Leafshade (Reforged edition)

Created by Nortander/Cleclejossstone

Map Info

This is an altered melee-style, Reforged friendly map for 4 players.


  • 17 gold mines
  • 12 to 14 hostile nightelf camps
  • 10 hostile orcish camps
  • 6 other hostile nature camps (including 2 dragon ones)
  • 2 miniboss: Archidruid Angryleaf and Great-Elementalist Earthbond
  • 4 portals
  • 2 gobelin hutts
  • 2 fountains
  • A dragon camp for recruitment
  • 4 starting locations
  • A central bonus (strategical) position
  • Minions do not give "+1 tomes" but "+2" (always)
  • Extra hero options for each playable race

Some other stuff about Leafshade

"This green land has been inhabited by various clans of Orcs and Elves for centuries. Although they surprisingly managed to live rather peacefully all these years, they won't tolerate any other people to settle in their haven.
Be warned!"








Version 1: Release

Version 2: Hotfix

  • Added screenshots to description
  • Added a small separation between the central gold map and the dragon spawn

Version 3: Update

  • Added many doodads and nature stuff
  • Added 4 green hostile creep camps
  • Added two portals to erase an advantage of the Southern players
  • Added Two Gobelin Huts
  • Added much tile painting

  • Changed the repartition of trees, especially around the goldmines that are the closest to the starting locations
  • Changed the repartition of creep units (stronger on main gold mines and weaker around the less important ones)
  • Modified the status of creep units (#camp)
  • Made things more symetrical in general

Version 4: Balance update

  • Added many doodads and nature stuff
  • Added some more tile paint
  • Added 2000 gold to each starting mine
  • Added some lines to the description ingame
  • Added treasures to forgotten green camps
  • Added a few screenshots again

  • Changed the repartition of trees, especially around the starting goldmines to give more space to players
  • Modified the status of forgotten creep units (#camp)
  • Made things more symetrical in general

  • Fixed an issue where only archer appeared at the green camp close to player 1
  • Fixed an issue with the trees that prevented orcs to build a settlement around the central gold mine without cutting them

Version 4.1: Balance update

  • Practically doubled the amount of doodads and tile painting to make the whole map look more loke the eastern edge of the map in previous versions
  • Added some neutral wildlife (Leafhsade's brown bears)
  • Added some trees in various locations
  • Added +2 strengh tomes to the "minions" item table
  • Added a few wild beings (deers, bears...), nature stuff and tile painting

  • Changed the repartition of trees, especially around the central goldmine to give more space to players and allow strategical decisions
  • Changed the terrain in the central area and created more space
  • Changed the amount of gold in the central goldmine (from 40000 to 33000)

Version 4.2: Strategy update

  • General intention: fasten a bit the game, give it a bit more balance, increase the AI efficiency, increase a bit the neutral hostile camps difficulty, smooth the last few bugs and miscreations
  • Modified the amount of resources in most goldmines to fasten the game and make the biggest more interesting
  • Switched the localisation of certain goldmines' guardians to fasten the game and to match difficulty with the amount of ressources within
  • Modified the localisation of an eastern green orcish camp, so that it is about as close to the two closest players' starting location
  • Erased some trees so that AI can manage access to the 4 central goldmines
  • Added various neutral hostile units to the portals leading to the central area (for the first time, following your recent invasion, the Orcs and Elves of Leafshade fight side by side, their finest warriors together to protect their most sacred space!)
  • Added a few baby dragons near the dragon lair
  • Added tile and decorations all around the map
  • Added camp units where player 1 is supposed to start, in case you chose another starting location

Version 5: Reforged update

  • Changed the map and units globally so that it becomes Reforged friendly
  • Erased the old custom skins as they were not as good as the reforged new ones
  • Added two playables heroes to each race (Humans get the Elven Protector and the Ranger/ Orcs get the Demonist and the Beast Tamer/ Undeads have the Demon Lord as well as the Dark Ranger/ Night Elves get to play with the Highborn ghost and the Murloc Oracle)
  • Fixed the new heroes so that their power level and abilities suit their races and the usual hero rules of Warcraft.

