
This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Gur'Tarak is an altered melee map meant for 2 to 8 players. I recommend playing in 4Vs4.


Back story:
The secret land of Gur'Tarak has always been a place of misfits and terrors. This is, among other things, where necromancers' apprentices come to study the Art of the Undying...
Located somewhere near the Plaguelands, Gur'Tarak is a hidden enclave known only to those destined to the dark arts of necromancy. Imbued with death and forgotten spells, the Earth itselft reeks bloody, dusty old bones, and spits out new undeads every passing night. Beware!


  • 25 rich gold mines (for a maximum of 8 players)
  • 17 to 23 red camps
  • 8 brown camps
  • 8 green camps
  • 2 portals
  • Strategical positions such as trios of goldmines or relatively narrow bridges

Map particularisms:

  • 13 extra hero options and abilities (some are campaign heroes; others are completely custom with a few features that are kinda innovative, if I can say so)
  • New options include the Val’Kyr Warleader, the first flying hero
  • Alternate skins for some regular heroes
  • Harder than usual creep camps
  • Rewards up to the challenge (for instance, all tomes give +2 stats instead of +1)
  • Some green creep camps may come back at midnight
  • Invulnerable neutrals summon squads of zombies at night, that patrol the map, hostiles to every player
  • Imperfect symmetry (personal taste, I don’t like when geography looks like copy/paste too much)


  • Blizzard Entertainment (of course)
  • Models and skings: JAKEZINC, Vulfar, Bagysta, The Lich KIng., Tier10Trash, nGy, Ken Lenard Navarro, Champara Bros, Mythic, JesusHipster, dehme, assasin_lord
  • Icons: ~Nightmare, OgeRfaCes, Anachron, Marshmalo, CRAZYRUSSIAN, NFWar, PrinceYaser, The Panda, Novart, JollyD, Darkfang, Chaosy, Hellx-Magnus, 4eNNightmare, Schmiki, komarovba, Vinz, PrinceYaser
  • Tips: Mayday, supertoinkz, Dr Super Good

I hope I am not forgetting anyone. If I did, please let me know so I can update this list.


[Version 1] RELEASE

Known issues:

  • As I work with a French version of the editor and the game, some tooltips may remain in French despite my efforts. I am not sure how much is automatically translated by your set up. I try to capture and translate every part that's in French, but as I said, working with the editor in my tongue, it's kinda hard to see when it's normal for the text to be in French or not... All I know is I made all my changes in English, just for you guys :goblin_sleep:

- Fixed the weird pathblocks about everywhere (sorry 'bout that!)
- Lowered the power and re-balanced mana costs/ cooldowns of some of the Val'Kyr Warleader's abilities
- Fixed the missile of the same hero (flying version)
- Changed the amount of wood per tree from (50) 200 to 120 - except for the dead-like ones that still give 50
- Moved various trees for path issues (and sometimes a bit stupid AI)

- Added hero glow to the new custom heroes
- Fixed a missing tooltpip for the Orc Demonist
- Slightly decreased the mana cost of the Demonist [Death Bolt] abilty to make it more competitive
- Changed the order of some icons to make more sense regarding abilities and heroes

Custom hero focus: The Orcish Demonist​

  • The [Inferno] ability
  • The [Hell Rains] ability
  • [Connexion]: As in WoW and HoTS, the Demonist can now sacrifice some life to regain mana. Requires level 4.
  • [Void Summoning] The Demonic variant of Water Elemental. Level 2 and 3 void walkers have [Dissipate magic].
  • [Eredari Pact] Summons a powerful Eredar to serve, with unlimited lifespan. Requires level 6. Has [Spell Resistance], [Reaction], [Fireball] and [Last Contract]. When used, [Last Contract] quickly drains all Eredars of their health to restaure the Demonist's life. Also drains some mana during the process to the Demonist.
These modifications to the Demonist aim to make him a bit more fun and different from existing heroes... and obviously more balanced, too. These new spells, like [Void Summoning] and [Connexion] also make him more like what we are used to with Demonists in the Warcraft universe.

