant for this to happen.
What we had in mind was for farmers to check the inventory of Hunters to see if they have mines. And if yes, keep an eye on them if they lurk around the base too much. If they plant the mine, reveal and destroy it before it activates.
As you can see they changed so many things like the loading screen. Also they translated the map in their own 'style' instead of respecting the creators, players and the map.
Here are some examples:
That Chinese sentence means that Please wait The creator is 'drunbiliting'(the present continuous tense of 'drunbility')
The pig now is named 'chrysanthemum pig' (asshole pig :|)
Just few pictures and things got changed, god knows what they did to the map (trying to 'balancing it' by adding imba new feature, etc)
Same thing had been done to Survival (cracking code system)
Dark Deeds 6 (adding imba content)
Werewolf - Transylvania (While the latest version is 1.23d, there is a Chinese version Werewolf - Transylvania 1.5!!!)
Will your map be come the next one on the list, IDK :|
Thanks for letting me know about this! I had a good laugh
I don't mind it tho, it's kind of a free ad... In a way... People might look for the real version over time.
I would actually give them the unprotected version had they asked.
edit: What does it say in the Loading Screen tho? I see they left out names there, so that's cool rite?
1. 游久網, a game site
2. 邪魔ご殿, the team the translator belongs to
3. 邪魔地圖研發小組, same above
4. 邪魔殿漢化, Demon temple translated
5. 獵人Vs農民, Hunter vs Farmer
6. Epic old map returned! Hunter: hunt farmers, protect yourself and survive.
Farmers: kill all hunters before time up.
This map was spoted on a foregin site, and I translated it. I dont know if this map is related to the map that got the same name.
Original creator: Mufanzor and Parafrazor
Translator: 邪魔ご鬼神
Then the site of his team and their QQ number.
The last sentence is plz follow our site closely to get the info about latest maps.
I am using the Trad Chinese and their using Simp Chinese, so it looks different.
edit: As a little map translator myself, I personally dont like changing the loading screen as creators make effort to make a nice loading screen like Avatar and Battle for Tatooine while they just change it into a stupid clone loading screen for them to promote themselves and take credits from the real owner.
It is hard to balance the friendliness for players to read against the original & real meaning/the way & word how creator presenting the idea to players tho. But I will never translate 'pig' into 'chrysanthemum pig'.
Well, it does seem like a dick move from their part, mainly if they changed some units as well (I hope not).
On the other hand, we remade the original Farmer vs Hunter without asking the original author (although this had a reason - he is nowhere to be found. Plus the whole map was remade from scratch so we're not really plagiarizing anything). Still, I can't mind this that much, even if I wanted to
But if it's just a translation they've changed then I'm actually glad - the map is getting played all over the world and that's cool
Hi again mate. I guess we found a pretty big unbalancing in the game that ends the game for hunters in about 6 minutes. The farmers just build a ton of towers in the middle and around the fountain they hide there and the hunters can t do anything against them. We can t hunt them down because we die if we get to close and we can t feed if they do that so it makes the game quite pointless. Maybe adding a tower upgrade system or making a limit to the maximum towers you can build would solve the problem.
Sry for another comment but the map has become unplayable the farmers don t build walls anymore or hide at the beginning they just build a shitton of towers
Ooooh, that sounds big!
Hmmm, how could we fix this?
Should I make the Hunters invulnerable for like first 5 minutes of the game?
Or make both the Hunters and the Walls a lot stronger, so it forces the players to build Walls?
Or make the towers upgradeable only after some time?
thx ur fast update speed, really love that
but after hosting 3.3 all day and being a hunter once & being a observer once (use GHost One and open computer 11)
I got complaints that basic towers are far too weak and Hunters too strong.
It makes Farmers impossible to defend themselves at the beginning.