Version 5.1: Custom heroes fixes

  • Changed a few creep units for more diversity and challenge
  • Added a couple creep units to various camps that were too easy
  • Fixed a bug where the additional custom heroes could be trained several times
  • Fixed a bug where these same heroes did not count in the hero training limit of three
  • Balanced the new heroes a couple more
  • Gave some of them new custom and more suitable abilities
  • Added yet again a few props and decorative stuff
  • Replaced the old screenshots by Reforged ones
  • Weakened the Orc Demonist yet again as he's proven to be too strong
  • Changed the "Death bolt" ability of the Orc Demonist so that it doesn't permanently stun targeted enemy units anymore
  • Modified the "Sentinel" ability of the Human ranger so it's not mixed up with the Priestress of the moon's
  • Improved the Elven Protector's base HP by 150
  • Slightly rebalanced base and per level Strength, Intelligence and Agility + base damages so that it makes more sense and logic considering the different classes (a sorceress should not have as many HP as a warrior, for instance)
  • The map does not use custom forces anymore so players are free to choose their teams
  • Included a map view from the above to the screenshots section
  • Missing tooltips for various units and spells, especially the ones for the extra hero options
  • Some adornments throughout the map
  • A new creep unit : the Elven Keeper (See the Credits section for the model)
  • A couple units to the four riverside creep camps, that were too easy compared to the more accessible ones near the players' main base, while more interesting regarding resources
  • New models that fit Leafshade and its "lore" way more, and also better differentiate the creep units from your regular ones : those new models are intended to be more savage and to show that both the Orcs of the Leafshade tribe and the Elves have adapted to this eerie collaboration in the woods.
  • Various special effects and icons for the customs abilities of the extra heroes.
  • Some Franglish tooltips and descriptions. Some may remain as I use the Editor in my mothertongue, they are hard to detect
  • Reduced the size of the Murloc Oracle, who used to look more like a golem!
  • A weird tree placement near the middle-west creep camp that made it uneasy to attack with larger units or even see
  • The Murloc Oracle's model, so that it fits more his touched-by-Elune backstory
  • The Map options so that uses the last melee patchs from Blizzard
  • The extra heroes, especially the two night-elven ones:
  1. Highborn Ghost: Changed the ultimate ability [Arcane Mastery] so that it also provides a bonus in intelligence and base damage, making the hero more efficient in solo combat, and increasing his mana/ mana regeneration. The ability is still obtainable at level 5. With this adjustment, the Highborn becomes more interesting in early game. Since Immunity Necklaces can drop in some creep camps, it seemed important to give hime something more than the mere natural Spell immunity he had. As this hero's efficiency revolves around mana, this should help him quite a lot!
  2. Murloc Oracle: Made him a Mass Support Hero, able to summon murloc minions to aid him in battle with [Murloc Wave]. The [Healing Flows] ability is now a little different from the Orcish ability. The healing waves now affect one more target and give more lifepoints but this amount decrease much faster, from one unit to the other. Decrease rate increased from 25 to 33%. The Hydra summoned with the ultimate [Tiny Pet] now lasts 60 seconds (previously 120) as its spawns are of infinite duration: it was a bit too strong and needed balance, compared to the [Inferno]'s and [Doom] ultimates of Undeads. Slightly modified the stats of the [Hurricane] skill.

Fixed some icons that should now display properly
  • The Highborn's [Arcanic Strike] can now target buildings and mechanicals, too
  • [Tiny Pet] can no longer be used on friendly units, nor flying ones
  • Changed the portrait of the Keeper of the Groove so that it fits its new model
  • Slightly reduced the Keeper of the Groove's speed base movement (320 > 300), slightly increased its size and reduced its selection scale.

