Emerald Shores

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Use the new improved naga race. to use it, confirm 'play as naga' when the dialog button pop.
New Heroes:
Water Master:
Mystical Hero, adept at ranged combat. Can learn Crushing Wave(area damage), Sea Blade(black arrow), Lightning Burn(immolation) and Area Of Storming Water(blizzard large).
Nature Magician:
Warrior Hero, adept at Healing and causing Massive Damage to enemy troops. Can learn Healing Spray, Water Blast(fan of knives), Flower Ward and Avatar Of Water.
Mur'gul Dreamer:
Cunning Hero, adept at Dissabling Opponents. Can Learn Frost Shard(frost bolt), Freeze(aerial shakles), Snowstorm(cloud) and Transmute.
Elder Sage: Same as in human campaign.
Naga Sea Witch: Same as ingame.
New Units:
Naga Tide Dragon: massive air unit with corrsive breath.
Navi Priest: Call upon the spirit of the Navi Priest. Can cast Heal, War Drams and Faerie Fire. Is Magic Immanue and has Shadow Meld Ability.
Ancient Of Life: Spellcaster light unit can eat tree, silance, roar, spirit of life.
Ancient Of Mana:Spellcaster light unit can cast eat tree, control magic, spirit of mana. has spell immunity.
Navi Cargo Taker: Fast unit taht can be used for transporting units
Basilisk: Light ranged unit. can cast slow, banish and submerge.
Avatar Of Water: Summond unit.
Reef Elemental: Summond unit.(3 levels)
New Buildings:
Level1,2 of townhall.
Mur'gul Vault: Creates a shop with purchasable items. The items available depend upon what level of upgrade your Townhall has (Temple Of Depths, Temple Of Tides, or Temple Of Seas) and which buildings you have.
Azshara's Summont: Trains Naga Tide Dragon , Couatl and Basilisk, also contine Water Breath and Abolish Magic Researches.
Cargo Maker: Trains Navi Cargo Takers, used for transporting units.
Mystical Village: Trains Navi Seaker, Ancient Of Life and Ancient Of Mana. Also contains Control Magic, Silence and Navi Priest Adept and Master Training upgrades.
Ocean Reef: Serves as a drop-off point for harvested lumber. Allow Upgrades for the Naga Units. Also contine Submurge upgrade.
tons of new upgrades and spells!

Credit for:
Tarrasque , Red XIII, Callahan, MasterHaosis, Elenai, Paladon, The_Silent, Mr.Goblin, KelThuzad, s4nji, Suselishe, 67chrome, CRAZYRUSSIAN
L_Lawliet, Anachron, mortal, communist_orc, DonDustin, inhuman89, Crowolf, IamtheRper, WILL THE ALMIGHTY

naga, melee, map, project, complete, ruins, sea witch, water, master, nature, magician,
mur'gul, dreamer, ocean, reef, drake, sea, tide, navi, ancient
enjoy the map!


Scourge Warchief

New on this verision: Icons Fixed, units names changed, new description, play as naga dialog fixed for every race not just human, jobsdone sound changed.
Always has been: and awsome altred melee map!!^_^
any bags, grammer problems, icons pls tell me so i can fix it.
about night elves based buildings: units from these buildings( such as anciens) have night elf oragins and since i havent find any model i
liked that could be used for these units i decided to keep using the elven based building ti'l i'll find a model good enough for the naga to use
for these buildings. thank you.
New on this verision: ensnare upgrade chaged so cannot target hero and land units.

naga, melee, map, project, complete, ruins, sea witch, water, master, nature, magician,
mur'gul, dreamer, ocean, reef, drake, sea, tide, navi, ancie

Emerald Shores (Map)

00:47, 25th Jun 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Rejected Comment 00:54, 19th Jun 2011 ap0calypse: Rejected (until updated) Missing type and category. The names of the people who made the imported resources must be mentioned, not the name of the...




00:47, 25th Jun 2011
Status: Rejected

00:54, 19th Jun 2011
ap0calypse: Rejected (until updated)

Missing type and category.
The names of the people who made the imported resources must be mentioned, not the name of the resources themselves.
In a movie, you don't see credits like "the Mumakil and Sauron" eiher, you see the names of the people who made those things.

Your other melee map has also been temporarily rejected for the credits.
Level 7
Apr 1, 2011
'dont think so... i did tried to use triggers for int' and added the naga townhall to the advenced gameplay options but it still does the "unless you build a townhall you'll be revealed to your opponent" so i gave the townhall to the naga and changed both its settings and the worker setting. i'll try to figure out a way to get the human race back in but for now i let it be.
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
Review by Ironside

Positive features:

- Appears to be a properly working race
- Balanced creeps & drops
- Balanced terrain
- Follows rule 2x players gold mines
- Good terrain

Negative features:

- Most icons are missing the disabled icons
- Some buildings of the naga have night elf building animation
- In my opinion it would be better to let each player choose their race in game (this doesn't affect the review rating)

Additional Information / Conclusion:

A proper description is needed in order for a map to be approved.
Once you fix the description and all icons I will change it to 3/5, until then it can't be approved.

Rating: 2/5
Vote for:
Rejected until updated
