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Empire Earth 2.3


This map looks like the original game : Empire Earth. In other words, you play as a nation which evolves over the periods. Empire Earth covers ten eras in total. The player changes era in garnering a number of resources and launching the search for the next era in one of its capitols. Ten eras are Prehistory, Antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the industrial era, World War One, World War Two, the Modern Era, the the Nano Era and Space Era.

So you can develop your skills. For example, the units change with the times. In the Renaissance you will be allow to use gunpowder. Then, the modern era allows you to developp aviation and tanks. In the future, you can go into space and colonize planets.

The land itself is the map of Europe and Asia. Besides there is a space for the solar system. You also have the opportunity to visit all the planets of the solar system and the moon.

You can recolt ressources in different ways harvesting wood, fishing, collecting gold, trading, exploiting asteroids. In short, the development possibilities are numerous.


























-Talon the Mage
-General Frank
-Mechanical Man


-Imperator Rome Main Theme : Era 1
-Ben Hur Main Theme : Era 2
-Medieval 2 Total War Main Theme : Era 3
-Cossacks 3 Denmark Theme : Era 4
-Rise of nations High Strunk : Era 5
-Victoria 2 Main Theme : Era 6
-Heart of Iron IV Main Theme : Era 7
-Battlefield IV Remix Main Theme : Era 8
-Stellaris Creation and Beyond : Era 9
-Stellaris To The End of the Galaxy : Era 10

Empire, Earth, Planets, Conquest, Future, Middle Age, Antiquity, Renaissance, World War, Modern

Empire Earth 2.3 (Map)

17:17, 26th Jul 2013 Orcnet: map approved
... At the risk of sounding repetitive, some of the old problems are back:

Can't build new buildings after going up an era.
Workers getting wood and gold do indeed keep working. Those on farms and fishing ships, however, still stop working (although the selection bug appears to be gone, so at least it's easier to get them back to work).

Capitals no longer give food? Might be due to the overlap with the religion icon.

Houses take far too long to build.

Why is Trade a prehistory upgrade if you can't build markets or trade ships then?

I'm glad that I can count on you to spot the issues.
-Capital will give pop again
-Houses will take 14s to build
-Market will be available in tier1
-Space shipyard could build oil platform. I fix
-Waygates will be back for Torgue
-Ok I will increase trade radius
-Waygates will be better selected
-Markets will be accurate (right now they display only wood message)
-All planets will be buildable
-Next version Aliens !
-It does only to tier 6 with the tech
-I like the deposit idea but how could I trigger that ? I was thinking something like burrow for the buildings to serve a ressource collector

So the selection bug is because of the initial workers?

Also, will the map eventually be expanded to the other continents, even in separate areas?

Thanks for helping with the geography.
-I move Pekin and Oulan-Bator to the right place. However Irkousk and Oulan-Bator are too close. I will switch Irkousk with Nanning.
-I will add foods to the capital. I removed it in the first place to avoid to have the religion text and the population one merging into 1. I can solve this by giving pop by triggers.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
If the UI can accommodate additional resources, can't the Harvest ability be modified in a similar way?

Another method is to have a burrow-type building next to the deposit that attacks the deposit, and either has Pillage or is triggered to increase resource count with every attack (so more workers inside->faster collecting). It could also come in helpful for letting the buildings defend themselves.

You could also use a modified Wisp Gather to give the resources instead of wood by ordering the worker to Wisp Harvest the resource (now a modified tree), or even with the wood, and have the resource increased with every lumber harvest cycle. Maybe rename Lumber to Materials, so you could also have Stone quarries and such, which would make it more logical to extract two types of resources in one place (Age of Humanity has a similar mechanic where different quarry types gives wood and gold at different rates).

Also: Market hotkeys overlap for food and fuel. Will uranium be buyable as well?
Version 1.75 is out:
-Motorised units need Fuel to work
-Oil Platform and Nuclear Power Pant need villager inside
-All units have better description
-Villagers go back to their tasks after changing era
-Uranium added to the market
-Selling and buying ressources give more information
-Capitals give pop again
-Houses take 14s to build
-Market is available in tier1
-Some Capitals have been moved
-Deathstar is available
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Catapults and Rams can't attack cities.

Onagers and Trebuchets and Bombards and Obusiers and Field Guns and Bofors (gasp) can't attack cities.

I don't know how long Houses take to build, but it's waaaaay more than 14s.

Markets don't appear in the Prehistoric builder's list.

Started in Prehistory, was unable to build in Antiquity, was able to build in Middle Ages onwards.

Does the Quinquireme have a higher range than the Carrack?

Put a worker in a bank, but it kept producing 0 gold. Tried to put a newly-made Industrial worker in the bank, it didn't recognize him as one. The OG villager could go right back in. Building a bank with the new villager didn't help.

Similarly, oil platforms refuse to take some villagers (either those weren't created in an earlier age or those that made made from houses), and produce nothing even with workers inside.

Caravans stop producing after going up an age.

Buying AND selling oil results in negative oil. The buttons also buy/sell uranium at the same time.

Ships can still move without fuel.

Submarines can attack cities.

Sometimes workers get back to work, sometimes they don't.

Automatic Production requires Aviation.

Zeppelins still have mana.

WW1 machine gunners can't attack buildings, WW2 ones can.

House-built Villager buildings don't seem to upgrade.

Aircraft Carrier still has refuel ability, can move while in production mode, can't switch out of production mode, and doesn't have a visible building queue. While the planes it makes upgrade with eras, its building list doesn't.

Stop Automatic Production button doesn't work.

One of the Nano Era ships is called a Steamboat.

Having multiple workers selected prevents them from switching building lists.

Space Station and Artillery Defense have no model during construction and don't show up.

Terraforming research says Prospect Fuel when finished.

Trying to buy uranium gets a "Not enough fuel" message.

Space House Villager is a different unit to City Villager, they have different voices. This is likely the cause of the production buildings not taking them in (although they don't produce anything full or empty).

Ark and Hovercraft don't mention they're amphibious.

If aliens are enabled, there should be some on the planets.

The "land on planet" ability should cause the spacecraft to follow the planet and then go to its surface, right now it goes to cooldown if you aren't just in the exact center of the planet.

Asteroids can't be harvested.
Level 6
May 8, 2014
Catapults and Rams can't attack cities.