Version 6 : Custom heroes fixes


  • 4 new heroes to harmonize with my other maps. Please welcome the Val'Kyr Warleader (first flying hero!), The Great Inquisitor, The Earthbinder and The Hand of Loas, each of them gifted with a unique playstyle!
  • Hero glow to custom heroes and the lacking mini-boss (The Archidruid Angryleaf)
  • Some missing tooltips for custom units and spells

  • Balanced custom heroes
  • Changed some display options regarding spells so that it makes more sense

Version 6.1: Custom hero focus: The Orcish Demonist

  • The [Inferno] ability
  • The [Hell Rains] ability

  • [Connexion]: As in WoW and HoTS, the Demonist can now sacrifice some life to regain mana. Requires level 4.
  • [Void Summoning] The Demonic variant of Water Elemental. Level 2 and 3 void walkers have [Dissipate magic].
  • [Eredari Pact] Summons a powerful Eredar to serve, with unlimited lifespan. Requires level 6. Has [Spell Resistance], [Reaction], [Fireball] and [Last Contract]. When used, [Last Contract] quickly drains all Eredars of their health to restaure the Demonist's life. Also drains some mana during the process to the Demonist.
These modifications to the Demonist aim to make him a bit more fun and different from existing heroes... and obviously more balanced, too. These new spells, like [Void Summoning] and [Connexion] also make him more like what we are used to with Demonists in the Warcraft universe.

Bug fix regarding heroes

  • Players should no longer be able to recruit more than 3 heroes, no matter who they choose.
  • Players should no longer be able to recruit more than one instance of the same heroes (custom heroes used to cause some issues...)
  • Added a few missing tooltips

Known issues:

  • In some very specific cases, you might only be able to have only two heroes (working on it, please give info if you encounter this bug)
  • Some Franglish tooltips and descriptions may still appear


Thanks so much to:
I hope I'm not forgeting anyone. If so, please tell me so that I make this right! And please, go check all those people's hard work. They are a bunch of talented guys!

Thanks to everyone who gave Leafshade a try! And, off course, thanks to Blizzard Entertainment for this incredible game.

I hope you'll have fun playing this map.
In any case, this is my very first time sharing a map of mine so please be nice in the comment section.
Also, I'm open to every constructive comment, as long as you make it as clear as possible (I'm not an English native speaker therefore it can be tough to understand you guys, sometimes!)
See you!

PS: Nortander is MY name ingame.

First, Warcraft, Melee, Boss, Nightelf, Orcs, Woods, Green, Map, Four, Three, Rain, Dragons, Ashenval, Ashenvale, Druid, Shaman, Chaman, Nature

Leafshade (Map)

[2016-05-23] Rufus Moderation Note Veredict: Changes have been made. I think you can do even more terrain-wise, but I can see that you have improved it! There is one creep-camp to the south-east with weird tree placement in front of it. This...




Rufus Moderation Note

Changes have been made.
I think you can do even more terrain-wise, but I can see that you have improved it!
There is one creep-camp to the south-east with weird tree placement in front of it. This should be changed as it obscures the camp, and fighting in that area is a mess.
For the middle area:
I suggest you remove the treeline between the portals and remove the stones east of the portals, and the trees in fron of them, and you might have a pretty good area going.

There are still things to be improved here, but the map is playable in its current state.
I approve this with no rating, and leave it up to the players to determine what this map deserves.

Next Review: [2016-05-20]
Rufus Moderation Note

What you need to do:
The terrain needs to be improved.
Most areas looks like they are unfinished, as they have weird and unnatural treelines, open vacant fields with the exception for a few birds trees and random cliffs. The only area in this map that looks good is the eastern edge of the map. You should get inspired by the style you used here and apply it to the rest of the map.

The custom creeps are nice. I like the idea of them, ans that there are "Bosses" scattered over the camps. The item drops could be argued, as they have a chance to drop shield of honour, but I think it is ok. However, the minon item table drops tomes, but a tome of strength is not included while both agility and intelligence is included. This should be hcanged.

The portals in the middle is also good. The doodads around them make it look overtaken by nature over time, which adds a good atmospherical feeling. Well done.

The middle area needs a rework.
It is a cramped area with weird tree placement, with a 40k gold mine. The god mine is positioned in the center of the map, but leading an army there is not easy. Sending your troops through the gateways will stack them beside each other in a strange fashiion that does not allow for tactical positioning because of the cramped area.

