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every 1 second which is better?

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Level 6
Jun 23, 2005
If i have multiple things that need to be checked every 1 seconds is it better to have it in only one trigger?

It would be better to have multiple triggers to keep some things aranged, but does it matter how many triggers have every 1 second of game?
Level 6
Jul 25, 2005
But, then you lose some of the differences in time. For example, a trigger is activated at 12.000 (seconds), another is triggered at 12.500 (seconds). This will give a more feel to the game rather than everything coming at once every second.

Two Triggers: One adds 1 gold, the other adds 5 gold, every 1 seconds of gametime. The trigger is activated when, for example, a unit enters a region. It was activated at 12.000, at 13.000 it will have generated 1 gold to your players current gold, at 14.000 another and so on. The other trigger is activated when entering a different region after the first one is activated, at 14.500. at 15.500 it will have generated 5 gold and so on.

This will create the illusion of a money flow, unless that is something you don't want it to do, just create a general trigger for every second in gametime.

Hope message got through...

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