Islands Survival 2.3

----------Daffa the Mage Presents----------

Island Survival

Map Info:

A map planned for Mini Mapping Contest #10 : Survival. Though I don't manage to get it on deadline and I'm too lazy to continue it after the event, but I decide to finish it anyway. Hope it's of some enjoyment for players who likes surviving combined with base building. Sort of Jurassic Park + Melee Gameplay.


  • Custom Abilities
  • Variation of Survival Time
  • Base Building

Some else stuff about map:

The map has small AI, it's not recommended playing with them as they stay there doing literally almost nothing except train some Armed Workers to defend themselves. I ADVICE NOT TO PLAY WITH AI!

Screenshots and Videos:

Image Description:
Creating defense lines


Image Description:
Checking Resources as Survivor goes to a Transport Ship


Change Log:

First Upload

Major overhaul of the map

Added skip command
Fixed Growth Young Tree ability
Fixed Wheat and Motivation Aura description
Added Tanks
Added some researches
Improved Repair ability
New abilities for Medic and Engineer
Increase Wheat's Food (Gold) production
Some difficulty rebalances
Increase Big Fish bounty
Make some player units Amphibious

Properly adds in-game credits in Quest log
Hints can now be disabled via ESC (disables for all players though)
NEW : Item Craft
NEW : Execution Arrow for Archers
Increased range of Tanks
Model fixes

Naga AI now initializes after game starts

Added Blade Swing for Soldiers
Added Item Craft building

Increased Material Aura's armor bonus from 5 to 6
Increased Wheat's food from 1000 to 5000
Increased Wheat's gold cost from 50 to 250
Increased Wheat's health from 150 to 200

Some minor changes in stats and aesthetic

Added items to Item Craft


New Unit : Battleship

New Upgrade : Global Endurance Training
New Upgrade : Hull Upgrade


Armed Worker : renamed into Armed Villager
Armed Villager : reduced attack cooldown from 1.35 to 1.00
Soldier : reduced attack cooldown from 1.35 to 1.00
Soldier : Blade Swing deals 25% damage, up from 20%
Archer : increased attack cooldown from 1.35 to 1.50


Expander : base damage from 29 to 49
Food Collector : attack speed from 1 to 3 seconds


School : size reduction


Talisman : +200 mana bonus, gold cost from 400 to 500


Naga AI malfunctioning

Terrain :
Icon :
Model :
TobyFat50 , viiva , GolluM_Kome , Felz_09, ILH

Author's notes:

Map isn't protected, everyone may edit and upload their altered versions, but there must be some significant difference between this and the altered versions. This is to avoid confusion and users breaking the rules of The Hive Workshop of uploading too similar maps.

Map Description Template Created by -Kobas-
Find more here: Map Description - Templates

Island Survival, Island, Survival, Oceania, Survivor, Base Defense

If you like this work and wish to support me financially, you can support me via Ko-fi.

Islands Survival 2.3 (Map)

21:33, 31st Mar 2015 StoPCampinGn00b: It's rejected, but you can upload a new version of this map if it's heavily improved.
Set to Awaiting Update by request.
What about some details in the Quest Log? The fog of war looks bugged. The right margin of the custom UI is missing. There's a fix. You need to make that part a .tga. Fish that are supposed to be caught by the Net look like Murlocs. It's confusing...
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013

The terrain was simply terrible. It was completely monotiled with the Dirt. and nothing else. Why didn't you use the other tiles? Why not using sand for the shores, grass, dark grass and grassy dirt for areas of trees and some rough dirt for the islands? Even the doodads were manipulated horribly. You just put trees and no other doodads in the entire map which is really unacceptable. You should've used some environmental doodads like shurbs, viny plants and flowers on all those trees. In addition, you could've put some cattails, rocks, corals etc... on all those shores but leaving them totally empty surely had a dreadful impact on the beauty of the map.


The gameplay was not good as well. I keep fighting the same creeps (mur'guls) all the time with only two units (Armored Worker and Soldier) and my hero. This gets really repeatative and boring after some time. Fishing with the Net skill was a good feature but it was oftenly hard to differentiate between Fish and Mur'guls. Why don't you let the mur'guls have the model of mur'gul blood gill (red colour)? That will make everything clearer. Besides, after I played for a few minutes, there was a large overcrowding around the shores that not all the units trained by me and the AI could attack. Most of them just stood and "awaited their turn to attack". Overall the gameplay doesn't develop and there is a strong lack of variation in both the attacking creeps and the units I train.


The icon you used for the wheat turns green and it doesn't have a DISBTN icon so you'd better change it. At the very beginning of the game, I keep hearing "Our allies town is under siege" which could be really annoying as I'll not be able to help my allies on other islands. I'm also wondering why don't I have shared sight with my allies. Furthermore, just after 10-15 minutes from the start, the whole map was totally overcrowded with Fish And Mur'guls. That caused some lag and some units just stood doing nothing even though they were nearby enemy units. I'd suggest decreasing the rate of spawning to avoid such problems to occur.


