Everquest 2 - Distant Shores v5.0


Everquest 2 - Distant Shores v5.0 (Map)

Level 5
Oct 3, 2005
Everquest 2, Distant Shores
(i dun want any bs about the other everquest so critique appopiately)

Created by Lom109

I am sorry for the 1+2 releases as the first time, my loading screen did not work, the second time was a problem of multiplayer.. but now it is all fixed now.

Dont worry, if you tried to use the money cheat in the older version and tried to save char it.. it will not load in this map. Likewise i ahve fixed that problem, along with a few mdx problems

anyhu, here is the map, multiplayer of course.
there are 2 extra heros implimented but not shown at the beginning, i am telling you this so that my next version, when i release the characters, you may load char in this map and train here.

GL & HF, make sure u type your codes in observer mode ^^

problems mail me @ lom109[AT]gmail[DOT]com
Level 2
Feb 16, 2005
Cool, nice to see a different take on this map.. My views after playing a bit of first game:

1. Start creeps are too hard, even for 5 or 6 level 1 players.. I am sure you are going for required teamwork, but I had to remake 2 times to get this many pubbies that would stay after taking a full minute to kill just 1 creep.

2. The gates are fux0red.. they seem to be worse than in BuffGuy17's map. Please fix if possible, it bugs mostly when more than one person tries to enter/exit at the same time.

3. Sleep is a cool spell, but please add the icon above a creeps head so you know he is asleep.

4. Giving gold only to the one who gets the kill is kinda :/ especially for support heros. I dont know a simple answer to this.. assists would seem difficult to implement?

5. Heros are very big compared to everything else.. scale them down a bit?

6. The punching bag is a neat idea.. Does it work only for level 1 & 2 (since level 4 is so important, it seems like it should work for 3-4 as well)


Thats all for now.. will post more once I've played more.. Thanks again for a new RPG map :p


EDIT: New things that come to mind..

** Make startup screen so that you can see who is ready, instead of a generic 'waiting for players'

** I have tried to load 2 times, and items didnt load.. but only items i had so far were noob ones.. so maybe they arent supposed to load. It said error bit code 'N' several times.. I screenshotted the codes if u want to try.

** Be more descriptive of the load criteria (ie: have to pick hero type first) and also, make sure the user gets a VALID load before disableing the load feature. It sux to mistype your code now you cant load again in that same game :O

** Fix allied hero model collision plz
Level 3
Sep 23, 2005
I dont like this only more than one person can play on this thing...for the hostabley challenged...i dont want to wait a month or two for somone to host this
Level 5
Oct 3, 2005
edisdead thank you for your comment =]!

1)i will change the entire gate system in the next version
2)add the sleep thingie
3)Definitely scale down the heros, but dont you think they look nice in the selecting section?
4)yes you are correct, the special noob items are not suppose to load
5)Hero collision model, im not sure what you are getting at.. like.. i what shud i do?.. increase/decrease collision size?
6)yesyes, ill explain more in the Quests section or.. commonly known as the "help". Also ill add quick tips to when you actually type -save char
7)ill fix the disabling load feature when a correct code is not inputed
8)yes you are correct about the punching bag. I will fix that to maybe.. level 4 like you suggest? (it was implimented to reduce the number of players that play each char quickly and repick)
9)im sorry i did not realize creeps were so hard. i mean like, the more players there are, the difficulty of every unit is increased by a percent. I will either lower enemy stats, increase Hero startup stats, or increase punching bag's max level higher than 4.
10)Unfortunately, i do nothing i will be able to get a gold giving trigger very well, but im sure my fixtures with the creeps will enable more gold to be given
11)could you give me tips on making such a loading screen since i am only aware that the only ones like that are the blizzard melee map ones.

thank you for your comments i will do everything i just listed above.