Onagers and Trebuchets and Bombards and Obusiers and Field Guns and Bofors (gasp) can't attack cities.
Not only those siege weapons,but also some ground units have lost their abilities of attacking buildings.For example:
- Templar


- Arquebus and Halberdier


Put a worker in a bank, but it kept producing 0 gold.
That happened to me too.But when I restart a new game (in north Africa),the bank with villager(s) did work,producing gold periodly.

There is another bug of Farms.Villagers' positions are not where they should be.It seems that the bug only happened in Antiquity Era and Middle Age.Take a look at the screenshots below:



Fishing boats and the villagers working in the Farms or Lumbermills stopped working when we upgraded into a new era.
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Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Fishing boats it seems to depend on if they're inside the fishing spot at the moment everything upgrades. Maybe have the fishing spots autoreplenish?

The workers went back to work only once after the first era change, after that they were always waiting.

I've had the teleported workers bug too (although sometimes it's the farm itself that teleports).
Thanks you cleavinghammer and nuck001. You are both very kind and helpful to find out all the issues. I've solved most of the issues. The caravan one will require some work. Also, I'm not sure if the fuel distribution works well.

The version 1.76 is out:
Version 1.76
-Motorised units need Fuel to work
-All units can attack buildings
-Submarine can't attack cities
-Houses Villagers are no longer different from the regular ones
-Asteroids can be mined
-Uranium can be bought
-Aircraft change properly
-Land on planet works normaly
-Fish boats work well after changing era
-Ark and Hovercraft say they are amphibious
-Mana removed from the zeppelins
-Houses take 14s to build
-Market is available in tier1
-New naval units in Industrial Age
-New firearms units in Renaissance

Problem still pending:
-Aliens are not here yet
-Caravans still bug after changing era
-Having multiple workers selected prevents them from switching building lists.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Workers going back to work only seems to be enabled when going from Prehistory to Antiquity.

Fish boats don't go back to work when a fishing spot is emptied and replaced.

Market buildable without research in Prehistory.

When starting from a different era, all Academy upgrades for that era are already researched.

It seems there's a hidden limit on population for every era where building more houses/taking capitals doesn't increase it (50 in Prehistory, 100 in Antiquity, etc.). It should be mentioned somewhere.

Fuel and uranium mines still don't work.

Modern oil platform has 7 slots but only shows 6. Its upgrade only has 3.

PzH has lower range than a tank.

Scoreboard hides number of cities until you go up an era.


Maybe make amphibious units buildable in factories.

Possible idea: Alternate farm that spawns berry patches.
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Thanks for the tips. I've fixed the most annoying glitches right now.
1.761 is out:
-Trade Works
-Changing Era is cheaper
-Collecting other ressources work
-Pop limit indicated on the house tooltip
-Max Farmers indicated on the farm tooltip
-Trade research is needed for the market
-Correct unit requirement for oil platform
-Investing no longer give wrong data on the total invested

Still on work:
-Possible idle workers
-Having multiple workers selected prevents them from switching building lists
-Scoreboard hides number of cities until you go up an era
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Some planets have no buildable terrain (and some shouldn't, e.g. Saturn).

House-built workers don't go to rally points.

Merchant ships still use sails in WW1.

WW2 Markets/Shipyards don't produce Caravans/Merchant Ships.
* Ah, okay, they can, but the button doesn't show up until Containers is researched. Should be a DISBTN with a -Requires Containers tech, or should still allow building Caravans (and Caravans should have Uprades with Containers tech) in the tooltip.

If food trade is red, harvested food income should be red as well.

Okay, Markets sort of work: I built two, went up an era, and built a market between the two. That one market seemed to trade a lot more often than the others, and did so thoughout the ages. They all stopped in the Space age for some reason.

Shipyard trade, as far as I can tell, never produced anything (even though my trade ships went between Belgium and Marseille and I had shipyards everywhere they hugged the coast, no trade ever happened at any of them).
* Ah, no, I saw it work once. On modern trade ships.

Ships don't have suicide buttons (especially if the shipyard teleports after upgrading, causing them to be built in rivers).

Staffed buildings not finished during an era change will immediately finish construction but be damaged.

Staffed buildings should only recruit idle workers, not those getting food and wood. (Or maybe they do and this is just the upgrading idle worker bug). If built close to each other, they also poach workers from each other (3-3 banks become 4-2).

Some bugged requirements: Cruisers require Poliorcetics, Onagers requires Formations, etc. Aircraft Carrier should require Aviation.

Units that require upgrades to be built (e.g. gun units, modern trade units) should allow the lower-tech version to be built until the research is done, same for era upgrades (for example, replacing medieval artillery with cannon should only be done once Gunpowder is researched).

Grouped units (Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, etc.) are removed from groups when upgraded.

Nano markets are apparently staffed by hipsters, judging by their primitive model.

Aircraft Carrier should use a different icon to get out of production mode.

Nano and Space Aircraft Carriers still use Modern planes.

No Satellite unit anywhere.

Dahl costs 8000 wood, Torgue 800.

* Eras are straight-up copy-pasted from Wikipedia... and the [5]s were left in.
* Aircraft carrier production tooltips leave out "carrier".

Okay, fishing seems to work with no issues including era changes. But please, make fishing spots auto-replenish at half reserves. If you fish a lot, you end up with the knight's "Our gold mine is nearly empty" and Uther's "As I suspected" every few seconds.

Stellar Shield tooltip says 0 armor, buff says Devotion Aura.

Possibly intentional: when right-clicking empty space under a Stellar Shield, a unit will go to the shield projector instead.

Go to Planet doesn't seem to work for the Moon, even with Terraforming. If non-Earth planets require Terraforming (haven't tested that), the tooltip should say so.

Torgues (and possibly Dahls) don't count as workers.

Is asteroid mining a one-time ability, or infinite? If the latter, should be an automated one.

Why use an elephant model for mammoths? Why not have elephants and mammoths, the former replacing the latter in later ages?

Switching one worker's build list switches every single worker's list.

Fuel still unused. Maybe make it part of the unit's cost instead?

Space builders leaving a planet take a while to have mana.


Extra upgrade ideas:
* Speed upgrades for trade units.
* Individual settings for trade units (gold OR wood OR food for horse caravans, and Containers turn them into trucks/tankers that give all three).
* Flying and space trade units.

* Neutral cities should upgrade to be at the level of the lowest player.

