But, then you lose some of the differences in time. For example, a trigger is activated at 12.000 (seconds), another is triggered at 12.500 (seconds). This will give a more feel to the game rather than everything coming at once every second.
Two Triggers: One adds 1 gold, the other adds 5 gold, every 1 seconds of gametime. The trigger is activated when, for example, a unit enters a region. It was activated at 12.000, at 13.000 it will have generated 1 gold to your players current gold, at 14.000 another and so on. The other trigger is activated when entering a different region after the first one is activated, at 14.500. at 15.500 it will have generated 5 gold and so on.
This will create the illusion of a money flow, unless that is something you don't want it to do, just create a general trigger for every second in gametime.
Hope message got through...