Status set to Awaiting Update.
Level 11
Mar 4, 2016
Tested It now Its Quite Amazing But Can You Seperate The goldmine in the Center and The Dragon Roost Cause Whenever a Player Controls The Point of The Gold Mine The Player Controls Also The Roost So that It will be Hard for Players to Recruit Dragon
Man This is Just a request you Can dont mind my comment
Level 5
Dec 31, 2015
I think if you check this out, it will improve your map description. This kind of description might get rejected.




By Cleclejossstone
By Cleclejossstone

The neutrals needs a lot of work. I think if you change the models of the neutrals, it would be great, like the Fighters, Bowers and so on. You should use the Grunts, and some other imported model on the races, not on the neutrals. Also, you need to improve the placement of the neutrals, it does not look good. Some neutrals are in a plain or empty area. However, the items is well-placed and balance.

Another thing is the gold mine. There are some gold mine close enough to the starting base, which it can give advantage. The golds from the gold mine is too low, try increasing it, so, it will last longer.

Trees are not well-placed. The starting base has a lot of trees, making the starting base more smaller.​

The description is not looking good. You should try to improve it. Try to take a look at the link I gave you above, or click here. This kind of description gets rejected, try improving it as soon as possible. And try adding some screentshots, to attract more users. Follow the link giving by BlueFire, or click here. For now, the description is very informative, and it need to be improve.

Created by: Nortander
Are you the author of the map? Or did you just continue this? You need permission, so it will not get rejected.

Suggested Players: Tous
What do you mean about that? I suggest you just put there 4.

Also, try adding version to the map, and changelog.

The terrain wasn't good. I can see a lot of plain or empty area, like at the middle top of the map. Also, the way you put the tiles wasn't good enough. And the decorations of doodads needs to be improve.​

I suggest to take a look this and this, to increase your knowlegde in creating a melee map. I will rate it 1/5, voting for awaiting update.​
Last edited:
Level 8
Aug 18, 2015
Replies to first comments (map, screenshots and description issues)

Wow! So many comments already! Thanks guys for the advice!

Aight, nice, now just put them in the description of your map. If you do not know how to do that then there; http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/m...iption-241054/
- Thank you! I tried to figure this out by myself but I couldn't find :/ I'll do it your way then.

If you want to I may take my time to properly review this map, keep in mind that I really am not good at reviewing though :D.
- It would be appreciated!

Looks Nice You man You also like Altered Melee I got One:
- Glad you like it! I'll check yours as soon as I can :)

Tested It now Its Quite Amazing But Can You Seperate The goldmine in the Center and The Dragon Roost Cause Whenever a Player Controls The Point of The Gold Mine The Player Controls Also The Roost So that It will be Hard for Players to Recruit Dragon
- Thanks a lot for this comment! Actually, I think you're absolutely right! I thought of this issue myself when creating the map but I imagined it would not be such a big deal. However, after playing it by myself a few times, I think I'm gonna change it as you said :)

I think if you check this out, it will improve your map description. This kind of description might get rejected.
- Thanks Aether! I actually read it before and after writing the map description and I changed a few things to abide by the rules but it seems kinda complicated ^^ Anyway, I'll make the changes! I promise. Thanks again for taking your time to reply! I really appreciate.

A big thumbs up to all of you! Thanks!
Level 4
Nov 5, 2013
Okay so, I downloaded the map, played it a few times and now I think I'll jump onto the review;

The feel of the map is nice and melee maps with custom models are not seen too often, however there seems to be many things to be fixed to make this map enjoyable to play.

Some "Failed" Things;
The terrain definetly seems to be lacking and the placement of the tree doodats is actually a little unbalanced at times. Some of the Gold mine creep camps don't have enough space for an expansion, which makes them less usable. This is just minor but I think the term "Bower" isn't gramatically correct, you should use "Bowman" instead. Some of the creep facing seems to be wrong they should mostly face the same point. There is a creep camp that reaches level 30 which is far too much in a Melee map in my opinion. The gateaway that leads to the middle camp is imbalancely placed and the two players at the bottom have an advantage with it, you should put a gateaway from both sides.

