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Emerald Shores Naga 4.2

「Emerald Shores Naga」

By ScourgeWarchief

The nagas newest most advanced Melee map ever created, which contains a full ladder melee race (12 units, 4 naga heroes, 5 new netural heroes, 13 buildings, 21 upgrades, a bunch of brand new spells and abilities), using the Emerald Shores melee map by Blizzard.
The map is set to work as a FFA game.




Defence system - Coral Beds can raise Watery Minions.
Amphibious units - All units are Amphibious or air units (including heroes).
Build in water - Naga can build structures in shallow water.
Improved Gold Harvesting - Allows Mur'gul Slaves to carry up to 15 gold.
Summon Mobile Shop - The Summoner can cast this ability.
Game Interface - Full custom interface can be used by playing as night elf in custom game creation (recommended).
New heroes - 5 brand new netural heroes in the taven.

sPy, Pheonix-IV, MasterHaosis, Blizzard Inc., CRAZYRUSSIAN, viiva, NFWar , Mr.Goblin , inhuman89 , DonDustin , Dentothor , 67chrome ,ike_ike , Anachron, Dota Forum, La morte, Chucky, jigrael, Tarrasque, Misha, PrMosquito , Elainiel, kola, Kimberly, VaLkYroN, PeeKay, Elenai, Orthon, 4eNNightmare, -Berz-, Palaslayer, L_Lawliet, Darkfang, bigapple90, ZolfKimbley.BG, HappyCockroach, Lelling, Crowolf, KelThuzad, mortal, AlienAtSystem, LiOneSS, LAYDK, Freezer, Anvil, JollyD, Vengeancekael.

Credit list can be shown in gameplay as well.
Extra unit, the basilisk is now avaliable by typing "basilisk" in chat.
Some balancing and other minor changes in models (water spirit death model changed)
Changed rally point flag position for some of the buildings.
More balanced items and units.
New interface for the menu for complete naga feel (credits to me, Anvil and JollyD).
Map Description Generator 「By Vengeancekael」

naga, melee, map, altered, scourgewarchief, sea, water, mur'gul, ladder, custom, tides, reef.

Emerald Shores Naga 4.2 (Map)

Vengeancekael Date: 2012/Oct/24 16:43:13 [Please do not send me a message, use Staff Contact] Comment:Updated and approved. [tr]Not Rated Rules




Date: 2012/Oct/24 16:43:13
[Please do not send me a message, use Staff Contact]

Updated and approved.​
Not Rated

Level 4
Mar 29, 2012
What you have to do?
-Improve your description and get inspire from description expert.
-Put some screenshots/videos.
-Put "Credits to:..."
-Tell us more about the map.

If you do not follow this steps,your resources may no chance to get approve by Resources Moderator.
Think carefully,lad.
Level 7
Apr 1, 2011
Check above please, there are screenshots in the first comment (i have had no idea on how to add them in map description so sorry :(.) The "credit list" in the description DO show the full list of people that credits for this map should be given for. And i will try to expand/improve the description although i AM really bad with BB codes...
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Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
in adding bb codes for your image, just copy what I did inside my php box
Level 3
Aug 24, 2012
I need to check this right now !
Be right back with a review :)


Sorry for the late response, but I was a bit busy these days. The map is ok, It was fun playing it. I like very much the naga heroes and their skills. Neutrals got my attention too, because they are strong and drop good items.
I will sure play this again, because I have just 2 or 3 naga maps and this one is probably the best I have in my naga maps folder.

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Level 17
Sep 24, 2009
Honestly I would like to see map where Nagas are the 5th race... So we can pick our normal 4 races and Nagas as new race... And in wc3 style, whit new UI, icons, models, mouse arrow in naga style, rally in naga style etc.
Level 7
Apr 1, 2011
They are a 5th race on this map my friend, with all the interface (even score screen) and you can still play as all the other races (There is a dialogue button asking you to choose wheter or not to play as naga)(see above: "Game Interface - Full custom interface can be used by playing as night elf in custom game creation (recommended)."). if what you mean is that you can't add another interface but have to replace an existing one, well, all i could say is that if there was a way to do it, i'd be happy to know it (and there isn't).
They are a 5th race on this map my friend, with all the interface (even score screen) and you can still play as all the other races (There is a dialogue button asking you to choose wheter or not to play as naga)(see above: "Game Interface - Full custom interface can be used by playing as night elf in custom game creation (recommended)."). if what you mean is that you can't add another interface but have to replace an existing one, well, all i could say is that if there was a way to do it, i'd be happy to know it (and there isn't).

Pre-game dialogue boxes. I've seen it for a Naga map just like this. I can't find the map online right now but I have it at home in my maps folder. I'll post it to the pastebin for you if you want. The triggers in that map allow all players to choose from 5 races. The terrain is amazing too. Anyway, it can be done.