* A mode where everyone starts out on a different planet.
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Level 6
May 8, 2014
- The researching time of "Prehistory-to-Antiquity" and "Antiquity-to-Middle Age" were significantly reduced to one second.But those of later eras remained the same.Is such a change intentional,to level up the rhythm of early game?

- I've found a modle bug of infantries.(Ranger,Rocketman,Sharpshooter)


- When I ordered a PzH2000 to Attack Ground,the cursor was missing.


Workers going back to work only seems to be enabled when going from Prehistory to Antiquity.
Yes,only happened during Prehistory to Antiquity.Keeping units doing what they've been doing in the last era needs tons of coding,which in my opinion is the most difficult and core part of this RISK map.It would take purparisien some time,no rush.:peasant-thumbs-up:
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1.762 is out. A lot of changes has been made :
-Fuel works
-Nukes appear
-Planes have plane path
-Death Star and Dyson Sphere appear
-House-built workers go to rally points.
-Bugged requirements are gone Cruisers
-Aircraft Carrier use a different icon to get out of production mode
Nano and Space Aircraft Carriers still use Modern planes.
-Satellites appear
-Dahl costs 800 wood
-Stellar Shield has better tooltip
-Going to the Moon is now possible
-Torgue sand Dahls count as workers
-Asteroids can be auto mined
-Switching worker's build list is working better
-Neutral cities should upgrade to be at the level of the lowest player.
-Sound is gone when Mine is low on gold or collapses

-A mode where everyone starts out on a different planet
-Nano and Space Aircraft Carriers still use Modern planes
-Flying and space trade units
-Individual settings for trade units
-More building for other planets
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
OST: Some of the listed themes are wrong, e.g. Era 5's theme is called High Strung on the OST.

When starting at an advanced era, the corresponding era upgrades need to be auto-researched as well (e.g. I started at Modern, but the Academy and satellites required the Modern Era tech. Upgrading did not solve this).

When starting in an advanced era, starting resources should be correspondingly higher (and start with gold, fuel/uranium depending on starting era).

The targeting cursor should be flipped so the triangle is in the upper left corner.

Asteroid mining should be disabled until you have a space depot, otherwise they try to bring it to the Earth map.

Asteroids provide lumber.

Some space ships still have the same icon. They all have the Hyperion tooltip and cost 8000 wood.

Both PzH siege units have less than 1200 range.

As far as I can tell, fuel still doesn't go down. Couldn't test the depleted uranium ammo due to lack of enemies.

A worker switching still causes every worker to switch. This can lead to one worker sent to build a civilian building going to the location and doing nothing because another was told to build a military building.


NH capitals lose their proper names when upgrading.

Went to Industrial era and every NH capital was cloned.
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Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Renaissance capitals lose their names.
NH Industrial capitals are cloned (including current HP). The total number of Capitals started at 48, went up to 142 around this point, and went down to 97 (or 96, then went up again to 97, then fluctuating as I capturd them). Sometimes it says I have 0 capitals.
WW1 capitals (I think) lose their attack display.
In some eras capitals have ridiculous amounts of life (as in, too big to fit in the stats), and then go back to less than 5000.

Not sure how or when it happened, but a Wall had spawned near one of my cities. When I happened to look around there again, it had turned into a trebuchet.

The only difference between modern ships and the last sailing ships is the armor type.

Medieval ships do less damage than the Antique ones.

Secondary resource buildings are bugged, at some point (the era after they're available) they start giving almost 20000 per tick.

Okay, workers get back to work in every era. However, the distribution is haphazard: sometimes half a farm's workers go to get wood, while elsewhere wood gatherers cluster around a farm so the extra workers don't help with anything.

Workers should have Repair autocast by default across all eras.

Shipyards and Siege Factories should have an accelerated Repair that only affects their units.

Resource terrain can be built on (the cloned capitals sometimes pop up on one). Maybe you could research a Scorched Earth ability where a destroyed resource building prevents the terrain from being used and making the terrain usable again costs money?

Got all the way up to Nano and only saw merchant ships trade once, during an era change.

Why are space builders now ground units?

Orbital attack satellite doesn't attack anything (targeting something on Earth or the Earth model does nothing).

Death Star countdown leaderboard is too small. It's also not quite accurate: after the countdown finishes, there's still a slight delay before it fires (presumably to commence primary ignition).

When told to build a Dyson Sphere, the builder will only sometimes start building.

Will building a Dyson sphere allow you to determine how much solar energy other players get, if any?

Death Star doesn't actually blow up planets.
* Ah wait, no, it does. Apparently what happens is that after the countdown is done, the DS waits for the planet to get back in range if it had left instead of chasing it down.
* DS firing costs nothing.
* Fishing boats can survive the destruction of the Earth.
* Despite destroying the Earth, the window said I owned several cities.

What's the difference between setting money as Low/Med/High at the start?
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Renaissance capitals lose their names.
NH Industrial capitals are cloned (including current HP). The total number of Capitals started at 48, went up to 142 around this point, and went down to 97 (or 96, then went up again to 97, then fluctuating as I capturd them). Sometimes it says I have 0 capitals.
WW1 capitals (I think) lose their attack display.
In some eras capitals have ridiculous amounts of life (as in, too big to fit in the stats), and then go back to less than 5000.

Not sure how or when it happened, but a Wall had spawned near one of my cities. When I happened to look around there again, it had turned into a trebuchet.

The only difference between modern ships and the last sailing ships is the armor type.

Medieval ships do less damage than the Antique ones.

Secondary resource buildings are bugged, at some point (the era after they're available) they start giving almost 20000 per tick.

Okay, workers get back to work in every era. However, the distribution is haphazard: sometimes half a farm's workers go to get wood, while elsewhere wood gatherers cluster around a farm so the extra workers don't help with anything.

Workers should have Repair autocast by default across all eras.

Shipyards and Siege Factories should have an accelerated Repair that only affects their units.

Resource terrain can be built on (the cloned capitals sometimes pop up on one). Maybe you could research a Scorched Earth ability where a destroyed resource building prevents the terrain from being used and making the terrain usable again costs money?

Got all the way up to Nano and only saw merchant ships trade once, during an era change.

Why are space builders now ground units?

Orbital attack satellite doesn't attack anything (targeting something on Earth or the Earth model does nothing).

Death Star countdown leaderboard is too small. It's also not quite accurate: after the countdown finishes, there's still a slight delay before it fires (presumably to commence primary ignition).