Placing gold mine creep camps around the player bases is a little stupid, replace them with weaker camps, also make these camps symmetrical for balance issues. You need good tile variation and this goes especially for melee maps, it just makes the map nicer to the eye. Of course you need to put up many more doodads as well, there doesn't seem to be much doodads. As I previously stated you should make the camps mainly symmetrical in order to reach a balanced gameplay.

Some Last Words;
The map definetly has much potential but the gameplay isn't too balanced because of the map overlay and some doodad placement. There need to be creep camps at the player positions to fill up space if there are not enough players, also you need to set most of the creep camps "TAR" to "Camp". Welp the map definetly has potential but for now I give it a 1.2/5 and am voting for "Awaiting Update".
Level 8
Aug 18, 2015
Version 2

To: Aether and Bluefire, thanks for your reviews!
(NB: Sorry Aether, I just realised about an hour ago I actually had to click to see your review ^^).

My reply below is very long so I hid it:

Are you the author of the map?
- Yes I am. It is written at the bottom of the description: I am both Nortander and Cleclejossstone, Nortander being my name ingame.

It took me a long time to read everything plus the links you both gave me, to think about it, and to make the changes necessary.
Sooooooooooo. I agree with pretty much everything and I tried to make as you said, except on the few points below:
The neutrals needs a lot of work. I think if you change the models of the neutrals, it would be great, like the Fighters, Bowers and so on. You should use the Grunts, and some other imported model on the races, not on the neutrals.
- Though I understand this logic, this is not really the point of this map. There are already plenty maps like this with customs models and units for everything and I find it rather boring actually. If I changed a few models for the creeps, it's because of the "story" behind the map. The orcs and elves that live there have been separated from their peoples for quite a long time and they have changed their habits, their clothes, their tools and so on... About the orcs, it's above all because I didn't wan't to put trolls so I had to figure what range units I would give the orcs of Leafshade. I totally understand your view but it's just my personal preference :D

What do you mean about that? I suggest you just put there 4.
- Oopsie, I knew I was forgetting something... :/ I'll fix it next update for now.

The starting base has a lot of trees, making the starting base more smaller.
- Again, it's because of my personal preference. However, I did reduce a little the amount of trees around the starting bases. But I above all changed the repartition of trees everywhere else to make things more symetrical and balanced.

The terrain wasn't good. I can see a lot of plain or empty area, like at the middle top of the map. Also, the way you put the tiles wasn't good enough. And the decorations of doodads needs to be improve.
- That, I agree! I put more attention of those details on the last update. I hope this is better now, everytime I add doodads and decoration, I feel like this is too much.

This is just minor but I think the term "Bower" isn't gramatically correct, you should use "Bowman" instead.
- Ahaha! Sorry, I do my best with English but that's not my mother tongue. I modified it, but I allowed myself a little play on words and wrote "boworc" rather than "bowman". My contradictory spirit! :grin:

There is a creep camp that reaches level 30 which is far too much in a Melee map in my opinion.
- I reduced the level of this camp you're talking about, though I personaly liked it as it was. To me, small maps are always frustrating because you finish them before your heroes get a chance to get level 10. So I always try to give them as much Xp and as much challenge as I can ^^

Make these camps symmetrical for balance issues
- They already seemed rather symmetrical to me but I reworked it anyway :)

You need good tile variation and this goes especially for melee maps, it just makes the map nicer to the eye.
- I agree, I just think I'm not really good in this matter :goblin_cry:

You need to set most of the creep camps "TAR" to "Camp"
- Thanks! I always wondered what was the use of this tool! Now I know.