In conclusion, I say that the map seriously needs to be improved radically. In its current state, I'd give it 2/5 and vote for REJECTION!
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Thanks for the massive feedback review. I'm glad people can point flaws I have to fix and not "this map sucks" and such :)
And thanks for the supports to keep this map improving, actually I was considering this final, but seeing the reviews make me reconsider completely.

Bookmarked reviews for next update :
Shadow Fury Review
Rex Review
Incoming Version 2.0 (just need to write an AI, either by request or when I stop being a lazy ass). Now, the next release will include :
1. An expanded option of units to choose (at least you got more choice than just plain Soldier + Hero).
2. An actual enemy force that will brutally hunt you down

In addition, thanks to a special terrainer who help me with terrain (you'll know when the update comes), now you get a much better visual to look at, though trees are still quite a clutter for player's lumber sake, but the scene is now livelier.


"If only I had prepared myself earlier, these sea serpents wouldn't have drown the boat..."


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
  1. What about some details in the Quest Log?
  2. The fog of war looks bugged.
  3. The right margin of the custom UI is missing. There's a fix. You need to make that part a .tga.
  4. Fish that are supposed to be caught by the Net look like Murlocs. It's confusing. The Net's description isn't explicit either. I had to click units with it until I got somebody to be caught by it. They shouldn't be treated as enemy but neutral to avoid units killing them.
  5. Not sure this map has enough content. (example: needs creature variety for both the players and enemies).
  6. Engineer's description could be more precise. What does an expertise in one of those fields mean? The Material Engineer's armour bonus value is 0 in the description. It's awkward that it's basically a gamble to get either of them.
  7. Instead of the annoyance of recurring hints->Quest Log.
  8. Why are there spaces between the last two buildings and the first ones in the worker's build menu? Makes it look like the map has something lacking.
  9. Wheat actually has 500 food not 250 like the description says.
  10. Tenth level is reached in the first 10-15 minutes. What about some hero progression afterwards?
  11. Does Grow Young Trees actually do anything?
  12. Upgrades for units or something?

Awaiting Update.


Always check/recheck the Map Submission Rules! (Map Submission Rules)

A credits list is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated.

A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.

To make your work run smoother, fix the so called leaks: Triggers - Memory Leaks and Custom Scripts

If you want more reviews, come here:
The Grand Review Exchange!
Last edited:
  1. What about some details in the Quest Log?
  2. The fog of war looks bugged.
  3. The right margin of the custom UI is missing. There's a fix. You need to make that part a .tga.
  4. Fish that are supposed to be caught by the Net look like Murlocs. It's confusing. The Net's description isn't explicit either. I had to click units with it until I got somebody to be caught by it. They shouldn't be treated as enemy but neutral to avoid units killing them.
  5. Not sure this map has enough content. (example: needs creature variety for both the players and enemies).
  6. Engineer's description could be more precise. What does an expertise in one of those fields mean? The Material Engineer's armour bonus value is 0 in the description. It's awkward that it's basically a gamble to get either of them.
  7. Instead of the annoyance of recurring hints->Quest Log.
  8. Why are there spaces between the last two buildings and the first ones in the worker's build menu? Makes it look like the map has something lacking.
  9. Wheat actually has 500 food not 250 like the description says.
  10. Tenth level is reached in the first 10-15 minutes. What about some hero progression afterwards?
  11. Does Grow Young Trees actually do anything?
  12. Upgrades for units or something?
Awaiting Update.

Thank you for the review, I will now attempt to reply them.
  1. Will do
  2. Can't help much with the lighting. Maybe shouldn't use fog of war after all. I'll try to see what's best to do
  3. I'll try to fix it
  4. Will fix in next release
  5. Will add more content
  6. Will fix them
  7. I used Hints since people tend to ignore Quest Log
  8. Well, it looked better in my eyes personally. I'll fix that.
  9. Oops, forgot that one. Fixed.
  10. Will consider more progression in future (or maybe lower the level up speed)
  11. It does create a tree for player (can be used to barricade or harvest), though the ability got bugged. Fixed.
  12. Will do
2.1.2 is here!

Naga AI now initializes after game starts

Added Blade Swing for Soldiers
Added Item Craft building

Increased Material Aura's armor bonus from 5 to 6
Increased Wheat's food from 1000 to 5000
Increased Wheat's gold cost from 50 to 250
Increased Wheat's health from 150 to 200

I am aware many issues still persist in the map, but I will fix them in time. This is mainly to address the issue with Hero not having much development after level 10. Hope it adds slight more immersion for the hero use.