Ender's Battleroom

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Level 1
Nov 12, 2007
--NOTE: I am currently desperately looking for assistance in this project and am just beginning--

I'm relatively new to the whole mapmaking process, but I thought it would be great fun to make a map based on the battleroom in the novel Ender's Game.

For those of you who dont know it, 2 armies of 40 people each go into a null-gravity room. They have a pistol that shoots both a long range laser (think sniper) and a quick flash of light (think shotgun). They are also wearing suits that amplify their muscle movements, but freeze up when exposed to light (enemy weapons). They can jump off of the walls of the room and "stars" (large cubular blocks) that are randomly placed in the room. The game ends when one team is completely disabled and the other team completes the winning ritual, which is getting 5 soldiers to the enemies "gate" (entrance).

What I am currently envisioning is a large open area with pathing enabled, but that actually looks like it opens out into space. The walls of the battleroom and "stars" would be cliffs to normal land.
Your unit would be on a level roughly halfway up that cliff (giving the impression that it was holding onto the side of the cliff, not standing on it)
If you moved your unit such that it did not stay in contact with the cliff, your unit would become unmovable, floating in the direction it was traveling until it hit another cliff (as if in null g).
Your unit would have 2 abilities (hotkeyed A and S) that would fire a beam in the direction you click (one being the shotgun shot and the other being the sniper shot).
Abilities would have very short cooldowns, but you would be limited by energy (preventing spamming of shots).
You would have shields capable of absorbing 1 sniper hit, making moving to new cover easier as you must be hit twice to recieve damage.
Once your unit ran out of health, it would be replaced by a colorless model that simply keeps on bouncing around the battleroom (both being a distraction and blocking enemy fire).
The game would either be deathmatch or winning ritual, with one requiring all enemies disabled and the other requiring 3 people at the opponents gate to win (there would only be 8 or so players on each side, so I may make it 2).

I feel that that this combines the thrill of a fps with the easier firing of "shockwave" weapons and the intriging movement of null-g floating.

My version would be extremely simple to start out with, with tons of possible updates if it is popular.
Possible updates include:
Lagless WASD movement (it can be done with the data editor)
More abilities (grapling hook, movement boosters, slight movement control while in midair, etc.)
Ability to climb onto stars (in order to gain the cliff sight advantage, but being vulnerable to surprise attacks from other stars)
Ability to command a small squad of computer controlled units
and more!

X Make battleroom
Make unit
Make abilities
Make null-g floor (much like ice floors from WC3)
Make disabled unit
Make game mode and victory conditions

If anyone would like to contribute, provide feedback, or link me to a tutorial please post a reply. I'll probably be updating this post soon, but for now, this mortal body grows weak. I require sustinance.
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