Weeeeeell! Those were the things I didn't agree with. Or not completely. Or... Well, you see my point! Either way, I tried to please you each time.
And each point you talked about that is not mentionned here has been modified just as you wanted.
The description has evolved as well, obviously, though the screenshot of the map did not change for some reason :vw_wtf:

Anyway! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your time and consideration!
I hope you'll like Leafshade better now.
See you!
Level 5
Dec 31, 2015
NB: Sorry Aether, I just realised about an hour ago I actually had to click to see your review ^^
Yeah, haha. :)
Yes I am. It is written at the bottom of the description: I am both Nortander and Cleclejossstone, Nortander being my name ingame.
Though I understand this logic, this is not really the point of this map. There are already plenty maps like this with customs models and units for everything and I find it rather boring actually. If I changed a few models for the creeps, it's because of the "story" behind the map. The orcs and elves that live there have been separated from their peoples for quite a long time and they have changed their habits, their clothes, their tools and so on...
But, if you put custom models to the neutrals, make sure the races doesn't have it.
Level 8
Aug 18, 2015
After playing a few times this afternoon, I found a few things to fix:
-The green camp for player one has only one archer (they should be two);
-One starting position still lacks of a little of place in comparison with the others;
-There's still a small area in the middle north that lacks of decoration an tile diversity;
-The starting mines might still lack of gold (just a little);
-The limits of the playable area still need some more decorations and stuff for when the trees are cut;
-I still have to put the "4 players" thing in the description ingame.

Tell me if you thought of others things! I'll fix this after your comment in version 3, tomorrow.
Good night! :)
Level 4
Nov 5, 2013

Okay so I decided to look at this map again. I see that you made some nice improvements; More doodads, tile variatons, camp balance and all that. I went through as much stuff as I could basically. While I think the terrain could be a little better I think it is definetly better then it was before.

Anyways, re-rating to 3.5
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Next Review: [2016-05-20]
Rufus Moderation Note

What you need to do:
The terrain needs to be improved.
Most areas looks like they are unfinished, as they have weird and unnatural treelines, open vacant fields with the exception for a few birds trees and random cliffs. The only area in this map that looks good is the eastern edge of the map. You should get inspired by the style you used here and apply it to the rest of the map.

The custom creeps are nice. I like the idea of them, ans that there are "Bosses" scattered over the camps. The item drops could be argued, as they have a chance to drop shield of honour, but I think it is ok. However, the minon item table drops tomes, but a tome of strength is not included while both agility and intelligence is included. This should be hcanged.

The portals in the middle is also good. The doodads around them make it look overtaken by nature over time, which adds a good atmospherical feeling. Well done.

The middle area needs a rework.
It is a cramped area with weird tree placement, with a 40k gold mine. The god mine is positioned in the center of the map, but leading an army there is not easy. Sending your troops through the gateways will stack them beside each other in a strange fashiion that does not allow for tactical positioning because of the cramped area.

Status set to Awaiting Update.
Level 8
Aug 18, 2015
I see that you made some nice improvements; More doodads, tile variatons, camp balance and all that. I went through as much stuff as I could basically. While I think the terrain could be a little better I think it is definetly better then it was before.

Anyways, re-rating to 3.5
- Thanks a lot! I improved the map again after Rufus review so I think you'll like it even better now! Thanks again for your time and kindness.

To Rufus: thanks a lot for your review! Each time I add doodads, I feel like it's too much but it's actually never enough, ahaha!
I've just released the version 4 of the map and I tried to make things better, thanks to your advice. I hope I made it right! :-D
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Rufus Moderation Note

Changes have been made.
I think you can do even more terrain-wise, but I can see that you have improved it!
There is one creep-camp to the south-east with weird tree placement in front of it. This should be changed as it obscures the camp, and fighting in that area is a mess.
For the middle area:
I suggest you remove the treeline between the portals and remove the stones east of the portals, and the trees in fron of them, and you might have a pretty good area going.

There are still things to be improved here, but the map is playable in its current state.
I approve this with no rating, and leave it up to the players to determine what this map deserves.
Level 8
Aug 18, 2015
Changes have been made.
I think you can do even more terrain-wise, but I can see that you have improved it!
There is one creep-camp to the south-east with weird tree placement in front of it. This should be changed as it obscures the camp, and fighting in that area is a mess.
For the middle area:
I suggest you remove the treeline between the portals and remove the stones east of the portals, and the trees in fron of them, and you might have a pretty good area going.
- Thanks a lot! I'll try to fix those things later, I'm glad you see the improvements! :)
I'll release a patch later but probably not until Sunday.
See ya!