When told to build a Dyson Sphere, the builder will only sometimes start building.

Will building a Dyson sphere allow you to determine how much solar energy other players get, if any?

Death Star doesn't actually blow up planets.
* Ah wait, no, it does. Apparently what happens is that after the countdown is done, the DS waits for the planet to get back in range if it had left instead of chasing it down.
* DS firing costs nothing.
* Fishing boats can survive the destruction of the Earth.
* Despite destroying the Earth, the window said I owned several cities.

What's the difference between setting money as Low/Med/High at the start?

As always, I appreciate the time you put to test everything out. I'm going answer the issues.
NH Industrial capitals are cloned (including current HP). The total number of Capitals started at 48, went up to 142 around this point, and went down to 97 (or 96, then went up again to 97, then fluctuating as I capturd them). Sometimes it says I have 0 capitals.
WW1 capitals (I think) lose their attack display.

In some eras capitals have ridiculous amounts of life (as in, too big to fit in the stats), and then go back to less than 5000.
>Final Capital will have 10 000 hp max

Not sure how or when it happened, but a Wall had spawned near one of my cities. When I happened to look around there again, it had turned into a trebuchet.
>This one is weird. I don't know where it comes from

The only difference between modern ships and the last sailing ships is the armor type.
>I will improve a bit more the differences between the two kinds

Medieval ships do less damage than the Antique ones.

Secondary resource buildings are bugged, at some point (the era after they're available) they start giving almost 20000 per tick.
>Fix. When a secondary ressource building will have crazy income, it will expell the workers and reininate itself.

Okay, workers get back to work in every era. However, the distribution is haphazard: sometimes half a farm's workers go to get wood, while elsewhere wood gatherers cluster around a farm so the extra workers don't help with anything.
>This is a true nightmare to fix. Keeping orders was not working. At least, now they do something

Workers should have Repair autocast by default across all eras.

Shipyards and Siege Factories should have an accelerated Repair that only affects their units.
>Good idea. Done

Resource terrain can be built on (the cloned capitals sometimes pop up on one). Maybe you could research a Scorched Earth ability where a destroyed resource building prevents the terrain from being used and making the terrain usable again costs money?
>Smart Idea. Done

Got all the way up to Nano and only saw merchant ships trade once, during an era change.
>Actually the merchant system is a bit underdevelopped. Trades units cant trade with another market it spawns from. It will be fixed

Why are space builders now ground units?
>It's just to allow the construction of the Dyson Sphere. I gave the Sun a special path like the other Earth ressource to allow to build on it. Is it creating problems ?

Orbital attack satellite doesn't attack anything (targeting something on Earth or the Earth model does nothing).
>Fix. A dummy will cast a spell instead

Death Star countdown leaderboard is too small. It's also not quite accurate: after the countdown finishes, there's still a slight delay before it fires (presumably to commence primary ignition).
>It's buggy. I will increase the range of the spell and preventing to cast it too far to avoid this situation.

When told to build a Dyson Sphere, the builder will only sometimes start building.
>You need to build right in the center of the Sun.

Will building a Dyson sphere allow you to determine how much solar energy other players get, if any?
>It will allow to control the pollution of the Galaxy (new feature)
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
"Trades units cant trade with another market it spawns from"

Ohhhhhh. I thought it was using the EE2 trade system where any two markets work. That explains a lot. Also, building a line of markets and then ordering the caravan to patrol alongside them gets anywhere from 0 to 7 resources.

The space builders are ground units when not in space, so it's weird that a space unit can't fly over obstacles. Speaking of which, maybe have a system where de-orbiting space units will end up at a friendly airfield on the planet's surface instead of a random point (and continue at random if there are no friendly airfields).

Dyson Sphere: I dunno, several times I put the building down in what I thought was the center, but I guess I was off-mark. Maybe have some pathing blockers around the sun's center to help with that.

Did you look at/fix the other issues (asteroids, missing era research when starting at an advanced era, etc.)?

Forgot this one: It's possible to get negative money when using multiple money abilities like Grow Trees simultaneously.

Will there be unique units/abilities eventually (maybe based on controlling cities)?
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"Trades units cant trade with another market it spawns from"

Ohhhhhh. I thought it was using the EE2 trade system where any two markets work. That explains a lot. Also, building a line of markets and then ordering the caravan to patrol alongside them gets anywhere from 0 to 7 resources.

The space builders are ground units when not in space, so it's weird that a space unit can't fly over obstacles. Speaking of which, maybe have a system where de-orbiting space units will end up at a friendly airfield on the planet's surface instead of a random point (and continue at random if there are no friendly airfields).

Dyson Sphere: I dunno, several times I put the building down in what I thought was the center, but I guess I was off-mark. Maybe have some pathing blockers around the sun's center to help with that.

Did you look at/fix the other issues (asteroids, missing era research when starting at an advanced era, etc.)?

Forgot this one: It's possible to get negative money when using multiple money abilities like Grow Trees simultaneously.

Will there be unique units/abilities eventually (maybe based on controlling cities)?

Ohhhhhh. I thought it was using the EE2 trade system where any two markets work. That explains a lot. Also, building a line of markets and then ordering the caravan to patrol alongside them gets anywhere from 0 to 7 resources.
>Now ships and caravans will trade automatically like the ones in age of empires 2. Gollum Kome helped me a lot with this issue

The space builders are ground units when not in space, so it's weird that a space unit can't fly over obstacles. Speaking of which, maybe have a system where de-orbiting space units will end up at a friendly airfield on the planet's surface instead of a random point (and continue at random if there are no friendly airfields).
>It's a good proposition. I will do it

Dyson Sphere: I dunno, several times I put the building down in what I thought was the center, but I guess I was off-mark. Maybe have some pathing blockers around the sun's center to help with that.
>I agree. This one is tricky to build. I can work around it

missing era research when starting at an advanced era

Forgot this one: It's possible to get negative money when using multiple money abilities like Grow Trees simultaneously.
>I will reduce mana instantly once the spell is cast to avoid this

Will there be unique units/abilities eventually
>I was thinking about unique wonders (one per era)

asteroids mining
>Actually I like the mining asteroid system. I agree wood is not fitting well but mining uranium is a bit useless.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Prehistory ships:
* Gally->Galley
* Two ships named Pirogue.
* Pirogue model (the one with the sail) has bubbles appear too far in front of it while moving.

Trireme has no disbtn.

