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Emerald Belt

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

Emerald Belt is an altered melee map meant for 2 to 4 players. I recommend playing in 2Vs2.

This land is a natural border between an hostile poor toundra and a very fertile and peaceful forest crossed by rejunevative waters. Deadly jealous of their lucky neighbours, the orcs clans of the land have raided the place for as far as one can remember.
Elves and Orcs were never friends, and the clans of the Emerald Belt are no exception. This border has always been disputed, ever since the first settlers came in. The territories have not changed much over time, but the hearts get progressively colder after so much pointless fights and death. The descendants now use of tricks, spells and strategies that would shock even their ancestors. The two sides being of equal forces, it seems this situation can only be solved by your arrival, adventurers. It is high time this conflict stopped!


  • 16 gold mines (for a maximum of 4 players)
  • 6 to 9 red camps
  • 6 brown camps
  • 12 green camps
  • 2 dragon spawns
  • A gobelin hutt
  • Strategical positions such as trios shared starting positions for allies and the border, at the very center of the map

Map particularisms:

  • 13 extra hero options and abilities (some are campaign heroes; others are completely custom with a few features that are kinda innovative, if I can say so)
  • New options include the Val’Kyr Warleader, the first flying hero
  • Alternate skins for some regular heroes
  • (Relatively) harder than usual creep camps
  • Rewards up to the challenge (for instance, all tomes give +2 stats instead of +1)
  • Imperfect symmetry (personal taste, I don’t like when geography looks like copy/paste too much)


  • Blizzard Entertainment (of course)
  • Models and skins: Vulfar, Raddazong, Bagysta, Wildone, Tier10Trash, nGy, assasin_lord, dehme, Schmiki, The Lich KIng.
  • Icons: ~Nightmare, OgeRfaCes, Anachron, Marshmalo, CRAZYRUSSIAN, NFWar, PrinceYaser, The Panda, Novart, JollyD, Darkfang, Chaosy, Hellx-Magnus, 4eNNightmare, Schmiki, Kaziorotto, 67chrome, AetherDude13

I hope I am not forgetting anyone. If I did, please let me know so I can update this list.

Author’s notes:

This map is my fifth addition to the Hive after Leafshade, Aletharion’s lair, The Doomed Temple of Newerthep and Gur'Tarak. I hope you will enjoy this one as much as the others! Please let me know of any bugs and give me some feedback. I am open to suggestions, as long as they are not too harsh nor too complex for my limited skills ;)



Known issues:
  • As I work with a French version of the editor, some tooltips may remain in French. I am not sure how much is automatically translated by your set up. All I know is I made all my changes in English, just for you guys

  • Slightly spaced the starting goldmines so that your AI ally does not try to take over YOUR mine...
  • Added 4 minor goldmines near the starting positions for the AI to develop properly
  • Changed some tree placements to avoid unwanted narrow fights and units getting stuck (again, thanks AI...)
  • Added some more love to the tile paint and addornments.
  • The Hand of Loa now costs 5 food as any other hero
  • Fixed an issue with the Modeling ability of the Earthbinder: the lvl 2 and 3 Earthlings eventually do domage enemy units, not just buildings anymore
  • Slightly upped the raw efficiency of Earthlings
  • Reworked the Elven Ranger so that she is no longer a copy/paste of the Priestess of the Moon: she's become an expert in scouting and a survival hero. Her Precision Aura and Starfall abilities have been replaced with a variation of the Warden's Teleport and a variation of the Tauren chieftain's ultimate.
  • Fixed a few tooltips.
  • All Orcs invaders and Elven punishers now sleep at night.
  • Replaced the Earthbinder icon with a Reforged-quality one by Schmiki.

  • Fixed the placement of some units, doodads and stuff.
  • Added a red camp at the narrow bridge between the two parts of the map, so that players don't run towards the enemy base so soon.
  • The green camps of Elven punishers and Orc Raiders now give a little more XP.
  • Added some tile paint and relief.
  • Added some new reforged icons to custom abilities and heroes
  • Fixed and issue with the Hand of Loas (custom orc hero) now being actually considered a hero


Emerald Belt (Map)

Taking a look at the map, I feel a little confused as to what the intention is. It seems to present a custom terrain which can be rather bland (I am not a melee map reviewer, however, so would like a second opinion on this), with a focus on new heroes...
Taking a look at the map, I feel a little confused as to what the intention is. It seems to present a custom terrain which can be rather bland (I am not a melee map reviewer, however, so would like a second opinion on this), with a focus on new heroes being created and previously existing heroes being siphoned into the base four factions. I've taken a look at the custom heroes, however, and for the most part it seems to be a great deal of reskinned hero abilities being repurposed throughout their designs.

There appears to be an emphasis on the Valk'yr being a flying hero - a concept which has been explored - but with a concept like this, there needs to be great care in how it is executed. This execution doesn't seem to have that, and this one confuses me the most with its abilities. It has a reskinned Shadow Strike that does no DoT and starts off dealing 250 damage, with subsequent levels offering an additional 20 damage per level to the ability. In that sense, it's not worth leveling up in the slightest. I think the most noteworthy hero in your custom roster was the Warlock which drew a lot of inspiration from WoW. The abilities were once again simple, but there were some nice references to Warlock abilities from the MMO.

Unfortunately, there isn't much more to say about this. I'm not too sure what the overall goal is, I personally don't see this going too much further as it is and I'm not so sure this has much to offer overall. Perhaps another reviewer or map moderator will see something more here, and if you want to pursue that second opinion I certainly encourage it. As it is, I will be marking this as Simple/Substandard. Good luck with your future projects :)
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