@ EmoEnigma
unfortunately, then it wouldnt be a multiplayer Rpg would it?..
plus, i do not think the singleplayer cheat codes will be a problem as there are triggers against it, but as you can see from edisdead, that the creeps will take a very long time to kill and i do not want a singleplayer to do that, keep playing @ home until they level really high or get numerous amounts of hidden items.
so, im sorry, so either fix your ports and host the game, get a friend to host it/check online for someone already hosting it/ ask random people to host it, OR wait for a few versions which will be a single player version, so it will oviously be MUCHMUCHMUCH harder and with less items avaliable, but allows people to play offline, for training lower levels, come to think of it, that seems like a good idea, making a singleplayer map, with less heros, items, gold given, and with a hero level cap. so taht higher levels must go online to teamwork.

thank you EmoEnigma!!!
next map >> singleplayer map which only includes all the heros which is considered a training map, where one can fight and gain xp/gold until the max level cap, then load it up onto the general map.. =] thank you
Level 2
Jul 12, 2005
wat is Max lv of hero?

1. plz show that who is left the game..
2. i dun like the system tat who kill the creep and he get the item. priest cannot kill , so how does he get an item?
3. plz dun show the weapon on hand tat u are carry.. it feels very suck for me. if really want to show the weapon and the shield , plz remove the original weapon on the model. so it wont see like 2 weapon and 2 shield on the model.
Level 2
Feb 16, 2005
Wow fast reply.. Cool I like authors who consider suggestions:D

3)Definitely scale down the heros, but dont you think they look nice in the selecting section?

** Yes they do look cool in the selection screen!! The only reason I posted about the size is because others suggested in pubbie I was playing. The heros are huge compared to spiders and orc skeletons.

5)Hero collision model, im not sure what you are getting at.. like.. i what shud i do?.. increase/decrease collision size?

** I only mentioned this because, as the heros are kinda big.. they can like stand on top of each other. And if you pass by another ally, you walk 'through' them.

9)im sorry i did not realize creeps were so hard. i mean like, the more players there are, the difficulty of every unit is increased by a percent. I will either lower enemy stats, increase Hero startup stats, or increase punching bag's max level higher than 4.

*** A side bar to this.. Last nite I let a game run with a few friends, we gathered some spiders around the fountain (enough to be constantly 'wacking' away at them to level fast). When I woke I was level 16, I went off to see how well I could solo against low level creeps, and I could bearly solo 2 or 3 level 2 spiders.. youch!

11)could you give me tips on making such a loading screen since i am only aware that the only ones like that are the blizzard melee map ones.

** I am not really sure on this one, but with the blizzard melee maps it shows the progress of each person by lighting up their name in green. I dont know much about map making, but I have seen this in forums before, I just cant find one ATM to give as an example.. But as this is just a nicety it's no big deal ;p



* There is a problem with load codes... I just tried to load level 17 paladin with 3 set items and the items wont load. I made sure to double check my code, but I get same error as before 'error loading bits N'. I have snapshot of the code if you want to verify. ON second glance, my hero was holding a noob shield when he saved... maybe this made my other items disappear

* I agree with poisonSoup about #2.. because items being somewhat 'class' specific, it would suck if a priest got really lucky kill and it dropped a sword .. or vice-versa. And on that subject....

* Please implement a -random command, this is common in some RPG maps. For friends or ppl that play fair.. if an item is dropped and more than one person needs it... they each type -random and it prints a message to everyone '$PLAYERNAME$ has rolled a $NUMBER$ out of 100' so the highest number is the winner and get the item.

* Some classes have "bad" primary attributes. Examples are.. Assasin has intel but should be agi? Warlock and Cleric have str but should be intel?

* Warrior should have taunt? Berzerker does.. but it seems all 'tanks' should. just a matter of opinion.
Level 2
Feb 16, 2005
I feel bad too.. i miss my frost armour :?

