In some early beta versions, animals even had little +1 floating texts floating above them every income-tick, but we removed them later on (they seemed like a pointless cpu-consuming loop)
Do you think we should bring this back?"
No, if it adds lag and it will make lone chickens more visibles to hunters, it will help them.
"Strange it took you so much gold and time - One boulder tower is basically enough to deny most of your livestock and one flame-arrow should cover the buildings :S"
I was making bases around the map and i put walls lvl 2 (otherwise i would have no time to kill my own animals), one Boulder tower and sometimes i put a frost arrow too and i kill my farm to 10%. It costs 220 for walls (if you put only 2, if you are in a good place, but since it's timed I had no time to search forever), then 250 for boulder, 200 for arrow, 600/800 for the farms. 1500 gold for a fuckin base. I had to make like 5-7 bases like that...
Well my allies had not to worry thx to me but it was hard for me lol.
And all the games I played, nobody ever killed their own animals, only me lol.
"You are correct with the basic Hunter > basic Golem. But I can't remember where did we wrote that :S
Wherever it is, it must have been done by a mistake. Where did you read it?"
I guess in the loading screen or F9.
Also you said to buy lot of potions as hunters, and i did that, but i didn't know that 100 gold was hard to get in later game, so i "wasted" a lot of gold on potions.
What i mean is that your hints are not very useful for beginners.
Suggestion :
-add a sort of blink spell to get out of your own base with the golem or iwth the peasant without killing your upgraded wall or killing trees and having to make a new one and new towers...
-one game a guy teamkilled one other, then he took his revenge and it sucked. I was Hunter so i couldn't know who I had to kick. Then i kicked one and the other had lost everything so he left. Dunno how you can fix that lol its not a suggestion.
-units, even a farmer who resurects, can spawn in a "bugged place" on the north west near the river. I had to kill the farmer iwth a tower to debug him. Don't add a -suicide command it would be abused
For the moment I stopped playing because I kind of understood how to win against "beginners" (lol even if I played only 4 games) but I'd like to play with guys who know how to play. Where ? When ? (europe time)