Peltast disbtn replaced with normal villager icon.

Apothecary has no disbtn.

Medieval farm tooltip says 4 villagers instead of 6.

Ah wait, no, capitals lose names in Middle Ages.

Capitals don't use masonry upgrades.

Obusier uses masonry upgrades (possibly others).

Monitor and Steamship tooltips call them Ship of the Line and Cutter respectively.

Sniper has the Trebuchet tooltip for its toggled ability. AT snipers don't upgrade.

Storage facilities have full mana during construction.

Mysterious Walls: They're upgraded from, of all things, WW1 Transports when going to WW2. They become Trebuchets when transitioning to Modern and Oil Platforms in Nano. Truly there is poetry in such an evolution: When Man found he could no longer roam freely across the seas, he built walls to protect himself, then mighty siege engines to take what his neighbors lacked the strength to keep, before exploiting the riches of the earth.

Post-Modern cities could use more futuristic models and attacks (lasers maybe).

Armored Cruisers are amphibious.

Juggernauts and Armored Cruisers have less than 1000 HP.

The Death Star can target the Sun, but this doesn't cause the countdown timer to appear and also doesn't destroy the Sun.

Multiple bombers can use multiple nukes as long as there's enough uranium for one.

Maybe split villagers so they can either farm/harvest berries/carcasses or get lumber, but not both at the same time? And when going up an era, order those who can get wood to get wood, those with food to get food, etc.
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The version 1.77 is out:
-New IU per era
-Additional track when the Death star is built
-Pollution is introduced
-Having polluting buildings or units increase pollution
-Spies are available
-No more insane income from banks
-Banks income reduced from 10 to 5
-Dyson Sphere disable the pollution
-Storage Facilities can be built next to food
-Fix the bugs of the transport ship turning into walls
-No more missing era tech when starting later
-Trading work better
-Shipyard can repair boats
-All capitals show their attack
-Bomber can't nuke without uranium
-Scorched Earth policy added
-Fix various bugs
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Got a game crash in prehistory, not sure why.

Missing the number of capitals owned/total.

If secondary resources can be consumed without mana (e.g. bombers), era upgrades should require them as well (maybe not prehistory to antiquity though if some people like rushing up an era).

Ironclad tooltip says it's amphibious.

Capitals tend to relocate when captured if there's a large amount of units around them.

WW1 disbtn is a Spirit of Vengeance.

Oil Platform (should probably be Oil Derrick) doesn't take workers back in after upgrading.

Ship trade doesn't seem to work quite right: they automatically move from one port to another, but if another is built in their path they use the new one instead. Does it use the same system as the land caravans? That one seems to work quite well with a Patrol order.

Went up an era and trade ships stopped moving. Although that might have been because one of the shipyards teleported into an inaccessible river.

Modern shipyards and factories don't pollute.

Surgeons use Snap Dragon voice.

Uranium rounds should be used when the Attack Ground command is issued (and should increase pollution when used).

Spaceships: Will they have special abilities like the named versions implied?

Using the Go To Planet ability gets the message "That target is invalid for planet destruction" for all ships. Works for Dahls and Torgues even though the message plays.

Space builder not being fliers creates problems when they land in a "river" on a planet and can't get out.

Way Gates still don't teleport units.

The Mysterious Wall Strikes Back: Markets turn into Shipyards in the Space Age. Caravans still go there to drop off resources.

A Torgue told to leave Mars ended up in Neptune's orbit. After ordering it to got to Neptune, the camera snapped to and selected a fishing spot near Calcutta. I found the Torgue (on Neptune this time), told it to leave... and the camera jumped to and selected a fishing spot near Bangkok.
* As far as I can tell, the warp to Neptune's orbit only happens with Mars. The go-to fishing spot happens randomly with other planets.

Dyson Sphere tooltip says it requires Instant Production.

Death Star uses the Imperial theme. That is, the Imperial Roman theme from the Antiquity era.

Told the Death Star to destroy the moon. While it did shoot the laser at it, the Moon remained intact.

Death Star should turn to face the planet it's destroying.

Pollution should be both a flat effect (on construction) and a continued increase the longer the unit/building remains alive, and pollution-reducing upgrades available from the modern era onwards.

Dyson Sphere pathing should be bigger, since red tiles are hard to see on a red background (I kept thinking it was a 2x2 square until I moved it the other way). Should at least be as big as the sun.

Still a massive fluctuation in Capital (and most building) HP where it's high enough to be unseen in most ages, drops in modern eras, then goes back up. I think you left out a few zeroes somewhere.

Bank can hold 7 people but the cargo only shows 6.



A multilevel upgrade that increases house food production by 1, with Capitals automatically getting +1 production as the era goes up.

Pollution ideas:
* Naturally-occuring increases in pollution: forest fires, volcanoes.
* Pollution in early eras wherever there's a corpse, reduced by upgrades (burial, quarantine, etc.)
* If too high, Godzilla appears.
* Set pollution levels during game setup.

Planets should have a snap-to-surface button and vice versa.

Wonder ideas:


Tower of Babel
Silk Road
Forbidden City


Tower of Pisa

Eiffel Tower


Atlantic Wall
Siegfried Line
Maginot Line


Large Hadron Collider

Fusion Reactor

Orbital Farm
Space Elevator
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Thanks you cleavinghammer. I've just released a new version to fix the most urgent bugs. I will take into accounts most of your proposition.

Version 1.773
-IU no longers hide datas
-Villager 10 is flyable
-Extra planets are flyable

Version 1.772
-Fuel works finally
-Units speed reduced for heavy tanks
-Reduce lag when exiting the game

Version 1.771
-Stage 11 music plays well (after building DS)
-Markets dont turn into shipyards after last era
-Trade Ships keep their orders after changing era
-Dyson Sphere has a more visible path to build on
-AA units prices have been adjusted
-New model for early trade ship
-Reduce Life of houses
-Reduce View Sight of farms
-Space builders are back to their fly movement
-Modern factory and shipyard pollute
-new nano and space era market
-Ironclad tootip fixed
-DISBTN issue fix
-Death Star now looks at the target
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Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Trade should mentioned in the quest menu and should have its tooltips updated (i.e. mentioning it only works between two markets and not every market in the way, that gold only gets dropped at the non-spawning market).

Rider should use an actual rider model, or be called Chariot or something. Maybe use a different model for the Warlord if not, since the only difference is a pair of flags.