"10% chance to cast a Frost Nova when you are attacked"

and such nice animation :evil:
Level 5
Oct 3, 2005
okayy STOP DOWNLOADING this MAP!! its not worth your time AS i am already working on 5.3 where the loading codes will finally work for items (along with 2 new heroes, a few new shopping noob items (due to a complaint about items costing too much), and also creeps easier=])

thank you edisdead, i checked the triggers and realized taht the noob items WERE suppose to load, and i realized taht the item code does not work, so sorry EVERYONE for all the items you have lost

Thank you for ur comment however tite it may be
max level is 100
if someone leaves.. blizzard automatically tells you who left.. doesnt it?? nevertheless i will impliment it
ill lose the killing player's item, so that everyone can have it..
@ the item models.. we would need a vote on that since i think they look nice, and im pretty sure many ppl do too.

@ edisdead
lol ohokay, ill lower down the scaling size and increase the hero's size inthe selection place then =]
the reason why its collision size is so small, is that there are little crooks and nannies in the game meant for Heroes and small creeps only.. so ... uhh.. yea..
i will DEFINITELY fix the creep hardness.. But i would like to point out, that i tried to debug the map and created 4 differnt heroes for me (ranger, paladin, necro, ShadowK(NEW)) and i found that the creeps werent that hard @ all once u hit level 10. but then.. maybe SK may be too riggeD?? i dunno.. anyhow ill definitely lower the creep hitpoints
okay towards the loading screen.. unless u would vouch for a blizzard default loading screen, i know there is no way i can create one simluating the blizzard one. (btw what do u mean by ATM?) and yea.. i might stick with the original loading screen since i tried to create a differnt one, but somehow the screen remains black, so dont count on another custom loading screen

about your edit
yes i am going to lose the unable to pickup item thing. but you see, it is to prevent multiple instances of players picking up.. then -save, then drop and next person picks up.. yea.
@ bad attributes
when i usually test for attributes, i tried assassin lets say, ended up with a HUGE amount of agility attributes... thus its attack was SOO high
So assassin's attribute bonuess per level is (from lowest to highest gain) STR, INT, AGIL
and so instead of haveing a super low attack (str) or a super HIGH attack(AGIL) i decided with INT so yea.. that was my reasoning. this affects every unit except the paladin, berseker, and warrior and they're attack is based on STR
hmm warrior has taunt... .. ill think about it change it to berseker if i may, since i cannot remember what berserker has for unit ability off the top of my mind

again i am sorry for your items... but i wonder how you got past those level 40s!!!
.... (refering to the frost armour)

@ anonymous
you cannot play alone since it CHECKS to see if ur alone... so i have no clue what u are talking about
password system??.. OH do u mean save/load feature.. yes, i must fix it, well. actually only the item codes are messed up.. so yea i must fix it

finally thanks for your suggestion for scaling, and i wil do that immediately.
Level 2
Feb 16, 2005
I got the frost armour from either the level 2 spiders or the level 8 dogs, I don't recall.. It did seem to be way overpowered for the creep level to drop it (I just assumed it was super rare). Man that is an uber item!!

That makes sense about the primary attributes, I assumed it was something like that. Again, I just mentioned this one because others said it in public game.

And lastly.. about the loading screen thing, the only map I can think of that does it is 'Dark Lineage Owen', but I am sure I have seen it in other maps (oh yea, Wind & Cloud has it too).. But this is just a detail, not really important, and it seems like no mapping forums have an answer to that question (I have seen the question posed several times). Oh yea, ATM means At The Moment.. sorry hehe :)
Level 1
Dec 23, 2004
Dude i can only play your map on my bros comp cus my comp doesnt have the internet...you should make it so you can play single player.
Level 5
Oct 3, 2005
the reason why i will not delete it is due to the fact i wish to keep this commenting board up.

I have reconfigured the save/load code
So uhh im sorry that previous codes will not work now.. restart anew
If you send me your original codes to lom109[at]gmail[dot]com or PM me here, i will check which items you are missing and send you the new version of the code. [Limited number due to my workload] Otherwise, i am sorry.

