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Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
So this is another one of those ego-massaging threads. Everybody loves to show themselves off! Let me just get the ball rolling.

How often do you exercise/work out? And how exactly?

I am a rock climber so my main form of keeping fit is climbing. For any of those that do climbing, I lead 7b to 8a+ outdoors once a week, unless it's a weekend trip or something to Thailand. If I'm not leading, then I'm mostly indoors solving boulder problems that range from V6 to V8. Other than boulder, I'd go on the campus board or do some training on the hangboard (endurance, ordinary pull ups, deadhangs, finger training in general etc.) I usually go to the climbing gym 2 or 3 times a week.

If I'm not climbing, I'd most likely be running. I can confidently run 15k's but 30k's and above is already pretty hard on me. I used to run every other day for two hours, going for 30-35k's. But I've gotten lazy and now only do half of that (15km) twice a week, depending on my mood.

I go to the gym on days I run as well. I benchpress around 70kg but only do it when I'm with someone I know. If I'm not, I do other things like bicep curls (30kg), leg extensions and hit the rowing machine thingy.

Every twice a week as well I play some futsal with my friends. We rent a court and start messing about till more people come. Sometimes I play badminton, but occasionally only. I do swim, but it's very inconsistent. When I do, I try to do as many laps as possible (Olympic size) but get lazy after twenty minutes or so. :D

If I really am not doing any of these then I'm at home stuffing myself with junk food on front of the computer playing Blacklight on my exercise ball which I really just a giant bouncy ball.

Alright, my ego is looking pretty stuffed right now. Go ahead, indulge youself. :)
Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
I walk to the refrigirator and back frequently each day, and I do log rolls in my bed, typically when I'm asleep.

Seriously though, I only do 5km's every night. Thats my routine. Im pretty bad at this whole excercing thing.

I'm a programmer, so my fingers get quite the workout.

I also perform exercises for my right hand very often.

Plus, I weigh 90Kg, so walking is quite an intense work-out, and I do that everyday.

The bathroom is 10m away from my computer and the kitchen is a little over 25m away.

My bed is 3m away from my computer.

Also, if you multiply my weight by 0.02, you get the number of calories I burn per minute just to exist, which is 1.8.

I burn 1.8 calories per minute, which is 108 calories per hour, meaning 2592 calories per day.

Existing is quite an intense workout. I've been doing it since the day I was born, non-stop, and I'm even doing it as I write this post.

In fact, I burned about 5 calories just existing while typing this, not taking into account the amount of calories I burned because of the muscle movements of my arms, hands and fingers.
^You forgot how much calories you gain from the food you eat. ^^
Every school day I walk one way back from my bus stop which is ~4-5kms(which is a bitch when your carrying a heavy bag full off stuff that I use at school and home). [~20 - 25 minutes]
I also have Soccer training on Mondays. [1.5 hours]
Then Soccer on Saturdays.[~1.6 hours]
And other coincidental stuffs.
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Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
I do exercise one day, doing benchpress and stuff (though I'm only a beginner and with 14 years old it's not that easy :p). The other day I go running for about 1 1/4 hours depending on the route I choose. Most of the time it's a route half of the time up and half of the time running down. I switch these two every day, meaning 3 days running and 3 days exercising in a week. (except when I got soccer training, which basically comes instead of the running.)
I also have soccer training on monday and wednessday, 1 1/2 hours each. On saturday we usually got matches, so 1 1/2 hours for that too.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
Finished a 6 days a week at gym workout, now trying out a 4 days a week one. On top of that jogging 5 times a week.
Level 7
Jun 16, 2008
My forearm muscles and tendons are worked out vigorously when I do my daily intensive workout of writing out long, flaming posts whenever a person expresses political views incompatible with my beliefs. Although I have heard that such a workout is commonly practised by nearly all forum users on the internet.

I am not much of an avid athlete, but I guess I do have a schedule of exercise:
• Cardio/Stamina - 4km jogging (~14kmph), 350m of sprinting
• Strength - Resistance training using body-weight (push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, dips e.t.c), and minor usage of lead weights (curls, presses e.t.c)
• Flexibility - 10 minute basic stretching sessions

This is not a daily schedule, of course, but one that operates on a 2-day cycle. (i.e Work-out day, rest day, work-out day) Simple, but effective, I guess.
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