Not seeing a difference on the early trade ship, still a three-masted one.

Siege Workshop siege and artillery units don't use armor upgrades until the Modern era.

Since Caravans follow the same path to markets, sometimes two of them will run into each other and just stop moving until the other gets out of the way.

Shipyard repair range is too small to actually repair ships even when the ship is right next to it.

Archers upgrade to Halberdiers. Halberdiers don't upgrade into anything.

Uranium patches and farmland should be made unbuildable (like oilfields).

* The Academy's model is too big at the rear, extending out of its pathing.
* Templar upgrades into Cuirassier, but the Stable builds Hussars.
* The UI bleeds into the secondary resources.

Sabotage Building: Arthas' line isn't really appropriate (although it'd be good for an ability where the spy steals the appropriate resource from a building). Maybe L'Internationale or the Soviet anthem?

Units stop attacking a building affected by Sabotage.
* Ah, OK, it's Sleep. The tooltip should mention that attacking the building will stop the effect.

Industrial era production buildings should increase pollution.

Oil derricks can't be built in any era because their pathing extends over the oilfield.

Buy/Sell Fuel should be made available with the Fuel research in the Industrial era.

Units lose the OOF icon when upgrading. Some can still turn on the spot, but only once.

Ships automatically stopping because they've reached the point they were ordered to go to should count as an order to stop (consuming fuel).

Giving a stop and hold position order to a ship doesn't immediately stop consuming fuel.

WW1 ships, WW2 Battlecruiser, Escort (should be Escort Cruiser, I think), Nuclear Submarine, Armored Cruiser, Juggernaut, and Plasma Submarine don't show the OOF icon. U-Boot does have it, but it's very small.

Nuclear Submarines and Modern Aircraft Carriers should use Uranium instead of Fuel (it's why they're nuclear in the first place).

Modern trade ships only give gold.

Aircraft should warn that they die when out of fuel.

Zeppelins don't need fuel. Although, given that real airships don't actually need to consume fuel to stay afloat, maybe keep the Zeppelin as a special no-fuel unit and make the WW1 bomber another "standard" unit that does need fuel?

Some siege and artillery units don't list their pollution amount or fuel requirements. Some don't use fuel.

In the absence of stationary flyers for scouting, the Hot Air Balloon should be upgradeable in later eras (and not use fuel).

WW2 Airfield is bigger than its pathing.

Limited units like the observation satellite should state the limit in the tooltip.

Workers told to go in a power plant with the plant's command will leave soon after to collect wood.

Planetary Administration can only be built underwater on Earth. On other planets, it can be built on doodads. As it counts as a resource dropoff, workers get themselves killed or lost by trying to drop off resources there.

Planetary Administration doesn't produce anything, only Planetary Capital does.

Space builders can only build Way Gates in water on Earth.

Sea and air units can't use waygates even when both are on the same planet.

Space Villagers should mention that they can fly. They're the only ones who can use waygates along with space builders. They can also gather fish.

Spaceship tooltips say they use fuel instead of uranium. They also don't use uranium.

Space power plant won't take workers to go in it.

Death Star:
* Still doesn't change the music.
* Still doesn't face the target when firing.
* Still doesn't blow up the planet, instead it remain stuck in the converging laser state.
* Death Star warning leaderboard is still to small to show the planet being targeted.

Dyson building is still problematic, I'm certain I put it down in the right location three times before it worked.

Can't say I noticed a difference in lag when quitting, but then it's not just this map that slows the game down. These days I quit via Task Manager after telling the game to exit every time.
Thanks again cleavinghammer. I need to release a new version asap to fix the oil platform issue. It's really important
Version 1.774
-Oil Platform can be built
-Space Ships have spells
-DS music plays
-Villagers 10 are back to footman walk (there were a lot of glitches due to their fly attitude)
-Tootip for Satellite added
-Industrial barracks do pollution
-archer will turn into tercio

All the bugs are not fixed, but the oil platform was really crippling the gameplay. I'm going to fix the others bugs a bit later
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Pathfinding bug for trade ships if the other dock is too far where they go the wrong way (e.g. from SW of Rabat to NE Russia, depending on where the ship started it ends up in the Black sea or behind Finland). I ended putting docks at those places so they'd at least make money.

The prehistoric Storage and Market buildings use the same model.

Upgraded fuel-using units go back to non-ordered Stop, which causes them to consume fuel despite not moving. Until the auto-stop fuel use is fixed, there should also be a way to issue a general command to all fuel-using units to Stop or Hold Position (and even once it's fixed).

Power Plants show red tiles in FoW, Oil Derricks and Farms should do the same.

Way Gates should be at the end of the land worker build list, not in second position.

Don't know how often this might happen, but trade units behaved oddly when mass consumerism is researched: Some horse caravans stayed as horses (only trading gold), trade ships upgraded but had their "empty" animation even when full (this went away after completing their current route, leaving empty, and filling up as normal at the other port).

Cruiser's Disperse Missiles should come from the Cruiser instead of being summoned from behind it. It also can't use it on a planet.

Battleship fighters can't attack buildings.

Space units should have bigger selection circles when on a planet.

Space builder models are under their selection circles.

Death Star music works, but it still doesn't turn to face the target (due to planet rotation, the laser ends up coming out the back of the Death Star) and doesn't destroy the planet.

Death Star leaderboard still isn't wide enough, all it reads is "Destruction of ..." and the time.

Does/Will the Death Star work on space buildings to deal huge AoE damage?


So I noticed that to get resources at a decent rate, I end up with 100+ workers/traders spread over three or four capitals' worth of terrain, in single player where I don't have to worry about building an army, and this still causes lag. I don't think that's a good sign for multiplayer.
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Level 6
May 8, 2014
Wow,so many updates in a few days,good work!I couldn't keep up with you guys.

I've tested v1.774 for a while.The pollution system is interesting,but I'm not sure keeping at what pollution rate would be the best strategy of vetarans.Changing player's UI to adapt each era is also cool,however it would cause a huge lag for players.I haven't tested DeathStar or Dyson Sphere too much,what I'm focusing on is still the early gameplay of this map.Unfortunately,some old bugs have returned.:(

- Bugs of farms near Pekin


- Villagers could be stuck in the forest when trees refresh.