@ THAjohn
yea.. im considering on making a simplistic levelelling singleplayer version for people like you, but up to a max level of 20

@ edisdead
ahah anicenice.. so the item dropper DOES work =]
lol its kinda rare, but its also easy to get if you are high enuf level. I think the 10% is a bit high of a percentage eh? so i mite drop it a bit lower, sorry

anyhow thanks for your suggestion, ill try to find those maps. but im not too eager to download them since they might be protected.
(also cuz im on dialup.. it took me 4ever to upload each map)

yep.. but a few hero's attributes are a bit kickass low .. so ill hafta fix that too.

anyhow, i will check this page once everyday from monday to friday @ around 12pm GST =]
just saying that so u wont wonder where i am on weekends
Level 2
Aug 5, 2004
This is Anonymous i forgot to log in last time.

1. There is Jass code that checks to see if you are in single player(cheats enabled) i suggest you check for that and not the number of players in the game if you want to stop cheating.

2. I suggest you check out other save systems because you could have a much shorter password. And if your save system is anything like the one found in the original EQ map i cracked it with a excel document.

3. The leveling rate well it sucks. If i wanted to spend 100+ hours leveling a hero i would play wow or eq2. No one is going to play your map if it takes an hour just to reach level 2.
Let me put it this way if the only thing your map has to offer is leveling a hero i suggest the save work and leveling be reasonable.

4. Your production quality is worth 4-5
Level Design 3-4
Hero Selection 4-5
Balanceing 0
Funfactor 1

If i was to rate the dl i played would give it a 2
There are alot of good things but it just lack some important design elements.
Level 5
Oct 3, 2005
The leveling problem i will definitely fix.

hmm single player map... im not sure i want to make one now.. since somehow this person sent me an email with a single player hero with a level of 95... which is really really odd.. but yea..

secondly i did not crack the older version, some one gave me the best items and i just left the computer on for half an hour while it leveled lol

anyhow, its wayy more complicated, something to do with mods and randomize codes and stuff.. you wouldnt want to know :wink:

is it rated out of 5? or 10? cuz if its out of 10.. then =S

1)hero selection =] thanks
2)balancing?.. do u mean hero balancing or creep balacing?
3)i will fix the slowness of leveling.. but you would not really experience the slowness of leveling if you played with more than 7 people
4)hmm what do u want to suggest to improve the "funfactor"? more items.. more heroes? more QUESTS?

anyhow, thanks for ur comment, neostorm
Level 2
Aug 5, 2004
NPS Disable Single Player Password Save
Map initialization
Game Cache - Create a game cache from MapName.w3v
Custom script: if ( SaveGameCache(bj_lastCreatedGameCache) == true ) then
Trigger - Turn off NPS Save <gen>
Game - Display to (All players) the text: Single Player Mode:...
Custom script: endif

There is code to check to see if in single player. If you play alone on lan or b.net it will not disable the password.

Actualy i am curious about the save system since i have spent alot of time creating what i belive to be the most effecent way to do it.

The rateing was out of 5

I could come up with a dozen of ideas but i would focus on setting up small goals players could acomplish in 10-15 mins. I'll wait till you make some changes before i make suggestions on what to change becuase i really can't say how fun it would be after the changes until i test it.
Level 5
Oct 3, 2005
thanks for that.. ill use it =]

do u deserve the credit? or is it from somewhere else?

well if you have de time, then please give me ideas.. since i hate making quests.. triggers + hero creations are my stuff =]

like the quests in the game is just one linear quest.. and it doesnt even start until you reach the quest start...

anyhow thanks for everything =] ill impliment that right away.
secondly, ill try to create a few mini questS? .. i dunno, ill think of something.. =S im in a rush so sorry if my reply is a bit half @ssed so sorry.
Level 2
Feb 16, 2005
Just a personal request... Please give us a lesser upgraded map which we can train hero levels and load with items before making tons of major *semantic* changes/details (like sidequests and junk), if possible. This may be more annoying to you, but we just wanna play it soon! hehe ;p
Level 5
Oct 3, 2005
Unfortunatly, i already upgraded the map already =S sorry. i could not bring myself to creating a single player map... since people would abuse? and it wouldnt be fun as i would have to disable quite a number of weapons.

to make up for this... ive created another 4 heros =] and a few items becuz of request

anyhow, Everquest 2, Distant Shores V5.3 is out