Here is a replay
first one, I am a Hunter View attachment FVH GD H1.w3g
second one, View attachment FVH 3.3 Act 2.w3g
Listen rednek Im big fan of your maps but there is a little problem why dont you edit the treess and evrything so we can sneak and hunters wont know wery good map we all play the same map make the map larger ?
Can you accept my chalange
Yep, the Farmers are not supposed to be able to defend themselves at first. In the first stages of the game, it's more about hide-and-seek that strategy.
It's even in the loading screen - I don't know how else should I tell this to people :S
This mechanic gives Hunters a chance to feed.
Thanks for those replays man - I've watched them and sadly couldn't see Farmer-team comments for some reason. But I think I know which were the raging ones
They all did the same mistake: massing weak basic towers -.- If only they upgraded them, then it could have at least chance to work!
I had to nerf the towers - it was necessary. As Bladerdog said earlier, the Farmers could mass them at start, which resulted in an instant win.
Anyway, those replays made me realize the Hunters might be still a bit too strong. I've nerf'd them a lot in the newest build, which is already up.
Listen rednek Im big fan of your maps but there is a little problem why dont you edit the treess and evrything so we can sneak and hunters wont know wery good map we all play the same map make the map larger ?
Can you accept my chalange
Thanks for the comment dude! I'm not sure what do you mean with the sneak-trees? Could you specify it further?
Anyway, you can simply chop your way through the woods if you fear about being seen - remember you can attack trees with the 'A' key!
About the map being the same every time: I've just uploaded the newest version (3.4b) that should take care of this problem. The map gets randomized at start, so every play should be a little bit different now
i am a player in hko2006's game
this map is very good.
my English is poor. :$
i know the farmers in the first must hide.
but i am not sure about "upgraded towers"
it means spending $150 to upgrade towers attack or upgrade the towers to be Flame-Arrow Towers?
is that Flame-Arrow towers can deal more damage to hunter?
i know my English is really poor....
but i am not sure about "upgraded towers"
it means spending $150 to upgrade towers attack or upgrade the towers to be Flame-Arrow Towers?
is that Flame-Arrow towers can deal more damage to hunter?
Definitively upgrade base towers first! Make either Flame-Arrow towers or, if you build on a cliff, Boulder Towers. Try to get at least one Flamethrower Tower and one Icy Tower.
You don't need to upgrade Tower Damage in the Research Centers - it only gets handy if you want to be extra safe or don't have much space in your base for a lot of towers. It's also good if you can get more than one Flamethrower Tower (Flamethrower Towers have fast attack speed so upgrading their damage can make them really powerful).
If you didn't understand this because of your English, remember it like this: Don't upgrade tower damage in Research Centers, make Flame-Arrow Towers instead
Now, some Farmers like to kill themselves when Hunters break in. That's no way for Hunter to get feed. I wonder if this is forbidden for Farmers or a secret trick to be a 'pro' and when everyone is doing this, Hunter got an excuse to enable -progame.
I've watched that replay and didn't see anything un-ordinary in it. The Farmers got owned but only few of them could actually play well - had the green repaired his wall and purple payed more attention to sappers, it could have ended differently.
The Hunters did get a lot of units around the map, but they did get a lot of feed as well. Shared True Sight should counter this tho.
Also, why build Magic Walls? Farmers are immune to them
I've never meant for Farmers to be able to deny themselves. Do you think I should leave it there? Or how could I fix this?
i'm korean users.
this game is popular in korean.
i want to add some
human skill,variety item,unit,game mode etc....
A lot to be desired~
i want this game is improve..
Are you crazy I play hunter and always win on time i camp or make a base with peon lol it should be 50 min no decrease and make a new Map with all chnaged roks trees evrything ok ?
Are you crazy I play hunter and always win on time i camp or make a base with peon lol it should be 50 min no decrease and make a new Map with all chnaged roks trees evrything ok ?
Are you crazy I play hunter and always win on time i camp or make a base with peon lol it should be 50 min no decrease and make a new Map with all chnaged roks trees evrything ok ?
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