- Again,when I upgraded to a new era,random villagers stopped doing what they had been doing,sometimes even switched to do a different job.(farmers to woodcutters,wanderers to bankers,etc.)
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
You got the farm building to move too? I only ever see the peasants get shifted. I think it's the same root bug that causes capitals and shipyards to teleport when captured and/or upgraded.

Thus far the best solution I've found to keeping workers at their jobs is isolating the buildings from each other and chopping down forests near the buildings. It doesn't always work (they can travel very long distances to do something else), but it's a start.

Maybe whatever triggers used to keep fishing boats at work could be reapplied to them.
Level 6
May 8, 2014
Maybe whatever triggers used to keep fishing boats at work could be reapplied to them.
The triggers of farmers and woodcutters are more complicated than that of fishing ship.

Fishing grounds are immobilized "gold mines" which will never be upgraded during era changing.Purparisien just need to delete old fishing ships,replacing them with new ones.Then order them to collect food from the nearest "gold mine" which is far separated from each other off the coast.However,Farms and Woods are destroyable,refreshable and even movable like the screenshot I've uploaded.They are not technically "gold mines",therefore the villagers would be confused what to do when a new era begins.Purparisien has created a hashtable named Point_of_Path in order to move villagers to the right place,it's not quite successful at the moment though.Perhaps it's Blizzard's fault,like the other bugs which they haven't fixed since June.
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Level 6
May 8, 2014
So would having workers switch between harvesting food or wood work to at least keep them focused on the same resource on upgrading?
There must be a heavily-coded system to achieve such a function.It's Warcraft3 after all,not Empire Earth,Rise of Nations or Age of Empires.The workers of Warcraft3 only gather two kinds of resources:gold and lumber,so it's quite difficult for mapmakers to create 3rd or 4th resource along with some unique way of gathering.Not to mention in this map,every single worker would upgrade himself for several times.

That's why I valued this map the most promising Risk map of Hiveworkshop.Were purparisien able to fix all issues,he would be competent for a talented indie game maker.
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Hello everyone. After some hard work, I'm glad to announce the version 1.78.

A lot has been done in this version:

-Space Colonization is available. Your space units can settle in other planets after setting a base over there. There are specific buildings for these planets.

-Rank government added for player. From City-State to an Empire, you can level up your country and receives various bonuses.

-Hints for planets. Now there are models with the planet and its name on each planet.

-New Cavalry Archer Type. Available in the stable, this unit is a powerful archer on horse. Quite expensive, it is a very good harassing unit.

-Hero assistants for civil and army. These two heroes are here to help you managing your villagers and army.

-Natural Disasters can occur. Each degree of pollution increases the chances of a natural disaster by 1% every 5 minute. It can be an earthquake, a flood, a volcanic eruption or some land available at the poles with glaciers melting.

-Fuel Consommution stops when the unit is not moving

-Reduce price of light tanks

-Heavy Tank speed has been reduced

-Improve cost of the walls across the ages

-Battleships can attack buildings

-Fix various bugs

Things still in progression:

-Adding the Aliens as playable faction

-Adding Wonders to build

1.781 Hotfix

-Fix the natural disaster bug that make them appear all the time

-Fix the earth non rotation

-Reduce lag for long game
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Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Damage upgrade is called Military Tradition, but it seems to increase with imperial level.
Imperial upgrades are bugged: the first upgrade to increase resource collection moved everything up to 5/trip, but didn't increase after. Even at Empire level in prehistory.
Something weird going on with the storage facilities, they get +100 of something when capitals get gold. Is it food? In which case you really should make food resource collection red like modern trade does.
Imperial caster tooltips should also mention the resource upgrades.

Loaded trade ships are kind of hard to tell from full ones, maybe put more crates or make the crates brighter?

Cavalry Archer doesn't upgrade, Antiquity has two units named Companions, War Elephant upgrades from Warlord but can't be built.
* Scratch that: War Elephant's building tooltip says Companion.

War Elephant and chariot circles are too small.

Chariot Archer doesn't upgrade.

Not sure about the medieval chariot, since they were already out of fashion for war by the time the Romans came. Maybe a better cavalry archer? Also maybe give ranged cavalry an attack-while-moving ability (weaker than normal attack), since that was the point of having two people/a trained horse/a gun.

Medieval Chariot doesn't upgrade (although it does make sense).

Conquistador's tooltip calls him Cavalry Archer.

Medieval archer should upgrade with Gunpowder research.

Military Advisor becomes available with either Speculation or Gunpowder (should probably be Chain of Command).

Conquistador doesn't upgrade.

What's the point of the Halberdier? Why a melee siege unit that does less damage than a ram?

Hot Air Balloon needs fuel (and if trained before Fuel is researched, crashes instantly), and the Stop/Hold Position/Stop Engines don't prevent it from guzzling away.

Maybe give CivAdmin buttons that order all oil derricks, banks, power plants etc. to use their Call Villager ability.

For some reason the ship sinking sound keeps playing, and I don't know what's causing it.

Not sure how liable to affect gameplay this one'll be, but workers on empty farms (prior to auto-reseed being researched) don't show up as idle.

Maybe give Airports and Carriers storage capacity for planes so they stop consuming fuel, and the MilAdmin a button that tells fuel-using flyers to go into the closest one.

Letter color used for wood in the space buildings should be the same as the one for harvested wood.

Will planet terrain be updated?

Terraforming not necessary for building planetary structures.

Villager can build standard Earth structures which work fine (e.g. build storage in the atmospheric containment area, you can grow trees outside of it on the Moon), space worker can build plnetary structures on Earth. Will there be separate building lists for Earth, space, and planets (and even separate ones for rocky and gaseous planets)?

Went to space, came back, the water on Earth had changed color for some reason.

Central planet hologram should have a button to snap to the planet's location in space (and vice versa).

Way Gates can't be built on land on Earth, can be built inside and out of the atmospheric containment area on planets.

Some Way Gates are apparently one-way: going through the one where the "link to waygate" ability transports the unit to ther other, but it tries to reach the first one on foot.

Satellites have very jerky movements.

Satellites built on other planets show up around Earth.

Dispersion Missile says it can't target air units, so I don't know if it works against other ships.

Ships don't get damage upgrades.

Shipyard Repair range is still too small.

Level 6
May 8, 2014
- Farm bug near Moscow.The positions of villagers and farms always changed when a new era began.



I've restarted a new game lately,trying to avoid building any structures beside the farm.That bug happened again,in a different way though.