Bug fix regarding heroes​

  • Players should no longer be able to recruit more than 3 heroes, no matter who they choose.
  • Players should no longer be able to recruit more than one instance of the same heroes (custom heroes used to cause some issues...)

Lorewise minor change​

  • Resurect spells like the Val'Kyr's and the Paladin's ones can now target the corpses that friendly graveyards spawn. This is an important strategical change for undead players who chose the Val'Kyr Warleader as one of their three heroes, especially in ealy game as you can use this to send more ghouls collect wood, harass your enemis, explore, or have your heores attack green camps sooner. And regarding the lore, it seemed weird the Val'Kyr could not use the corpses from her own player.
  • I do not yet know how I can prevent Human Paladins to draw advantage from this update, but will look into it.

Minor fixes regarding looting, the respawning zombies and ghosts of the map are also less of an annoyance in later game, and more interesting to actually send back to their graves everytime. Also enabled the Val'Kyr's second ultimate to be chosen at level 5 (so that players do not have to pick one or the other at level 6). Few small changes to the doodad placements and topography of the map as well. The Hand of Loas hero should now be properly displayed as a hero and as such, should be available for recruitment only once.

  • Added missing French to English translations
  • Fixed a couple bugs with thumbnails and tooltips
  • Decreased the effect area of the Earthbinder's "Earthshield"
  • Added some tips and information about the map in the quest menu.

Author’s notes:

This map is my fourth addition to the Hive after Leafshade, Aletharion’s lair, and The Doomed Temple of Newerthep. I hope you will enjoy this one as much as the others! Please let me know of any bugs and give me some feedback. I am open to suggestions, as long as they are not too harsh nor too complex for my limited skills ;)

HAVE FUN![/hidden]

Gur'Tarak (Map)

-some new player tips would be useful in the Quest menu. -the Stone Shield area of effect of the Earthbinder hero is actually bigger than the radius of the effect; its button position also changes when it's active. -found a disabled icon imported...


Map Reviewer
Level 24
Nov 2, 2013
While this looks fun, it is clearly an altered melee and not a "normal" melee. Therefore please remove the "melee" tag, as it is meant to eb reserved for maps that offer unaltered wc3 gameplay like the normal battle net ladder maps.
Level 8
Aug 18, 2015
how do you download the skins and models is it to hard ?
I'm not sure what you mean. Dow you mean, is it hard to import those models (all downloaded from the HiveWorkshop) into a map? If that is the question, I'd say no. It's a matter of naming the files. There are tutorials on this website, if you're interested :)

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

-some new player tips would be useful in the Quest menu.
-the Stone Shield area of effect of the Earthbinder hero is actually bigger than the radius of the effect; its button position also changes when it's active.
-found a disabled icon imported incorrectly, also several tooltips are in french and the buttons of some spells are not placed correctly. (I attached a photo).
-the custom abilities of all heroes are just the standard ones modified a bit.

Sorry but this isn't something that I can approve. It feels like a completely rushed map with no attention to details or gameplay aspects.

Set to simple
Level 8
Aug 18, 2015
-some new player tips would be useful in the Quest menu.
-the Stone Shield area of effect of the Earthbinder hero is actually bigger than the radius of the effect; its button position also changes when it's active.
-found a disabled icon imported incorrectly, also several tooltips are in french and the buttons of some spells are not placed correctly. (I attached a photo).
-the custom abilities of all heroes are just the standard ones modified a bit.

Sorry but this isn't something that I can approve. It feels like a completely rushed map with no attention to details or gameplay aspects.

Set to simple

Thanks for your review.

I've just fixed most of these things you mentioned. Kinda hard for the French issues though, as I work with a French version of the editor and game (it's written in the "Known issues" section). Some parts are automatically translated by the game, others are not. And I never know why ahah!

Regarding the custom heroes, I guess I should have called them "additional hero options" as, as you pointed out, most of them do not have true custom abilities - in the sense of something more than a reskin and such. The goal of these additional heroes is to give players more options regarding strategy, including things they can not normally do with their current race. There are quite a few very custom abilities, though: like "Val'Kyr's Pact", "Earthborn" and more. I would do more, but those kind of abilities require more trigger/ coding knowledge than I have. I can only do simple stuff :)
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