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Experience Sharing???

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Level 2
May 5, 2010
okay i made my hero and i need for the experience gain to work more like it did in WCIII where exp was also awarded to a hero for units owned by the same player as the hero (or ally) will grant exp to the hero...i have spent a long time messing with my "Hero Levels" behavior changing around the "Shared Fraction", "Experience Fraction", "Target Filters", "Shared Filters" what do i need to do? how can i set up this shared exp, i pretty much need most every unit on my map (Except other heros and a few units) to grant 60 Exp points to the hero. any suggestions would be appreciated.
Level 11
Aug 4, 2007
I can help You out.
You can use those 3 fields to share exp. Create a new veterancy behaviour and in flags, make it hidden. Then go to experience fraction, make that kills 1. Experience radius, make that the desired radius you want exp given in. Then in experience filters, include ally and make heroic required. Now add this behaviour to all the units, but not your hero.
Hope this helps

edit: just saw zifoons tutorial, it's overly complicated and unneccesary.
Level 2
May 5, 2010
Thisruoy +rep to you
what you did worked EXCEPT
I had a problem with every unit not only sharing with the hero but with eachother as well so the exp was divided I fixed this by setting the shared filter to exclude-enemy. Required-herroic, allyed. Allowed-all other things. Then I gave my hero the "heroic" flag
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