- Extended cultivated land could be placed where farms could not be built on.


- When I was on the edge of fuel crisis,my armored troops moved hilariously(stop and go frequently).It's a little bit hard to make them hold their positions because of the temporarily missing control menu.


- Woodcutting seems to be the first priority of villager's working list.When I entered into a new era,quite a large percentage of farmers,bankers,oil workers and nuclear workers became woodcutters.Sometimes they entered into the nearest facility,which was good because they kept what they had been doing.However,about one second later,most of them moved out of their buildings to cut the nearest woods.


- Bankers no longer produce gold since Modern Era.(not sure since which era exactly,maybe earlier.)And one of the bankers
got out of the building periodly,changing shifts with a nearby idle villager or going back to the building again.


- Maybe the sizes of space ships are too large camparing with Earth.


- Farm bug near Moscow.The positions of villagers and farms always changed when a new era began.

I've restarted a new game lately,trying to avoid building any structures beside the farm.That bug happened again,in a different way though.

- Extended cultivated land could be placed where farms could not be built on.

- When I was on the edge of fuel crisis,my armored troops moved hilariously(stop and go frequently).It's a little bit hard to make them hold their positions because of the temporarily missing control menu.

- Woodcutting seems to be the first priority of villager's working list.When I entered into a new era,quite a large percentage of farmers,bankers,oil workers and nuclear workers became woodcutters.Sometimes they entered into the nearest facility,which was good because they kept what they had been doing.However,about one second later,most of them moved out of their buildings to cut the nearest woods.

- Bankers no longer produce gold since Modern Era.(not sure since which era exactly,maybe earlier.)And one of the bankers
got out of the building periodly,changing shifts with a nearby idle villager or going back to the building again.

- Maybe the sizes of space ships are too large camparing with Earth.

-Now Farms will be destroyed and recreate instead of replaced

-I will put a path checking for farms

-Now Fuel units will stop by themself before pausing due to lack of fuel. It will prevent them to move around

-I will reduce the get to chop wood radius to avoid this (keeping the previous was a nightmare ; it never really works)

-The banks stuff is weird ; i dont find the issue yet

Good Idea. Now planes will have the possibility to land. However if they are out of fuel in the air they crash.
The version 1.79 is out :

-New Minimap

-Wonders can be built

-Motorized units stop prior to run out of Fuel

-Add a military command to order your troops to take off

-Flying units can land to save fuel

-Shipyards can repair boats

-Dispersion Missiles can target air units

-Storage Facilities no longer give extra gold

-Sinking sound stops

-Cavalry units upgrade

-More indication for Upgrade Civilisation

-Merchant Units create roads (esthetic)

-New prehistorical market model

-New Space Base model

-Reduced the wood call order range after changing era

-Fix various bugs

Things to do :

-The damn aliens !
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Imperialism upgrades:
* Imperial upgrades have no city requirements.
* Imperial upgrades on caster tooltips (that is, those on the city model) should read the same as on the upgrading tooltip.
* Maybe a boost to local trade?
* Only 4 damage upgrades, compared to 1/era armor?

I like the galaxy minimap (easier to see the planets), but it shouldn't hide the planet surfaces on the sides.

Prehistoric market model is bugged, as if it were much bigger and covering other units under it (the cursor turns green over empty space near the market).

Rams can attack mammoths.

Bowman training tooltip says Skirmisher.

The date scoreboard could be used to keep track of players stats, like number of capitals and current age.
* Industrial Era year should be in the 1800s.

Farms are still teleporting themselves/their workers. You can also build a farm on the vacated farm land.

* Wonders could have an ability to summon timed era-appropriate soldiers, or at least an active ability (for example, Stonehenge summoning a herd of mammoths at a city you own).
* Wonders should have their own builder/building list (so wonders remain available through all eras) and use Peasant building (so they can be sped up).
* Can everybody build a wonder, or is it limited to the first player to build one?
* Stonehenge's ability is... kinda disappointing, especially the random chance part. Maybe if it applied to every trained unit instead.
* Coliseum's aura is active before it gets built.
* Coliseum should use the orc Barracks sound.
* Notre Dame should use the Altar of Kings sound.
* Reset cooldowns? How many units are there that use cooldowns in the first place?
* Verdun should have an attack.
* Verdun's build tooltip says Stonehenge and says 5 armor instead of +50%. The actual amount seems based on the original amount without upgrades:
** Field Guns have 0 armor and 2 armor at level 1, but still have no bonus armor.
** Rifleman has 11 armor at level 4 but only has 1.5 bonus armor.
* Not sure about the Pentagon being a wonder if there's no America on the map (Cela dit, je suis d'accord qu'entre Notre Dame, la Tour Eiffel, Verdun et l'Arche de la Défense, ça serait un peu trop lourdement franco-centrique. A croire que l'auteur est un Parisien pur et dur...).
* The Burj Khalifa's effect works, but it'd be better if the food cost was removed entirely rather than compensated after building. It also doesn't work retroactively on preexisting units, and units built under the effect cost food again in following eras.
* Great Firewall named Stonehenge in construction tooltip.
* Planes still use fuel after the Fusion Reactor is built.
* Workers have a distinct tendency to get trapped in wonders (notably the Forbidden City, Pentagon, Eiffel Tower and Stonehenge). And when changing eras, to get teleported inside wonders for some reason. Might be a pathing issue.

Field Guns and some artillery/siege units use the Masonry armor upgrade.

These are likely due to NDdP's auto-research effect, as I tried another game starting in the modern age and they worked.
* All fuel-using planes crash immediately on being built, even with fuel.
** The first plane I built (with 0 fuel stored) immediately crashed, I bought fuel and built a plane which immediately crashed, I built a derrick and staffed it, built a plane and it crashed.
* Miladmin doesn't show up.
* Trade units don't upgrade or trade all resources after Mass Consumerism.

Trade units (sometimes) produce roads, but if these aren't permanent and don't make units move faster I don't really see the point. I suspect they were behind several lag spikes when I tried to play with minimal workers and lots of traders.

Got a game crash at WW2 due to a memory leak. Might be due to building lots of planes.

Got another crash at WW1, but it didn't involve planes. Maybe too many units.

Had a weird bug where villagers couldn't be told to attack trees (even via civadmin), they just moved there. Upgrading them fixed it.

Space builders have no build lists, and can't go back to planets once in space.

Dahls don't upgrade.
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